The Rise of Optical Biophysics and the Clash between “Two Sciences”

In a previous paper entitled “Big Pharma Beware: Dr. Montagnier Shines New Light on Covid-19 and the Future of Medicine,” I elaborated upon the powerful intervention of the Nobel Prize winning virologist Dr. Luc Montagnier. In that location, I covered the reasonability of Montagnier’s assessment of the laboratory origin theory of COVID-19 and I discussed my reasons why his China-origin hypothesis is both naive and potentially dangerous. For anyone who wishes to fully appreciate reading this article, then I recommend either first reviewing my previous report OR watch the 2014 documentary Water Memory.

In this sequel, I would like to tackle a different aspect of Montagnier’s intervention, which has gone un-noticed and under-appreciated by even those of a scientific bent. While un-noticed, I believe that understanding the historical current in science which has evolved in opposition to the materialist approach to chemistry, nature and health is not only extremely important, but actually gives us the greatest insights into the nature of empire which has distorted so much of human history.

As an existential fight wages between the political paradigms (aka: win-win/multi-polar vs win-lose uni-polar), it is my intention to take a moment to revisit some forgotten science history in order to properly appreciate the potential for an age of inspiring breakthroughs which is at humanity’s fingertips.

The Long Wave of Discovery (and the Clash of Two Sciences)

Montagnier’s fight is merely a shadow of a much larger clash within western science itself. While many people think simplistically that there is one singular branch of science from Galileo to Descartes to Newton to the present, the reality upon closer inspection shows us that there are actually two opposing paradigms- one of which has been obscured systematically by politically-motivated witch hunts since even before the days of Huxley’s X Club and the 1869 founding of Nature magazine.

In opposition to the materialist tradition which has attempted to impose “material causes” onto natural phenomena, the more potent school of optical biophysics embodied by Montagnier was set into motion by none other than Louis Pasteur. Although famous for his insight into vaccinations, the bacterial theory of disease and the heating process that bears his name, Pasteur’s earlier revolutionary work was shaped by discoveries into the optical properties of life and the handedness phenomena of life. In short, Pasteur discovered that solutions which had organic material dissolved within them had the incredible property of rotating polarized light to the “left” while liquid solutions devoid of organic material did not hold that capability. This story was told beautifully in the 2010 docu-drama The Space of Life.

This left handed property to life still confounds astrobiologists over a century later.

While World War I derailed this course of investigation, the topic was taken up by two Russian-Ukrainian scientists who worked together closely at the University of Crimea: Vladimir Vernadsky (father of Russian atomic science and the founder of the school of biogeochemistry 1863-1945) and his friend Alexander Gurwitsch (1874-1954).

Alexander Gurwitsch’s Mitogenic Radiation

Vernadsky used Pasteur’s work extensively in his own construction of the biosphere and always made a point that the electromagnetic properties of life were the driving force of biochemistry. While Vernadsky spent his life focusing upon the macro-states of the biosphere, and how it interacted with the lithosphere and noosphere (the nested domains of non-life, life and creative reason) within nested arrays of magnetic fields moderating the flux of cosmic radiation through the universe, his colleague Gurwitsch focused upon the intersection of light and magnetic fields within the micro-states of living cells.

Describing his discovery in a 2011 study on Cosmic Bio-Radiation, researcher Cody Jones described Gurwitsch’s basic insight:

Gurwitsch developed three nested levels of field structures, arranged according to complexity and spatial extent, ranging from the molecular (molecular constellations), to the cellular (relations among cells), to the organismic levels (the different organs and systems that constitute a single organism). Each nested field could be described in terms of different mechanisms as to how the morphology advanced for any particular structure, yet they were all unified towards the realization of a definite future state of existence.

Gurwitsch first revolutionized life sciences by shaping an elegant experiment which demonstrated that cells emit weak bursts of ultraviolet light as they went through mitosis. To prove his theory, Gurwitsch set up two onion roots growing in perpendicular directions and found that the higher rates of light emissions which occurred on the newer tip of the roots induced cell growth of 30-40% when brought into proximity of an older onion root. Although no instruments sensitive enough to pick up these ultra-weak frequencies existed during his lifetime, Gurwitsch demonstrated that light from the ultraviolet spectrum must be generated from new cells by separating the old and new onion roots by various types of lenses which blocked out different parts of the spectrum and found that only when UV light was blocked did the effect of 30% cell growth increase come to an end. Gurwitsch called this “Mitogenic Radiation”.

While Gurwitsch was ostracised by the scientific establishment during his life, technologies arose among the astrophysics community in the 1950s which permitted scientists to measure extremely weak light frequencies in the range of Gurwitsch’s mitogenic radiation (obviously useful for picking up faint signals from other galaxies in deep space). When teams of Italian astronomers applied their equipment to organic material, Gurwitsch’s discovery was verified experimentally for the first time.

One would have thought such a discovery would have revolutionised all of biology, medicine and life sciences on the spot- however after a brief spike in interest, the discovery was soon forgotten and relegated to a “negligible” secondary feature of life which had no causal role to play in any of the mechanics or behaviour of organic activity. The materialists and reductionists who wished to maintain that all life was merely the sum of parts won the day.

Then another biophysicist named Fritz-Albert Popp arose onto the scene.

Fritz Popp’s Biophotonic Discoveries

During the 1970s, Popp was a cancer researcher trying to figure out why only one of the two isomers of Benzpyrene caused cancer. An isomer is sometimes known as a mirror image configuration of a molecule which are chemically identical, yet whose properties can differ vastly. Under the materialist/reductionist’s logic, there was no reason why one isomer (Benzpyrene 3,4) which is found in cigarettes and tar would induce cancer growth in lung tissue while another isomer (Benzpyrene 1,2) would be completely benign.

After discovering the work of Gurwitsch, Dr. Popp began measuring the ultra-weak light emissions from the Benzpyrene molecules and their effects upon cell growth in liver tissues and found that the extremely high light absorption/emission properties of Benzpyrene 3,4 were the cause of the disharmony of cell regulation. Measuring the photon activity from cancerous vs healthy liver cell growth is a striking way to clearly see that cancerous growth coincides with exponential photon emissions while healthy liver photon emissions are very stable.

Over the course of his highly productive lifetime, Dr. Popp discovered that these light emissions occurred at different wavelengths according to the cell types, function and species. When Popp brought two biological samples into proximity, things became additionally interesting as the “rhythm” of their photon emissions synchronized beautifully when close together and fell out of sync when separated. This was outlined in his paper On the Coherence of Biophotons.

Popp’s discoveries amplify those of the great Russian scientist A.B. Burlakov who found that the ultra weak light emissions emanating from two sets of fertilised fish eggs separated by a glass demonstrated a powerful harmonizing effect. If one set of eggs were older, then the younger eggs would mature and develop much faster if brought into proximity. However if the age difference between the two sets were too great, then the scientist found that the younger set would see a higher rate of death, deformities and retardation of development.

This mode of thinking about life has the mind of the scientist approach life in a manner more in common with a musician tuning his instrument to an orchestra or a conductor holding multiple sound waves in his mind simultaneously as a whole musical idea which is greater than simply the sum of its parts. It is a much more natural and effective mode of thinking than the materialist/reductionist approach today dominant across most western universities that treats the organism like a machine and the whole as a sum of chemical parts.

A fuller sweep of these discoveries was presented in a 2013 lecture presented by this author, which can be viewed in full here:

The Real Nature of Today’s Fight

Today, the world is being shaped by political forces representing the two opposing currents of science. It may surprise you, dear reader to discover that just one week after Montagnier’s original remarks on the lab origin hypothesis of covid-19 and his calls for a crash program into electromagnetic wavelength therapy, American President Donald Trump announced his support of such lines of research in an April 23 briefing.

Speaking to Bill Bryan (head of the science and technology division of the Department of Homeland Security), Trump said:

Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous … whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light. And I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you are going to test it… And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you are going to test it.

While the mainstream press attacked the President for his supposedly ignorant statements, only those who seriously took the time to research the discoveries by Dr. Luc Montagnier (or the broader school of optical biophysics championed by great men like Louis Pasteur, Alexander Gurwitsch, Vladimir Vernadsky, A.B. Burlakov and Fritz-Albert Popp) could possibly understand the importance of Trump’s remarks and the new age of medicine and creative breakthroughs in science which the Multi-polar alliance might unleash upon the future.

In our third instalment, we will dig more deeply into the historic suppression of science with a focus upon the creation of Nature magazine from the bowels of T.H Huxley’s X Club and the Malthusian Revolution in Science of 1864.

Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow, and Director of The Rising Tide Foundation. He has authored three volumes of the Untold History of Canada book series and four volumes of the Clash of the Two Americas. He hosts Connecting the Dots on TNT Radio, Breaking History on Badlands Media, and The Great Game on Rogue New. Read other articles by Matthew.