To Dissident Voice Contributors, Readers, and Friends

I’m back!!!

It’s been a long time since I last edited submissions.  Having suffered what was described as “a major heart attack” on December 12, followed by several weeks in hospital, and recuperation at home, I feel confident that I can put my cardiac adventure behind me and carry on — a little more cautious, perhaps, but carry on nonetheless.

As some of you already know, I saw my cardiologist on June 12.  He beamed upon me and proclaimed “I fixed your heart.”  I could only beam back and utter a fervent “thank you”.  I floated home following the clinic visit.  “I fixed your heart!”  Four words that will forever soothe this apprehensive soul.

I want to thank those of you who sent emails inquiring about my health and offering your best wishes. Hearing from you made such a huge difference and brought so much comfort.  I want to especially thank DV’s part-time editor, Barbara MacLean, for her long distance support and generosity.  Thank you, Barbara!!

And HUGE thanks to Kim Petersen, DV’s former co-editor, for his excellent work in keeping DV going. Thank you, Kim!!

And now it’s back to work!!!  Yeah!!!

Angie Tibbs was Editor of Dissident Voice and Editor of Poetry on Sunday. Read other articles by Angie.