Passing the Baton

We stand in the present moment
All history having built to this point
Scientific, artistic, cultural achievements
The knowledge and wisdom of the ages
Combined stories of great personages and unknown individuals
All woven together as our collective story
Vouchsafed to our care
And look ahead
To what, and who, will next come
Determined to deliver all that has been learned
To generations beyond
Heralding our victories
Not to revel in them
But that they may serve as cornerstones of higher accomplishment
Recalling our mistakes, recognizing our shortcomings
Not merely in regret
But that they not be repeated – rather, corrected
All constituting our dreams of what may yet be
Not merely for continuation
But Advancement
For we are each and together
The stewards of Humanity
It being our responsibility
Indeed, purpose
To remit all, withhold none
Our lessons of the past yielding a brighter future
Passing the baton
To our successors
Thereby enabling full realization
Of our ideals of liberty, security, prosperity, equality, justice
For all
And all time

Mike Turner is a retired member of the U.S. Government’s Senior Executive Service. He served a 27-year career as a law enforcement professional in the Departments of Defense, Treasury, Homeland Security and Commerce. In retirement, Turner has had a second career as an award-winning songwriter and poet. His poems have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, including Dissident Voice. He can be contacted at Read other articles by Mike.