After Evening It Was Daytime
by Matthew Murrey / April 14th, 2024
at two in the afternoon
it became evening
white was black full circle
and even planet and starshine
made me wish that
the millions of us gazing up
to reverence the change
might mean Oh
now all will be different
after six months of waking up
each morning to hope
for fires ceasing
for hospitals up and running
for trucks full of life
saving supplies rolling in
but I know what I see
what I saw what awed
and awestruck me
at two in the afternoon
it became evening and after
that daytime again
all its usual and trying hours

Matthew Murrey is the author of Bulletproof (Jacar Press, 2019) and the forthcoming collection, Little Joy (Cornerstone Press, 2026). Recent poems can be found in The Ekphrastic Review, Roanoke Review, ballast and elsewhere. He was a public school librarian for 21 years, and lives in Urbana, IL with his partner. His website is at . He can be found on Instagram, Twitter and Bluesky under the handle @mytwords.
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This article was posted on Sunday, April 14th, 2024 at 8:03am and is filed under Poetry.