We are not being dragged down
By people on welfare
Food stamps
Economic assistance
Nor by immigrants
Taking jobs
So none are left
For us
Nor by efforts
To help the homeless
Or to provide a living wage
To hard-working people
We’re not being dragged down at all
We’re being held down
By those seeking to hoard wealth
By avoiding carrying their share
Of providing for those among us in need
It’s an “I’ve got mine” attitude
Without regard for those with less
A sense of privilege
That equates with oppression and deprivation
We do not ask
For an arbitrary redistribution of wealth
But rather simply
That all members of our community
Our Nation, our World
Contribute their fair share
To lifting up those less fortunate
So that all may enjoy economic security
Self determination
And the opportunity to live free and prosper
For is not such liberty
The very essence of the American Dream?