James Petras
Washingtons Long War Against Africa
April 17th, 2011 by James Petras
Libya and Obama’s Defense of the Rebel Uprising
April 2nd, 2011 by James Petras
Billionaires Flourish, Inequalities Deepen as Economies “Recover”
March 24th, 2011 by James Petras
Corporations Serve the State: Sanction Policies and the Zionist Power Structure
March 22nd, 2011 by James Petras
Roots of the Arab Revolts and Premature Celebrations
March 3rd, 2011 by James Petras
Greek PM: Zionism and the IMF’s Last Best Friend
February 26th, 2011 by James Petras
The Empire Loses a Publicist: The Epitaph of an Ideologue
February 23rd, 2011 by James Petras
American Zionism against the Egyptian Pro-Democracy Movement
February 21st, 2011 by James Petras
Egypt: Social Movements, the CIA, and Mossad
February 16th, 2011 by James Petras
Washington Faces the Arab Revolts: Sacrificing Dictators to Save the State
February 8th, 2011 by James Petras
Networks of Empire and Realignments of World Power
January 3rd, 2011 by James Petras
Rethinking Imperialist Theory
December 22nd, 2010 by James Petras
Latin America’s Twenty First Century Capitalism and the US Empire
December 3rd, 2010 by James Petras
Cutting the Deficit: Sacrificing Workers to Save the Rich
November 29th, 2010 by James Petras
The Democratic Party Debacle and the Demise of the Left-Center Left: A Worldwide Trend
November 7th, 2010 by James Petras
Roads to 21st Century Capitalist Development in Latin America
October 19th, 2010 by James Petras
The Ecuadorian Coup: Its Larger Meaning
October 11th, 2010 by James Petras
Imperialism and Imperial Barbarism
September 20th, 2010 by James Petras
The State and Local Bases of Zionist Power in America
September 1st, 2010 by James Petras
Brazil and Venezuela: Two Turning Point Elections this Fall
August 20th, 2010 by James Petras
Crisis. What Crisis? Profits Soar!
August 14th, 2010 by James Petras
US and Venezuela: The Empire Strikes Back (and Loses)
August 10th, 2010 by James Petras
Trends to Barbarism and Prospects for Socialism
July 30th, 2010 by James Petras
The Electrical Workers Union versus President Calderon: Class, Struggle, Represion and the Rise of Narco-Power
July 29th, 2010 by James Petras
Leader of Deathsquads Wins Colombian Election
June 28th, 2010 by James Petras
Twenty-Two Reasons Why American Working People Hate the State
June 18th, 2010 by James Petras
Afghanistan: The Longest Lost War
June 16th, 2010 by James Petras
Israeli War Crimes: From the U.S. Liberty to the Humanitarian Flotilla
June 5th, 2010 by James Petras
Israel’s Nuclear Policy
June 1st, 2010 by James Petras
Latin America’s New Middle Class Rulers: Stabilization, Growth and Inequality
May 22nd, 2010 by James Petras