Between the Breath of Dusk and Dawn

The Weeble wobbled
a moon made new by Saturn

sevens and sevens and sevens
and 28

days to create
everything you’ve ever dreamed of

the portal yawning
a great belching of plasma

life and light and love
and prisms

pink fluorescence, dawn coating
atmospheric pressure, painted rosy

signs point to polar poplars bursting
along with the tacit wink of comfort

waited an age in silent repose
focus by fire by faith

Scott Thomas Outlar is a lover of truth and enjoys researching philosophy, psychology, politics, spirituality, and any other facet of consciousness in the pursuit of reaching a higher state of vibration. He also enjoys writing rants, poems, essays, short stories, and prose-fusion screeds covering such subjects. Scott Thomas can be reached at You can also watch and/or subscribe to his YouTube Channel. Read other articles by Scott Thomas, or visit Scott Thomas's website.