American Schicklgruber

Our rump, our rump bump-bump
Is ex-President Donald J Trump!
He takes his daily constitution
All over our U.S. Constitution
He’s crude, vulgar, and boorishly rude
Yet loved by some of the multitudes
Evangelicals sell their pious souls
At Reich-like, Q-Anon rallies in stinking holes
Championing immorality
Before the Holy Trinity
In favor of gross obscenity
Cheering on the Golden Idol (whee!)
That will replace the Statue of Liberty
Chaining freedom behind an iron door
Constructing walls, shuttering out the poor
His values are all in his pants
A whore dog spewing nasty rants
His crimes covered up by perjury
Shielded by a swarm of bubonic fleas
When there is a chance to convict and remove
The Group Of Pricks shout “We approve!”
They rise up to applaud the Dimwit-in-Chief
While Lady Justice cries out in disbelief
Lies are truths, and truth is a lie
He wants Autocracy to make democracy die
And now we pray that we don’t see
Cadet Bone Spurs in the Presidency
MAGA’S American Fuhrer and his lunacy

Gary H Adams is a retired federal civil servant living in Illinois. He graduated from the U. S. Merchant Marine Academy and has sailed on merchant ships all over the world and worked on tugboats in New York harbor and the surrounding waterways. He has a Master of Library Science from the University of Oklahoma in1975 and has worked in academic and federal libraries until returning to sea in 1981. Upon returning to shore, he worked in transportation and logistics. He has had poems published in Alkahest: American College Poetry, Wesleyan University Press, 1969 and Ukraine: Light in the Darkness, compiled by Rodney Drought and Margaret Gudkov, 2022. Read other articles by Gary H..