It’s so hard to
by Robert A. Davies / September 21st, 2014
Word wants to sing like a robin at dawn
so clear so CLEAR
Weighted down with its own history
it wants to fly! Isn’t that something?
It wants its song to be understood,
both seen and heard,
that reaches in
takes hold of the heart.
It’s so hard to write a simple poem.
Robert A. Davies has published in recent years largely online. He has been writing poems seriously since 1969. He has published Timber, Tracks in Oregon, Melons and Mendelssohn, and Bluff Hollow. He was co-editor of Mr. Cogito for about 20 years. He has recently appeared in Dissident Voice and Windfall He can be reached at: Read other articles by Robert A..
This article was posted on Sunday, September 21st, 2014 at 2:02pm and is filed under Poetry.