Kids galore

What would we do if the house were clean?
What would we do if the car weren’t broke?
What would we do if the burrs didn’t poke?
What would we do if the fence didn’t lean?

What would we do if the cracks were patched?
What would we do if the cakes were baked?
What would we do if the leaves were raked?
What would we do if the itches were scratched?

What will we do when justice wins?
What will we do when empire fails?
What will we do when the jailers get jailed?
What will we do? Raise a joyous din

And build the world we’ve hungered for
With neighbors, friends, and kids galore.

Buff Whitman-Bradley’s newest book is And What Will We Sing? a collection of protest and social justice poems spanning the last 25 years. He podcasts at and lives with his wife, Cynthia, in northern California. Read other articles by Buff.