Escape From The Infomatrix

For four long months I’ve been in hiding from The Infomatrix.  Inspired both by a dire need for inner peace and an article titled: “Society is Made of Narrative.  Realizing This Is Awakening From The Matrix” by Caitlin Johnstone, I’ve gone into nearly complete informational and electronic detox.  No television, no radio, no internet (except a short email visit daily), no books, no magazines, no political circus, no celebrity gossip, no sports scores, no incessant and obnoxious advertisements, no mindless chatter, none of Empire’s Official Narrative.  Only music fills the air and beautifies the passage of time in my home.

The result has been many hours of introspection, and a rethinking of how a seventy year old hippie might use his last few fading years on this planet more productively.  Sadly, I came to realize that, even though I’ve long considered myself separate from, and even immune from The Infomatrix, complete escape is nearly impossible  I was sucked into the narrative each time I marched for a cause.  I was sucked into the narrative every time I wrote an article examining or dissecting the narrative.  I’ve long been unknowingly and inadvertantly distracted by the shiny, sparkling objects of Empire, but have now begun writing my own narrative.

My new narrative is an unfinished project.  The Age of Aquarius kicked off to a strong start back about a half century ago, but stopped far short of accomplishing all those elusive hopes and dreams of peace on earth, good will to all people.  We marched defiantly in the streets of Amerika, burning the flags of the criminal Empire which terrorized Southeast Asia for power and profit.  We threw our bodies upon the gears of draft boards which sought our complicity in their crimes.  We broke windows, disrupted traffic, interrupted commerce, and as we burned our draft cards, lit a small flame of Amerikan consciousness, and finally saw an end to The Vietnam War.  Then, with our asses out of harm’s way, we cut our hair and went to work for the system which needed more and more Vietnams to continue business as usual.  But its wars became much more low key  Which of us really knew where Grenada is?  The bloody spectacles of Vietnam would never again be displayed on the nightly news.  War became sanitized, and more of a fireworks show as far as most folks were concerned.  The rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.  There was something oddly patriotic about all the bombing, in a very sick way, and few of us gave pause to consider the dead, dismembered bodies in its wake.

My new narrative is all about finishing the project, and remembering that this was supposed to be The Age of Aquarius, but this so-called land of the free and brave never really set foot outside The Age of Darkness and Death.  You remember The Age of Aquarius, don’t you?  That Never-Neverland where the entire planet unites in common goals.  Where war is relegated to history books, and the worldwide military apparatus is dismantled and abandoned.  Where we, as citizens of Earth, are free to wander the sphere at will. Where food, shelter, medical care, and education are rights, not privileges.  That seemingly unattainable Twilight Zone where peace will guide the planet, and love will steer the stars.  That next HUGE step in the evolution of homo sapiens, out of the darkness and into the light.

Of course, the major impediment to giving a good kick start to sanity is that the breeding colony of international pirates who conceived of and built The USA upon the dead bodies of the indigenous population, and upon the strong backs of captive Africans, has quite a large monetary stake in this, owns and operates all the politicians, police forces, and military, and won’t likely just hand over the keys to the kingdom.  Some things never change.  The pirates have only become more adept and surreptitious about their ongoing mass-murder at home and abroad, and ability to control the national dialogue via The Infomatrix.  God bless these United States of America, pray for our troops, God bless our snipers, and God bless the best dang democracy money can buy!

So I don’t know how much writing I’ll be doing in the immediate future.  I’ll be out there mingling with a few of the good people of this community, doing my very best to suck a few of them out of The Infomatrix to some degree.  Those of us who seek finally and fully attaining something strongly resembling The Age of Aquarius have a vast number of natural allies in this great Christian Nation. Unfortunately, the majority seem to have fallen victim to the incessant Infomatrix chatter about Our Christian Nation…which, by association, means that OUR bombs were ordained by God, of course.  But, goddamn it, bombs just ain’t what Jesus was about.  If he existed at all, he was a revolutionary, a rebel, an enemy of The Roman Empire.  And, unless I’m mistaken, he was all about LOVE, and those bumper stickers are asking just the right question:  “Who Would Jesus Bomb?”

My new narrative is about Revolution.  Of course, armed revolution would be foolish, and the violence would defeat the purpose.  The New Amerikan Revolution must have its basis in love, and love alone.  People in the know will tell you that unarmed revolution is impossible, but I think I hear John Lennon singing “All You Need Is Love”, and he’s right.  Love is all you need.  There is no love in bombs, and it really shouldn’t be that difficult to convince more than a few Christians that they should quit voting people into office who authorize warfare.  If the freaking Age of Aquarius isn’t a mirror image of what Christ was preaching, I’ll be damned.  But I’ve been damned before.  The first thing which those of us who challenge the official narrative must do find a way to defund the War Machine, and unfortunately, as much as I hate the idea…it will have to be done within the existing, ridiculous, rigged, so-called 2-party system.  Either within or without the two established parties.  And yes, boys and girls, some of us rebels living out here on the fringe of society will have to run for public office.  Even if only to make some noise, and call some public attention to the fledgling Peace Movement. This could be exciting stuff.  Street theater.  Recreate yourself!  Take a new narrative to the streets.  Don’t be shy. Share your wisdom…gently.  Wisely and cautiously.  It’s not an easy task to convince someone that they just might have a few important misconceptions

And now my hair grows long.  Shining, gleaming, streaming, flaxen, waxen hair…but gray, of course.  There will be no more haircuts.  I’m taking kindness lessons from my friend Santo, and learning the A to Z of yoga from Amy and Zoee.  I’ve taken the first and most important step toward world peace by becoming vegan.  I walk forth upon this earth now with renewed enthusiasm and purpose.  At seventy years of age, I find that I am completely fearless.  “What is the purpose of life?” asks Kurt Vonnegut in “Breakfast of Champions”.  “To be the eyes and ears and conscience of the Creator of the Universe, you fool.” he answers.  And that about sums it up.  If this Age of Aquarius is going to grow wings and fly, it’s going to take considerable effort from the likes of you and me.

Because here’s the thing…No, let’s let Caitlin Johnstone end this piece:

Because here’s the thing: since it’s all narrative, anything is possible. Those who see this have the ability to plunge toward health and human thriving without any regard for the made-up reasons why such a thing is impossible, and plant seeds of light which sprout in unprecedented directions that never could have been predicted by someone plugged into to establishment how-it-is stories. Together, we can determine how society will be. We can re-write the rules. We are re-writing the rules. It’s begun already.

John R. Hall, having finally realized that no human being in possession of normal perception has a snowball's chance in hell of changing the course of earth's ongoing trophic avalanche, now studies sorcery with the naguals don Juan Matus and don Carlos Castaneda in the second attention. If you're patient, you might just catch him at his new email address, but if his assemblage point happens to be displaced, it could take a while. That address is: Read other articles by John R..