Severing of ‘Attachment Bonds’
for someone who Experienced
the [Emotional] North Pole
of ‘Cold Mother Syndrome’
… as an infant themselves…
can become ‘Second Nature’.
You have been Gifted a
‘Wound’ instead of ‘Warmth’
… an [Ugly Feeling] Trauma
for you to carry around
all… through… Adulthood.
‘Vulnerability’ [In Yourself]
becomes ‘Repulsive’…
‘Weakness’ in others is to be
Exploited… and Selfishness
means ‘Centre Stage’…
with External Validation
being the only [Real] Trophy.
You’ll Feed off the ‘Energy’
of Niceness, Compassion,
and Empathy… without
Understanding its ‘Wisdom’…
Whoring yourself for Attention.
Carrying on your [Former]
‘Torturers’ Work…
you’ll [Unconsciously] Deny
yourself the Beauty of ‘Depth’
for [Superficial] Shallowness.
Unless, ‘It’ did not bre/ak you
all of those years ago… and,
you ‘Find’ the Strength to ‘Fix’
the [Damaged] ‘Knotting’ Inside.