There are many ways I now
know to reach out to you
The yellow pages of letters we
had once exchanged are brittle
The huge landlines where the
numbers had to be dialled in
semicircles, are replaced by
flashy screens of smart phones
There are a number of messengers
to exchange disoriented pings
Or what we call applications to
have seamless audio and video calls
Phone service providers have lucrative
deals for unlimited calls and data
Yet, we still have to deal with
limited time and limited love
The buzz and series of wild texts
hover all around us, a little more
is lost in chats than gained
Screens pop up everywhere,
even run into my dreams
Strangely you are not a person
in it, but a ‘handle’ on a page
I text you in my sleep with
my random eye moments
In my dream you are typing, still
typing and it’s no longer a dream
I wake up to a ping where you
respond ‘ok’ to a message, I had
sent about a hundred years ago
There may be ten dozen ways
of interacting with you now, but
we still haven’t learnt to connect