The powers that be don’t come into work every day. Only on alternate
Tuesday’s or if they feel like it or if there is a REALLY BIG MEETING.
When they are here, we realize they are talking about us, and add to the
drama with nervous speculation, and furtive whispers on our breaks.
The powers that be are wealthy. But, they think they don’t have enough.
So, without proper explanation, or our signatures on amended contracts,
they changed the terms of our sales commissions, so that they can have
a little more money, and leave us with much, much less.
The powers that be are not in control of the means of production.
They are links in a broken distribution chain with as many success
stories of customer satisfaction as excuses for repeated failures,
the blame for which is carried by those of us on the front line.
The powers that be are always thinking about the bottom line.
They are not concerned with loyalty or appreciation for the
years of our lives we have given them. They are very pragmatic,
and measure our worth in surplus output above expected value.
I have the blessing of being a surrogate member of 4 families,
in addition to my own. I have many other beautiful friendships,
as well. These bring joy and pain and meaning to my life. I am
aware of the grace that this is the source of true riches.
When the powers that be are rid of us all by attrition or
automation or an anticipated market correction, they will
be left with whatever it is they are left with. I hope, for their
sake, it will give them fulfillment, and keep them warm at night.