Ads for Dialectical Reasoning
by David Wyman / February 13th, 2022
Instead we are the product,
in a monetized culture
all our work benefiting
an unseen ruling class hiding
in pop-up art salons,
in the last bell’s dispersing,
in a pandemic of resistance and
its cries to manifest money.
Helvetica, its representation of
stability and order blazing—
guards at even the side gate
to eternity, and us here exposed
to the blazing bright eminence
of celebrity, a ‘great wink’ —
its planetary scale and equanimity.
Instead, we are the product,
here where we stand, a crowd
roped off, and where home—
is abandoned, its locks changed,
its light now only a minor third…

David Wyman's second poetry collection, Violet Ideologies, was published in 2020 by Kelsay Books. His first book Proletariat Sunrise, also published by Kelsay Books, came out in 2017. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Dissident Voice, Blazing Stadium, BlazeVOX, Clockwise Cat, Picaroon Poetry, Down In The Dirt, The Voices Project, Squawk Back, Tuck Magazine, The Aurorean, Zombie Logic Review, S/WORD and Genre: Urban Arts among other publications. He's a fan of Noam Chomsky, jazz guitar and the visionary poetry of William Blake.
Read other articles by David.
This article was posted on Sunday, February 13th, 2022 at 8:02am and is filed under Poetry.