Are We There Yet?

A migrant child who holds his mother’s hand
will ask the question many times a day.
“Is this America, the Promised Land?”

An innocent, he does not understand
how long it takes a heart to find its way.
A migrant child who holds his mother’s hand

may think all citadels he sees are grand,
but soon perceives that he can never stay.
Is this America, the Promised Land?

He sees a barrier where soldiers stand
with rifles drawn, encroachers kept at bay.
A migrant child who holds his mother’s hand

may find that dreams will not come true, as planned.
There comes a time when we can only pray.
Is this America, the Promised Land?

Must we deny asylum, reprimand
with angry words and deeds that cause dismay,
a migrant child who holds his mother’s hand?
Is this America, the Promised Land?

LaVern Spencer McCarthy has written and published 13 books of poetry and fiction. Her work has appeared in Writers and Readers Magazine; Meadowlark Reader; Agape Review; Bards Against Hunger; Down in The Dirt; The Evening Universe; Fresh Words Magazine; Wicked Shadows Press; Midnight Magazine; Pulp Cult Press, Stygian Lepus, Metasteller and others. She is a life member of Poetry Society of Texas. A poem she wrote was nominated for the 2023 Push Cart Prize. Read other articles by LaVern.