The amount of amnesia, and outright smoke and mirrors and juking the people, for and by and with the corporation at the helm, it is almost a death sentence trying to be a creative writer — a bloody novelist, no less — in this world of mass hysteria, a thinner door creaked open for legit novelists, and, well, all the world is a stage — podcasts, TikTok creations, blogs, e-zines, and on and on and on, as that Amazon Vanity Press is the new normal for those who want to get “published.”
This vaccine card, below, is not really a joke, hence, the Omega Variant, and the SARS-CoV2 Endemic, and the new and beautiful new gain of function viruses coming to a local county/country soon.
Yet, how many times does it take to repeat — Zinc, Vitamin C, E, and other highly needed anti-oxidants and other amazing natural products, synthesized, yes, like Thiamine, TTFD being the higher potency, and more, as in open windows, piped in breezes and a product called SaNoTize, the nitric oxide nasal spray, that should be in everyone’s lunchbox.
Yet, we have Fauci the Faustian Mafioso, and the concomitant of scientism lovers, all those germ theory scared cats, running the show. Any news about other disease pandemics, or global threats to humankind, well, nope, not on the playbill.
You think of forced chemical jabs, you think of forced travel restrictions, forced nasal tests, forced urine tests, blood tests, hair tests, corneal scans, fingerprints, and the like, until you go back and see how human beings have been passported into various forms of hell by the overlords of empire, resource theft, war, financial loansharking, and more.
Then, all that Big Brother/Big Nanny Gestapo in our lives, yet, yet . . . diets. All those full-spectrum empty calories, all those dyes, synthetic brews, added salts, sugars and fats, all those preservatives and enhancers and flavor poppers. That, of course, is LEGAL, accepted, taken for granted by the Capitalists, and Fauci’s job is all about Why there are so many chronic illnesses, so many gut and brain diseases, so many allergies, so many ticks, tremors, jerks, pacing, foggy brains, nervous blurts. He’s failed us, but he is a hero of the Capitalists. Nope.
So, where are the parallels to the Big Pharma Giveaway-Grand Vaccine Theft-Perennial Gouging-Endless Non-cures in other arenas of this sick society?

Well, it is the brain, but it all starts in the gut. You know that, the Madmen sell that, and the MDs and scientists have tested that. But simple rules and regulations — brakes on more disease pandemics — not possible in the disease management/disease profit industrial complex.
As a nutritional psychiatrist, faculty member at Harvard Medical School and author of “This Is Your Brain on Food,” I study how our gut bacteria can trigger metabolic processes and brain inflammation that impact memory. Existing studies point to the idea that we may be able to reduce the possibility of dementia by avoiding foods that can compromise our gut bacteria and weaken our memory and focus.
Well, this is on NBC, no less, in between the newsfeeds on NFL wins and losses, new Omni Variant, money thrown at this or that undeserving sociopath-coach-athlete-movie star, all the flooding and fires and bus-plane-train crashes. All those stories of passengers on planes going drunken berserk, and well, there are still dog trick stories in between 20 or 30 refugees drowning in the Channel and all the anti-China news (sic) shit.
Fried Foods, Added Sugars, High Glycemic Load Carbohydrates, Alcohol, Nitrates. She’s a Harvard (big effing deal) Med School nutritional psychiatrist. All those potatoes, those hot dogs, those beers, those frosted flakes, those fried clams and shrimps, darn, adding to depression, bipolar disorders, dementias, and constant brain fog and lethargy and then, well, obesity, all of that, could be reversed if we, well, reversed the social contract that capitalism has in place for the profiteers, the making money any way you can philosophy.
Choice, that’s what they will say. We have choices to grab an apple or a McDonalds deep-friend fritter. Choices, right? As the advertising is a constant overt and subliminal and habituating frame for us, from cradle to grave.
Now, we know about strokes, diabetes and cardio vascular disease. We know that that triumvirate is the real Monster on the Block. Here, good scientific reading, not on Fauci’s or Trump’s or Biden’s of CNN’s or FOX’s reading list:
Atherosclerosis is considered a chronic inflammatory disease and an intervention targeting the inflammatory process could be a new therapeutic strategy for preventing atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases (CVD). We hypothesized that the intestine, which is considered the biggest immune organ in the human body, could be a therapeutic target for preventing CVD. We demonstrated that oral administration of anti-CD3 antibody or an active form of vitamin D3 reduced atherosclerosis in mice via induction of regulatory T cells and tolerogenic dendritic cells in the gut-associated lymphoid tissues. Similar to regulatory immune responses achieved by oral tolerance, our method had systemic effects that ultimately contributed towards atherosclerosis reduction. Recently, we have been interested in the gut microbiota, which have been reported as highly associated with intestinal immunity and systemic metabolic disorders, including obesity and diabetes. Notably, the guts of obese individuals are predominantly colonized by Firmicutes over Bacteroidetes. The association between atherosclerosis and microbiota has been attracting increased attention, and gut microbiota have been shown to participate in the metabolism of a proatherogenic compound called trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) and aggravate CVD. Our investigation of the relationship between susceptibility to CVD and the gut microbiota revealed a characteristic flora type. Here, we discuss the evidence for the relationship between the gut microbiota and cardiometabolic diseases, and consider the gut microbiota as new potential therapeutic targets for treating CVD. (Intestinal Immunity and Gut Microbiota as Therapeutic Targets for Preventing Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases)
And it’s that simple, that complicated — gut-brain science, and naturopathy:
The case has been made that the microbiome constitutes an endocrine organ in itself due to its ability to produce a wide range of compounds that regulate distant cells, organs, and systems. These compounds include neurotransmitters and short-chain fatty acids, in addition to regulators of cortisol, ghrelin, leptin, secondary bile acids, and others. Further, the microbiome can make changes in its composition that are adaptive for the host – changes that can take place within a single day of altering the macronutrient content of the diet. It will revert back to its original composition within 2days of ending the trial diet. There are numerous examples of the microbiota remodeling itself in order to utilize dietary constituents for the benefit of the host . (SIBO as an Adaptation- A Proposed Role for Hydrogen Sulfide)
Then, we have to wonder where those Fauci Types are in the realm of inflammatory diseases, all the pathogens and toxins from industrial and internal combustion processes, all those additives and pesticides and fungicides and the like in baby’s food and mamma’s milk? What’s up with all that brain power on all those patents Fauci has his fingers wrapped around (3,500)? How is that concern for public health, how is that the definition of a servant of the people? Here, RFK, Jr. and Dr. David Martin: Watch. Or, watch this: The REAL Anthony Fauci with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Read Chandler Marrs, PhD., over at Hormones Matter, a place for which I have published lightly: Paul Haeder.
Going back a few years — FOUR! Falling into the Planned Parenthood Gardasil Snake Pit. And, then, Chandler’s came out a week ago — Piled Higher and Deeper: Vaccine Industry Shills