Regime Change Coming Home?

How low can we go—
Barr is set so low
in its swamp draining
elephantine donkey dung;
We straddle razor blades
between reich/revolution:
Spinal Solution for the
…is regime change
coming home?

Last days of Pompeo—
daylight’s coming and
We wanna smash Rome,
where lion’s shares of
wealth is Pentagon with
the wind beneath F-16
wings and other such
Lethal junk machines

Somewhere there’s a place
for us, beyond Boss Tweet’s
blitzkrieg, jousting with
Hurricane Harvey,
Super Storm Sandy,
windmills, solar panels, unleaded water,
un-poisoned fruit—existential threats of
Socialism and peace…Somewhere there’s
this Shangri-La of work, leisure and love
Health, homes, books our trillions paid for—

Thousands of times over…

Former forklift driver/warehouse worker/janitor, Raymond Nat Turner is a NYC poet; BAR's Poet-in-Residence; and founder/co-leader of the jazz-poetry ensemble UpSurge!NYC. Read other articles by Raymond Nat, or visit Raymond Nat's website.