It looks just like ‘Mental Disarray’
because of the [Frantic] Chaos
… but, each new [Exquisite]
Sidestep out of Sanity…
is merely part of the… ‘Dance’.
“I know, she Frowns when
people Smile… and vice versa
… it’s Delightful
and Deplorable all at the same
[Cock-Teasing] Time… Fuck!!!”
Look at this… I’ve hurt myself
before you could get near… me.
Aye, at the point of Detonation
… I [S]poke all c-a-l-m-l-y…
“Envelopes will be your Demise”
… she Retracted [Violently]
and put down the Scissors…
with a [Repulsed] clumsy Clatter.
I’ve taken nearly every single
type of [Street] Drug in existence
over the last thirty odd years…
and, nothing compares to the
[Unbeatable] ruSHHH of
taking down ‘Machiavellianism’
… at the very first few seconds
of the realisation that it was,
in fact, ‘Baiting’ its own… TRAP.
I’m Not Going To Jail For You… You Are!
~ The skill of purposeful awkward movement (bird faking broken wing) ~