Imprints of time
(For Stan Swamy)
by Ananya S. Guha / August 8th, 2021
You are merely an echo now
For they have killed you
strangulated your throat
so that you could not sing
the songs of sweetness
the melodies you kept clandestinely
clutch them, because they were
your precious treasures.
Even now as protests of your charade
continue, animals are lynched and
little children die on the streets
and those sandalwood slippers
Imprint desert slopes of time and

Ananya S Guha lives in Shillong in North East India. He has been writing and publishing poetry for the last thirty years, and his poetry has appeared in numerous online publications. He holds a doctoral on the novels of William Golding and currently is a senior academic in India's Indira Gandhi National Open University.
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This article was posted on Sunday, August 8th, 2021 at 8:02am and is filed under Poetry.