A Drunkard Father

A drunkard father– oblivious,
Pecking on his child’s forehead,
And encouraging him,
“Tomorrow, everything will be fine.”
An educated one,
Beating his child,
And asking,
“How did you lose your pencil at school?”
“Tomorrow, no new one.”
Who cares?
Where is the university?
Out of what, education comes?
And pity on later one.

Sushant Kumar B.K. is a Nepalese poet, translator, educator, and freelance writer originally from Gulariya, Bardiya, Nepal. He has co-authored three international anthologies of poems and writes poems in English and Nepali language.  His poems have been featured in national and international anthologies, magazines, newspapers, and online portals. He can be reached at bksushant26@gmail.com. Read other articles by Sushant.