Living in a Free World
by Allen Forrest / November 28th, 2024

Darpa creates LifeLog turns into Facebook
“Voyeurism, Celebrity and Surveillance: A Straight Line”
The Pentagon wants to gather every conceivable bit of information about a person’s life, index it, and make it searchable.
“Big Brother: DARPA’s Control Freak Technology“
Allen Forrest is a writer, painter, graphic artist and activist. He has created covers and illustrations for literary publications and books, is the winner of the Leslie Jacoby Honor for Art at San Jose State University's Reed Magazine for 2015, and his Bel Red landscape paintings are part of the Bellevue College Foundation's permanent art collection in Bellevue, WA. He lives in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
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This article was posted on Thursday, November 28th, 2024 at 9:18am and is filed under Cartoon, Facebook/Meta, Surveillance.