Anne Frank, family and friends
Hid for years in fear of nazis
Allies protected them with their lives
Silent, quiet, secret, fearful,
Living life on the down-low
Secret hiding places
In plain sight…
Watching horrors unfold
On their once good streets
Unfortunately, eventually betrayed, and
Taken to camps, where they perished
We know this tragic and inhuman story…
“If not reminded, we may relive it again”
In 1945, the ovens of hate were destroyed…
Now, 2023,
Nazis are marching again
Antisemitism openly emerging
Fascism, is raising it’s ugly-head
KKK, nazis, white supremacists, misogynists,
Gaining support in powerful places, by
Senators, representatives, trumpler…
Racism and hate of valuable “others”
Plantation mentality taking hold
Shades of Auschwitz, felt in the USA!
People in fear, of horrid days gone-by
Living in secret hiding places, in their minds,
Sensing evil from racist and violent rhetoric
A country starting to divide from paranoid lies
Weaponizing politics, church and rule of Law
The genie of hate, released from its lamp
A divided country is at a cross-road…
The great American experiment
Being put to the ultimate test!
Altruistic Democracy, a gift from GOD!
One vote to each person
More valuable than gold or diamonds
The key to unlock chains of oppression, and
To never need a secret hiding place
A participatory citizenship of resistance, will
Take us the distance…Freedom!