Culture of Art

The brothers that confront each other
At war can never become friends again.
Let the beauty of the country,
The hills and dales
Not be stepped brutally
By the footsteps of war.
A good will among friends
Should be fraternized further.
Let’s build a culture of art
Serving the needful hands
To offer prayers, verses and chants
Of harmony.
We have come a long way
From the time when wine
From the barrel of enmity
Flowed among the taste of mankind.
There are many newly born baby steps
Which must be taught
To walk the pace of humanity briskly.
The world is a home
Far away from the light of one’s own country.

Sushant Thapa serves as an assistant editor to Himalaya Diary, an online publishing platform. He lives in Biratnagar, Nepal. He holds an M.A. in English from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. His fourth book entitled "Love's Cradle" was published by World Inkers Printing and Publishing New York, and Dakar, Senegal recently. Read other articles by Sushant.