
They all said ‘no’ to gun control
‘It’s our right’ they say, to have guns
It’s no one’s right to end a life
No right to rain bullets in a space
Of people having fun
Or learning, or shopping
Sleeping or at the cinema
No right to kill little children

There’s no right in putting guns
Where children can fire them
By mistake, killing a parent
Or where, in the heat of passion
A man or woman can shoot their spouse
Or even execute them, then suicide
Nor where the unbalanced mind
Can reach, take and kill and maim

This isn’t what was intended to be
By the Founding Fathers, an army
For defense they had in mind
But the Right are funded by gun lobby
They won’t give women choice
Yet give choice to those who kill
It’s a really sick nation that lives
In fear of dying at any moment by guns

Chrissie is much traveled and has lived and worked in several countries. She gained her degrees in Psychology at USC and worked with recovering addicts in the LA area for four years She now lives on the South Coast of England where she writes. Chrissie has been published by Ariel Chart, Bournemouth Borough Council, Plum Tree Books, Mad Swirl, Anti Heroin Chic, Dead Snakes, and other publishers of poetry. Her articles appear in Novel Masters, Democracy Now, Sudden Denouement and other newspapers. Read other articles by Chrissie.