Targeting Childhood in the West Bank-By Distance

From October 7, 2023–July 31, 2024, Israeli forces and settlers killed Palestinian children in the West Bank at a rate of one child every two days. We partnered with Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCIP) to create visuals for their new report, “Targeting Childhood: Palestinian Children Killed by Israeli Forces and Settlers in the Occupied West Bank”.

Israeli forces and settlers targeted children playing outside, protesting in the streets, walking home from school, and even standing inside their own homes, at distances ranging from five meters up to 300 meters away. They killed a total of 141 Palestinian children during the reporting period.

Special thanks to Hadeel Saalok and DCIP for their collaboration on this visual.

Visualizing Palestine is the intersection of communication, social sciences, technology, design and urban studies for social justice. Visualizing Palestine uses creative visuals to describe a factual rights-based narrative of Palestine/Israel. Read other articles by Visualizing Palestine, or visit Visualizing Palestine's website.