“more canada”

“the world needs more canada
to stand up to the thugs
the killers
the rogue nations”
he said
through a foaming
frothing mouthful
of guatemalan banana

“the world needs more canada
to protect global security”
he said
through a drool-soaked handful
of soybeans from brazil
costa rican pineapple
post-racial tomatoes picked by seasonal slaves
a short drive from parliament hill
ethically sourced coffee beans
harvested at gunpoint
a sprinkle of liberated burkinabè gold
a dash of democratic afghan iron
a side of shidane arone
and berta cáceres for dessert

“the world needs more canada
the true, the strong, the free
to free the weak
from tyrannical regimes”
like the extremist old-growth trees at fairy creek
and the far-left honeybees
and the putinist air we breathe

“the world needs more canada”
he said

Owen Schalk is a writer of fiction and non-fiction from Winnipeg, Manitoba. Among many other writing credits, he is a columnist at Canadian Dimension magazine. Read other articles by Owen.