Serf’s up!

No, this is not about the ocean or surfboards. It’s about the current economic and cultural climate we are living in. While the Democratic Party turned a mostly deaf ear to the ills of our working stiffs… for decades, their adversaries, the Republican Wolves, have always tried to ratchet the pump. Trump 2 wants, as the Brits say, to go the ‘ Full Monty’ and make America a totally feudal state. When we have less than 10% of private sector workers in unions ( actually at around 6%) the **** is about to hit the fan! Legislating anti terrorism laws and then using them against the rights of protest, we are back in Germany circa 1930s. Hitler used the Nazi Enabling Laws (The Enabling Act — Ermächtigungsgesetz) of 1933 gave the German Cabinet power to enact laws without the involvement of the Reichstag and the Reichsrat, the legislative bodies of the Weimar government. It gave Adolf Hitler complete and absolute power over Germany); Trump is using ‘ Executive Decrees’ to force ahead full speed.

Look around you and see how millions of foreclosed homes and apartment complexes had been purchased at dimes on the dollar by corporate landlords, private equity and hedge funds … and then raising rents as they please. The subprime bubble burst of 2008-09 opened the door for these predators. Thus, millions of working stiffs and the very poor are forced to pay too much for shelter from the storms. Factor that in with the infamous ‘Right to work’ states like my own here in DeSantis land, and we who labor have NO protections or needed benefits from the bosses. With a compliant Congress and Supreme Court majority working stiffs are being stiffed! Go and get John Sayles’ and Claude Berri’s films Matawan (1987) and Germinal (1993) to see how feudalism works for the Super Rich at the expense of you know who.

I would hope that my fellow working stiffs would, as my late longshoreman father would put it, Smarten Up. Turn away from the propaganda by the bought and paid for mainstream media and realize that socialism is the only antidote for this Capitalism on Steroids. Smarten up gang and understand that socialism actually helps small businesses by putting the financial chokehold on the corporate super rich.

Our nation was founded on small businesses and not those mega monsters. Let the super rich make their millions… but not before we tax them fairly. I support a 50% Flat Surtax on all income above $ 1,000,000 per year.. with NO deductions or exemptions. If they cannot be happy with keeping 50% of their millions, tax free, then what more can I say?

Philip A Farruggio is regular columnist on itstheempirestupid website. He is the son and grandson of Brooklyn NYC longshoremen and a graduate of Brooklyn College, class of 1974. Since the 2000 election debacle Philip has written over 500 columns on the Military Industrial Empire and other facets of life in an upside down America. He is also host of the It’s the Empire… Stupid radio show, co produced by Chuck Gregory. Philip can be reached at Read other articles by Philip.