Satan’s Army, Anti-Christ Army
The army is marching without a head,
The army is marching and cannot see,
The army is marching without order
Thrice to the brink of the shadowed sphere
Where none can hear the screaming cries;
Doomsday Army, Anti-Christ Army, the
Army is marching unto a place without
Time, the army is marching unto a land
Without solace, the army is marching
Unto a chasm without light, the army is
Marching and kneels unto the book burner,
The army is marching over the barren cliff;
Diluvian Army, Anti-Christ Army, the army
Is marching over the blood-drenched
Meadows where no sacred maiden mourns,
The army is marching, the army is marching,
The army is marching betwixt the offal and
The void, the army is marching where no
Dreamers sigh, the army is marching unto
The God of Death, the army is marching,
the army is marching, the army is marching
without a head.