Road Warrior

Angier, NC –
a heron swoops over the pond

accompanied by rain
following us from Frederick, MD

A chance for new experiences
and now, I am at peace

The truth is: I’m not quite sure
what to do with my life

but all the answers
are found within

under a canopy of trees
dripping droplets of water

I am reborn
in the image of higher esteem

with a blanket of joy
wrapped around our throat

“I love you!” sing the sparrows
“I adore you!” shines the sun

All is accounted for
all is provided in abundance

Beat my flesh
into the boiling
and observe me
eat my way
to the worms

dragonflies and bumblebees
on the back porch
with a camera lens
zeroing in

It’s an open season special
take your final aim

It’s a rally
in the bottom of the ninth

at the brink
and brought back

breaking pattern energy

embracing the totality
of explosive connection

because if God
is always watching
you might as well
put on a good show
and dance

Scott Thomas Outlar is a lover of truth and enjoys researching philosophy, psychology, politics, spirituality, and any other facet of consciousness in the pursuit of reaching a higher state of vibration. He also enjoys writing rants, poems, essays, short stories, and prose-fusion screeds covering such subjects. Scott Thomas can be reached at You can also watch and/or subscribe to his YouTube Channel. Read other articles by Scott Thomas, or visit Scott Thomas's website.