Arab Regime Credibility Hanging by Its Last Invisible Thread

On 25 September I wrote a piece headlined “Obama speaks at the UN… Goodbye to peace.” Since then I’ve seen no need for me to contribute to the debate about the farce that President Obama’s push for peace is and was always going to be. But the Arab League’s decision to give Obama a one-month deadline to rescue the direct talks between Abbas and his quisling administration and Netanyahu and his deluded coalition government demands a comment or two.

Arab leaders know that with America’s mid-term elections fast approaching, there is no way a humiliated, increasingly desperate and isolated Obama can even think about applying real pressure on Israel. (I am still of the opinion that he did not enter the Oval Office programmed to do Zionism’s bidding. His real problem was that he was too inexperienced and naïve. As a consequence of that he was bound to become the prisoner of the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress. At the time of writing, and given his counter-productive escalation of targeted assassinations by armed drones, I am beginning to wonder if Obama will go down in history as one of the worst presidents America has ever had).

So why are they, Arab leaders, going through the motions?

The short answer is that once again they are seeking to cover the ugly nakedness of their impotence.

The most relevant question, it seems to me, is what, in theory, could Arab leaders still do to give themselves a reasonable chance of countering Zionism’s influence on American policy for the Middle East?

Prefaced by a summary statement of all the initiatives the Arabs including the Palestinians have taken for peace on terms which any rational government and people in Israel would have accepted with relief, they could threaten to

  • Sever their diplomatic relations with the U.S.
  • Withdraw their financial support for America’s broken economy
  • Turn off the oil taps

As I have written and said on more than a few occasions in the past, Zionism’s key players know how to play the cards they were dealt and Arab leaders don’t.

Zionism’s four main cards were and are the obscenity of the Nazi holocaust for blackmail purposes; money (virtually unlimited funds) and the influence it buys; the organized Jewish vote; and, more generally speaking, breathtakingly, brilliant organization and co-ordination.

The Arabs have always had an ace that would trump all of Zionism’s cards. OIL.

Imagine what would have happened in the immediate aftermath of the 1967 war if Arab leaders had put their act together and sent one of their number secretly to Washington DC to say something very like the following to President Johnson behind closed doors: “If you don’t get Israel back behind its pre-war borders, we’ll turn off the oil taps.”

If Johnson had believed that Arab leaders were united and serious, he would have replied with something very like the following: “I can’t guarantee swift action on Jerusalem but give me two or three weeks for the rest.”

If the Zionists had been in the Arab position, that IS how they would have played their hand. And that is not pure speculation on my part. Over the years I have been told so by a number of Israeli leaders including former Directors of Military Intelligence.

The main point I’m making is that if Johnson had believed that Arab leaders were united and serious, they would not have had to turn off the oil taps. A secret, credible threat to do so would have been enough to cause Johnson (or any president) to put America’s own best interests first.

Will Arab leaders ever learn how to play their cards (if only to best protect their own longer term, real interests)?

I fear not.

Alan Hart has been engaged with events in the Middle East and globally as a researcher, author, and a correspondent for ITN and the BBC. Read other articles by Alan, or visit Alan's website.

9 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. Ismail Zayid said on October 9th, 2010 at 11:10am #

    There is nothing new about the report here, by Alan Hart, about the apathy and ineffectiveness of the Arab leaders. The Arab world has a tremendous strategic and economic prowess to prevent the US and Israel from conducting their oppressive policies and war crimes in Palestine and Iraq. President Eisenhower declared in 1956: ” The Middle east is the most strategic area in the world, and no foreign power must be allowed to control it.” Evidently, the foreign power, referred to here, included the people of the Middle East themselves, i.e. th Arab World. The leaders of the Arab World have, accordingly complied with the Eisehower declaration!

    However, the oil taps were used once after the 1973 war and were very effective, until President Sadat convinced King Feisal of Saudi Arabia to bring to an end this oil pressure. It is deemed that King Feisal paid a heavy price, with his own life, for using the oil power so effectively.

  2. mary said on October 10th, 2010 at 4:56am #

    These cruel assassinations (worthy of the Mafia) of two Hamas men were hardly mentioned in the British press. Note the demolition afterwards. The Caterpillar bulldozer was obviously standing by. Israel is a terror state and knows no laws.

  3. mnbob said on October 10th, 2010 at 4:18pm #

    Mr hart

    You must be joking:

    “Zionism’s four main cards were and are the obscenity of the Nazi holocaust for blackmail purposes; money (virtually unlimited funds) and the influence it buys; the organized Jewish vote; and, more generally speaking, breathtakingly, brilliant organization and co-ordination. ”

    The organized Jewish vote? They always vote for the guy who is the most hostile to Israel, as an example, James Carter, Barak Obama. Please tell me, when was the last time the “Jewish vote” went to a republican? And the money, show me were it pays for stooges for Israel?
    Just give me a couple of examples of were christian conservatives, the strongest supporters of Israel, are showered with cash and all this organizational skill!

  4. 3bancan said on October 10th, 2010 at 4:30pm #

    mnbob said on October 10th, 2010 at 4:18pm #

    Another zionazi voice singing the old tune “Don’t touch the Jews!”…

  5. mnbob said on October 11th, 2010 at 5:34am #

    Hi 3bancan

    Nice to hear from you. If I might suggest, show an example of what I wrote, instead of calling me a bad name.

  6. kalidas said on October 11th, 2010 at 6:37am #

    Why does this “most hostile to Israel” crappola never translate into anything more than just that?
    The money still flows, whether from Carter, OBarnum or anyone else. The military death planes still arrive. The poison gas and chemicals still bubble away in the background. The presses still print tales of Israel the wondrous democracy with its supremely beneficent Jewish darlings.

    It must be awful to sleep every night with that dreadful pea beneath the mattress.
    Because who knows… that pea might really be an existentially anti-Semitic popcorn kernal lurking there, waiting, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to …. oh, it’s sooooo awful.

  7. shabnam said on October 11th, 2010 at 6:45am #

    {The organized Jewish vote? They always vote for the guy who is the most hostile to Israel, as an example, James Carter, Barak Obama.}

    Brandon Davis in the “Daily Princetonian” is identified as a Jew to write a piece calling on Jews to stand up against apartheid Israel that they have supported for the past 61 years against Palestinian and humanity.
    He writes:

    {just as it is fair to criticize Israeli policies, it is fair to criticize its apologists — groups that claim to represent the entire American Jewish community.The undeniable injustices of the Israeli government and military warrant criticism; silence in the face of these injustices warrants criticism as well.
    It is time for American Jews to stand up against oppression, violence and religious fundamentalism. The tribalism that has persuaded the Jewish people to categorically stand up for Israel for so many years is foolish and outdated. The occupation of the West Bank is wrong. The blockade of Gaza is wrong. The displacement of Palestinian villages is wrong. The continued construction of settlements is wrong. And American Jews have enabled all of it. It’s about time a Jew stood up and said so}

  8. beverly said on October 11th, 2010 at 6:09pm #

    The Arab League ranks right up there with Obama in being feckless wonders. Why is it that all those oil-rich nations in the League can’t do squat to force the US and Israel to do right by the Palestinians? The Saudis, Egypt and crew do a top notch job developing and sponsoring terrorists. If only they would use their powers for good and assist the Palestinians in their fight for human and civil rights.

    It appears the Arab League is as corrupt as any Zionist or US politician. No surprise though; League members don’t even do right by their own citizens, why should I think they’d lift a finger to help out the Palestinians? It also appears that League nations are as scared of pissing off Israel as the US is. Amazing how one little dipshit nation can run roughshod over so many other countries.

    Alan Hart writes:
    “I am still of the opinion that he did not enter the Oval Office programmed to do Zionism’s bidding. His real problem was that he was too inexperienced and naïve.”

    Does anyone know a cure for kool-aid hangover? Get it to this man post haste please. I am too damn tired to keep educating the guillible about how Obama’s feckless, wayward, warmongering, corporatist, evildoing ways ain’t got a DAMN thing to do with the mofo being inexperienced and naive. Obama was vetted long ago by the powers that be (which included a crapload of Zionist players) and found to be a good candidate to carry out their imperialist agenda. He and his family (Ma, Pa, Granpa, and Nanna) even did time working for CIA (Google: Bombshell: Obama outed as CIA creation). From the get go, voters were presented with a faux background on the man (poor son of struggling single mum makes good) and continue to be kept in the dark about him (Obama seals his records once he becomes president).

    Mr. Hart, if you still believe (or even believed in the first place) that Obama’s problem is naivete and inexperience, you need to find another job. Obviously, your skills as a journalist and researcher suck.

  9. Mulga Mumblebrain said on October 12th, 2010 at 7:40am #

    Mr Hart loses me with his assertion that Obama was not Zionazi own, controlled and promoted property from the beginning of his career as political confidence-man. To ignore the evidence of two years of betrayal after betrayal and following Zionazi orders to the letter, seems to me either disingenuous or almost unbelievably naive. The latest atrocity, the offer to the Zionazi Fuhrer Netanyahu, of yet further unacceptable and insultingly humiliating concessions,offered with no consultation with the Palestinian Quislings of Fatah who would have rolive with the consequences, in return for a two month extension of the non-existent ‘suspension’ of settlement building, is the work of a morally deranged craven.