Hanan Ashrawi
by Francis A. Boyle / January 11th, 2015
Fall 1991
There we were
At the Grand Hotel
Supposed to be negotiating peace
When Hanan got word
That the Israelis were expelling
Women and children
From their homes in Silwan
During the pouring rain
You could watch it on CNN
So Hanan called a press conference
Down in the lobby
I marched down with her
The klieg lights were on
The jackals were there
It was Hanan against them
With a young female aide
As Hanan spoke
And the jackals pounced
She fought most valiantly
For Palestine
Then embraced her young aide
A tear fell from her eye
Madonna with Child.
University of Illinois Law Professor Francis A. Boyle served as Legal Advisor to the Palestine Liberation Organization on the 1988 Palestinian Declaration of Independence; to the Palestinian Delegation to the Middle East Peace Negotiations from 1991 to 1993; and to H.E. Chairman and President Yasser Arafat. The story is told in his book
Palestine, Palestinians and International Law (Clarity Press: 2003). He can be reached at:
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