“government by the least suitable or competent citizens of a state. ‘the danger is that this will reduce us to kakistocracy.’ a state or society governed by its least suitable or competent citizens. plural noun: kakistocracies. ‘the modern regime is at once a plutocracy and a kakistocracy.’
There is a tantrum of mockery
of the principles of democracy
by the wanna be aristocracy.
It has been a catastrophe –
for the children in the cages,
for the voters sworn to rages,
for the ones who once were sages –
respected by one and all.
There is a tantrum of mockery
of the stability of bureaucracy
by the wanna be aristocracy.
It has been a catastrophe –
for the diplomat dedicated to state,
for the minister that counters hate,
for the treatment that can no longer wait –
in the shadow of the pall.
There is a tantrum of mockery
of the hopes of the meritocracy
by the wanna be aristocracy.
It has been a catastrophe –
for the student crippled with debt,
for a poverty already set,
for valedictorians playing Russian roulette
at the relentless refusal of their calls.
And yet –
There is a contumacy to submit
to such childish petulancy as it
frees us from the fallacy
of the wanna be aristocracy –
a stubbornness that frees us all.
There is a cry for North Star accuracy
to midwife a reborn legitimacy
within our beloved democracy –
on deceit it casts a pall.
And yes –
There is a pulsing of the primacy
of grass roots growing advocacy
to see us through this very catastrophe –
Our power rejoices at its clarion call.