Special Election
by Aimee Zaring / April 14th, 2024
On a midday walk, my dog’s muzzle
mowing your lawn, seeking
the scent of liberation,
I notice through a picture window you
staring through your own picture window
at a head larger than your own,
a mouth speaking words without sound.
If I were on your overstuffed leather couch,
would I hear the same news? Who’s to say
which came first–your truth, their lies?
No matter, words. I elect you
Speaker of the House. Pull
on the lead and follow
your own scent.

Aimee Miller Zaring is a Kentucky native and author of the award-winning Flavors from Home: Refugees in Kentucky Share Their Stories and Comfort Foods and she is the winner of the Gourmand World Cookbook Award, Best Charity / Fundraising Cookbook in North America. She is currently completing a self-help memoir to help others harness the power of the body to break unhealthy patterns and live with more flow and freedom.
Visit Aimee's website here.
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This article was posted on Sunday, April 14th, 2024 at 8:03am and is filed under Poetry.