Stuart Littlewood
What Do You Say to Your Pro-Israel MP?
My local MP answered a letter I signed demanding "no UK arms to Israel"
October 30th, 2024 by Stuart Littlewood
Who are We to Accuse Iran of “Malign Influence”?
US & UK have never behaved honourably in the Middle East
October 12th, 2024 by Stuart Littlewood
UN’s High Ideals Brought down by American Legislation
October 9th, 2024 by Stuart Littlewood
The Shameful Journey from “Prelude to Genocide” to “Slow-motion Genocide” to “Rampant Genocide”
And the international community won’t intervene
June 6th, 2024 by Stuart Littlewood
Could These Arrest Warrants Signal the Beginning of the End for the “Axis of Evil”?
Israel's stooges in the West squirm as their adoration for the apartheid state turns sour
May 25th, 2024 by Stuart Littlewood
Israeli Land-grabbers Return “Home” to Sderot
And resume their hill-top viewing of the carnage in Gaza
April 13th, 2024 by Stuart Littlewood
Are Our Political Leaders Really so Ignorant about International Law?
And will they ever be brave enough to brand Israel a terrorist regime?
April 8th, 2024 by Stuart Littlewood
Bishops Rapped over Feeble Response to Holy Land Genocide
Motion by two Cambridge churchmen to Ely Synod requiring Bishops to issue a more robust condemnation of Israel's violations of international humanitarian law was passed 23 for, 15 against.
March 29th, 2024 by Stuart Littlewood
Questions for the PSC (Palestine Solidarity Campaign)
And its partner groups
March 9th, 2024 by Stuart Littlewood
Palestinians’ Superior Right to Self-defence is Ignored, as Usual
UK’s Cameron/Sunak claptrap turns international law on its head
December 20th, 2023 by Stuart Littlewood
Panic-stricken Israel Lobby Shifts into Overdrive
December 8th, 2023 by Stuart Littlewood
Israel’s Lies and Deception
How they bamboozle the West into support
October 31st, 2023 by Stuart Littlewood
International Community Faces Acid Test on Gaza
October 23rd, 2023 by Stuart Littlewood
Gaza’s Ahli: Large Numbers of People Took Refuge There because it is a Christian Hospital
Wounded transferred to the already overwhelmed Al-Shifa Hospital where doctors are performing surgery on the floor and in the halls, mostly without anaesthetics
October 19th, 2023 by Stuart Littlewood
Edwin Montagu, the Only Jew in the UK Cabinet, Opposed the Balfour Declaration and Called Zionism “a mischievous political creed”
October 14th, 2023 by Stuart Littlewood
Who are the Real Terrorists in the Palestine Story?
And Why are Western Leaders Committed to Protecting Them?
October 10th, 2023 by Stuart Littlewood
Did Hamas Just Give Israel a Dose of its Own Medicine?
Europe’s leaders obediently takes the apartheid state’s side
October 9th, 2023 by Stuart Littlewood
Israel Continues Its “Shoot-to-Cripple” Policy Targeting Youngsters with Impunity
Still no sign of sanctions from the self-righteous international community
October 7th, 2023 by Stuart Littlewood
Palestine sends a Plain Message to Trump and Kushner in Run-up to their “Deal of the Century”
June 1st, 2019 by Stuart Littlewood
Was that the Next Palestinian President You Just Banned, Mr Trump?
May 23rd, 2019 by Stuart Littlewood
Labour: anti-Semitic or just resisting occupation?
The war on Corbyn heats up
February 21st, 2019 by Stuart Littlewood
Saving the Holy Land
October 19th, 2018 by Stuart Littlewood
After 70 Years of Abuse, a Definition of Anti-Palestinian Racism
Is this where the fight-back begins?
October 10th, 2018 by Stuart Littlewood
Interview with Miko Peled
An insider's views on the Zionist project
September 21st, 2018 by Stuart Littlewood
Gullible, Gutless and Gagged
Legal advice and common sense jettisoned as UK Labour Party leaders surrender to Zionist diktat
September 7th, 2018 by Stuart Littlewood
Is UK Labour Now Zionist-occupied Territory?
Befuddled Party waits to be gagged by 'enemy within'
September 3rd, 2018 by Stuart Littlewood
Crucifying Corbyn: Former Chief Rabbi joins in
August 30th, 2018 by Stuart Littlewood
Labour Self-destructs under “Anti-Semitism” Allegations
Party members and officials seem to like having their rulebook rewritten by the meddlesome Israel lobby and are happily using it to crush their colleagues. What's the answer?
August 22nd, 2018 by Stuart Littlewood
Israel Wreaks Terror on Another Harmless Mercy Ship
And the list of monstrous crimes against human decency just got even longer
August 3rd, 2018 by Stuart Littlewood
Zionist Inquisition in full cry
Their quarry: anti-racist Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn; their weapons: anti-semitism smears; their purpose: to oust Corbyn and replace him with a compliant pro-Israel stooge
July 30th, 2018 by Stuart Littlewood