Of the Triggered, by the Triggered, and for the Triggered

The Trump "Resistance"

With election day looming (November 6) Trump “resistance” hysteria is at its shrieking worst. Yet again we face “the most important election of our lifetimes,” or as some prefer to put it, “the second most important,” the first being the election of 2016, when “deplorables” put Donald Trump in the White House. Now, say the Trump haters, these scarcely human degenerates will have a chance to redeem themselves by voting “responsibly,” i.e., according to how their self-appointed betters tell them to vote. The persistence of this incredibly arrogant attitude is a good way to deliver a permanent Trump majority. Just ask Steve Bannon.

Even the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting has been made Trump’s fault, though the shooter was clearly anti-Trump. (Thank God there were no mass shootings in the Obama era!) The toxic brew of Trump “xenophobia,” “racism,” “misogyny” and “Islamophobia” somehow made the shooter a raving anti-Semite. It couldn’t be that decades of Identarian Politics rendering “white male” a dirty word paved the way for Trump’s nationalism, could it? Of course not. It’s that Trump is stained with original sin and must be removed to make way for … utopia?

In short, we are to understand that Trump-the-Monster (Trumpenstein?) single-handedly bred a political climate that produces everything bad directly out of his evil mind while exonerating establishment politicians of both parties whose political wreckage Trump only coincidentally rose out of. But it should be obvious that this makes history entirely irrelevant, since the Devil himself has triumphed. What’s the point of engaging in political action at all?

Liberals and fake radicals are so triggered by Trump that they don’t even notice their descent into madness, much to the delight of a vast swath of middle America that is willing to re-elect Trump on that basis alone. The incredibly misguided “resistance” has somehow convinced itself that boundless indignation over Trump will lead them to victory. They do not see, apparently cannot see, that their indignation is Trump’s rocket fuel: the more they hate him, the higher and farther he flies. Until they can stop being triggered by him, they have no chance of making him go away.

Investigative journalist Allan Nairn, a longstanding critic of the Democratic party, voices the thoughts of many progressives on this election eve:

Democrats are arguably war criminals – not as big as the war criminals on the Republican side, but still war criminals. And they belong in prison. But we are facing such a crisis in this country at this moment that you have to use your head. You have to be tactical. You have to, at this moment, vote in the warmongers who will preserve democracy to block the warmongers would abolish it – and then, the day after the election, go back to the deeper work of creating real, better, more constructive political alternatives and also helping the base of the Democratic Party take back the party from the consultants, from the rich donors. But that’s for the day after the election is completed … Right now, the task is to stop the incipient fascism that Trump and the rightist revolution represents. And you can’t really say that you were working toward an anti-fascist goal if you’re not mobilizing for the Democrats right now. That’s the urgent reality that we’re living.

It is sad to see Nairn falling for the one-sided “fascist” caricature, which we hear practically every five minutes is taking over the country. Nairn’s view of fascism does not include Antifa thugs beating people senseless, “social justice” crusaders rioting to shut down speaking events for views they consider heretical, “always believe the woman” rage brigades jettisoning the presumption of innocence and rules of evidence painfully acquired over centuries of struggle etc. etc. In a gesture to broad-mindedness Nairn concedes that Democrats are warmongers, but wants us to believe that fascist evil is a Republican monopoly. But it’s just not so: the totalitarian impulse runs along the entire political spectrum.

Maybe Juliet Hoffman, presiding judge at the 1969 Chicago conspiracy trial, summed up this totalitarian attitude best: “The substance of the crime is a state of mind,” he said. That’s it. Trump’s mind is criminal. Therefore, our own unethical and criminal conduct just doesn’t matter, since we are acting in heroic “resistance” to evil incarnate. Nor does it matter whether Robert Mueller turns up anything impeachable, since Trump’s very existence is a crime. Tens of millions of Americans are in lockstep with this view, which the late Harry Elmer Barnes would call “totalitarian liberalism.”

Totalitarian liberals seem to have forgotten that we already fell prey to “fascism” under GW Bush. We heard the claim repeatedly in relation to the draconian Patriot Act, the illegal invasion of Iraq, the suspension of habeas corpus, the revival and expansion of administrative torture, and on and on. We even heard talk of American fascism when Arnold Schwarzenegger won the recall election for governor in California. (It must have been the Austrian accent.) In any event, Nairn says nothing about the threat to democracy emanating from “resistance” mobs, screeching anti-Trump media (whose removal of Steve Bannon was achieved via pure hysteria), or Robert Mueller’s show-trial-in-the-making, if he can keep people awake long enough to make intermission.

It is ironic that Nairn urges us to be tactical and “use [our] head,” since he himself fails to do so. If we continue to let Trump trigger us into thinking he is an unprecedented evil, we give power to his blue collar base, which loves to stick it to us for having forsaken their interests for so long while sneering at their “unsophisticated” ways. Using our head means recognizing that tens millions of working class Americans hate our guts, and have every reason to do so.

What’s not to loathe in the political messaging on what passes for an American left? If you don’t “always believe the woman,” you’re a MISOGYNIST. If you have a belief in traditional marriage, you’re a HOMOPHOBE. If you think a fetus is alive and abortion is the taking of a human life, you’re waging a WAR ON WOMEN. If you question whether an asthma inhaler can alter the world’s climate, you’re a GLOBAL WARMING DENIER. If you think gender apartheid is as bad as racial apartheid you’re an ISLAMOPHOBE. If you think resources are finite and inviting tens of millions of economic and political refugees from the Third World to live here is harmful, you’re a RACIST XENOPHOBE. Contrast this with Trump’s changed rhetoric towards Kim Jon Un: He now says he’s “in love” with the man he originally denounced as “little Rocket Man.” Such an abrupt transformation is evidence not of a hate-monger, but of a salesman: his rhetoric shifts to fit an opportunistic agenda. Meanwhile, the contemptuous political commentary coming from the supposedly tolerant “left” never changes.

Nairn urges us to vote against our interests today then “go back” to creating better, constructive political alternatives tomorrow. But that’s not how things work. Voting for our castration today so we can have great sex tomorrow cannot possibly produce healthy political offspring. We have done this election after election for decades and have only mushrooming cynicism and self-contempt to show for it. And cynical people don’t act.

We’re in the political dead-end we’re in because of decades of voting for a Democratic Party that eagerly collaborates with the likes of Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and now Donald Trump to make any renewal and expansion of still immensely popular New Deal programs impossible. In short, we have surrendered our initiative to ideological traitors, and no longer determine our politics. Why shouldn’t Trump take advantage?

By all means, go out and vote, just not for Trump’s enablers in the Democratic Party. Vote instead for candidates calling for meeting the most pressing needs of working families: Medicare for all, tuition free college, higher wages, and lower housing costs.

Michael Smith is the author of "Portraits of Empire." He co-blogs with Frank Scott at www.legalienate.blogspot.com He co-blogs with Frank Scott at www.legalienate.blogspot.com. Read other articles by Michael.