Rainbow Passage

Like an ivy my eyes climb upward
to seize the unreachable part
of the rainbow,

a staircase towards heavenly dimensions
for those who were pierced and bitten
by the teeth of war,
for the wings ripped off, for the exiled, for those sacrificed
during my mother’s last winter.

I look at my feet from up there; they grow rusty leaves
and I think that I stepped into senescence
long ago and I need to do something
before my every moment slips through the net of life.

My shadow on the ground shows me the time – it’s sharp Now –
I shape the rainbow with my eyes until we become one,
feeling within me the stepping of the souls in their passage to freedom.

Mihaela Melnic lives and writes in Rome, Italy. Her work has been published in various literary venues and anthologies, including Dissident Voice and Spillwords Press. Her book of poetry, Layers of Rust and Life was published in 2023 from Impspired Press. She also co-authored the poetry and short fiction book Evermore (2021, 17Numa Press). Links to her publications can be found at her website: Read other articles by Mihaela.