A Love Song for Peace

Whether to break an egg
from the top or the bottom
was a complex issue for
Gulliver’s friends. They

warred with low-tech
arrows, roped in a giant
friend who showed the
world with his creator’s

pen the futility of such fights.
But now, looming in the
reddened, border-drawn
formerly unbordered skies,

war planes fly. Threats of
mushroom clouds instill fears
of absolute annihilation.
Life, land incarnadined with

wraiths of humans, birds,
animals, insects, plants —
all pine for peace. In sync
with living, humankind cries

for mercy, for the war to end,
for food, shelter, living and
most of all for acceptance.
The fakir sings a love song
for peace in times of war.

Can peace be the voice of dissent?

Mitali Chakravarty founded an online site borderlessjournal.com which has published its first hard copy anthology, Monalisa No Longer Smiles: An Anthology of Writings from across the World. She has recently brought out her first collection of poetry, Flight of Angsana Oriole: Poems and has an earlier book of humorous essays on living in China where she spent eight years, In the Land of DragonsRead other articles by Mitali.