
In Wellington today. Unprovoked police brutality.
by inconspiracy

It’s February
and Wellington
tastes like Waitangi Marae
pre 1985.

The February air
weighs heavy
like the dawn
of a Springboks tour.

By February
the Beehive
is where
the people gather.

Now February,
crowds are blooming
plucked like weeds
by a sea of blue.

In February women taste
the beehive’s grass,
dolls dragged
across a concrete slab.

In February,
the people are straddled,
face down
knees on necks.

This February
Mallard Mudslides.
Beats blasting democracy.
Warriors Haka in the rain.

Author’s Note: In New Zealand both vaccinated and unvaccinated convoyed the length of the country to protest on the Beehive’s parliament grounds. They sought the restoration of their freedoms, an end to vaccine mandates and vax passes. Vaccination passes were implemented to create ‘two classes of citizens’, a means of discrimination and social segregation applied to everyone over 12 who remained unvaccinated. On day two of this ongoing protest, the New Zealand police brutalised the peaceful protestors on the grounds of parliament. The day’s events shocked ordinary New Zealanders who watched coverage via live streams. Afterwards, the Speaker of the house, Trevor Mallard, turned to lawn sprinklers, flood lights and blasting government propaganda over loudspeakers in an attempt to disband the protest. The Prime Minister, like her Canadian counterpart, has refused to talk to the protestors. The protest remains strong and is ongoing.

For additional information see here.

Donna Faulkner née Miller grew up in Chesterfield amongst the coal dust and camaraderie of a working-class community. She immigrated to New Zealand at fifteen. A typical Sagittarius, she is rarely home; you'll likely find her riding a twisting road on the Harley with ‘Mr Faulkner’. Donna recently won the Loud Coffee Press Annual Haiku competition. She has been published in fws: Journal of Literature & Art, Havik: Journal of Arts and Literature, Written Tales Magazine, Tarot Poetry Journal, Songs of Eretz Poetry Review, Fieldstone Review and forthcoming in ‘Ghosts of the Landscape’ by East Midlands Writing. You can connect with Donna on Instagram @lady_lilith_poet Read other articles by Donna.