
For COP26

Opening my eyes
I see at last revelation glow
into vision

This moment I know
four words in the right order
have never been uttered

by any tongue.
“Let there be God”
and lo and behold

there’s God
who utters
four words in the right order

God has never uttered:
“I’m at last visible?”
But the question mark’s sound

lingers. “I’m free,” says God
and lo and behold
I see the number “1”

like a branch – filament
that holds planet Earth
like a fruit

Milky Way shaped
like “.5” – clean, well-lighted
crown of the universal tree

Jonel Abellanosa lives in Cebu City, The Philippines. His poetry and fiction are forthcoming in The Cape Rock, Woodcrest Magazine and Poetry Salzburg Review, and have appeared in hundreds of magazines and anthologies, including Dissident Voice, New Verse News, Chiron Review, Invisible City, The Lyric, The McNeese Review, and The Anglican Theological Review. His poetry collections include, “Songs from My Mind’s Tree” and “Multiverse” (Clare Songbirds Publishing House, New York), “50 Acrostic Poems,” (Cyberwit, India), “In the Donald’s Time” (Poetic Justice Books and Art, Florida), and “Pan’s Saxophone” (Weasel Press, Texas). He is a nature and animal lover, especially dogs and has with three companion dogs. Read other articles by Jonel.