The Difference Between Amnesia and Trauma

I spent every day in school
believing that all I was being fed
was lies

I gave them the answers
that they wanted
and passed all their tests

I’m only half surprised
that I’ve forgotten most of it by now

but the experience
did give me
one hell
of a unique perspective
on the world
and I wouldn’t trade it
for a bag of silver
or a stick of gold

If you tell someone that they’ve hurt you
you’re just handing them another bullet
and I’ve never been one to mess around with guns

Scott Thomas Outlar is a lover of truth and enjoys researching philosophy, psychology, politics, spirituality, and any other facet of consciousness in the pursuit of reaching a higher state of vibration. He also enjoys writing rants, poems, essays, short stories, and prose-fusion screeds covering such subjects. Scott Thomas can be reached at You can also watch and/or subscribe to his YouTube Channel. Read other articles by Scott Thomas, or visit Scott Thomas's website.