Plod had deemed the Domestic Call-Out
a ‘piece-of-piss’, at first,
needing merely a 2 Man Attendance
… seeing as it was situated
in the small [newly built] Council
Estate where they were housing,
mostly, the ‘Non-Criminal’ elements.
It had become known for only
‘Jocular and Erratic Crime’, so far
… often, breaking up ‘Noisy Parties’
straying past midnight, and annoying
‘Neighbour’ disputes which needed
Simmering back down from Boiling.
Until, the pretty Tracey Jenkins started
dating one of the Bleaker Brothers
from the [Notorious] 14 Blocks area.
‘Escalation’ over night… ‘Warzone’
… it takes a lot of ‘Time’
and ‘Familiarity’ to ‘Acclimatize’
to that Level of Threat and Violence
… Panic inducing ‘Culture Shock’.
The ‘Victim’ was apparently chosen
at random and was Crucified publicly
and horrifically as both a Warning
and a ‘Notice Of Ownership’…
that the Manor was now ‘Gang Territory’.
* one for the boys of The West Glamorgan Dragons