The conundrum of what you do with that puma that comes wondering into town. Or that wolf jumping electronic fences for some of papa’s Angus beef. What do you do with that toothless meth head, crazed and full of steam pipe madness when he comes rushing at you with a machete. What to do with the careening car jumping curbs while you bicycle around town. What to do with the woman about to push the child in the stroller off the cliff. What to do with the disheveled dude with the lab coat with the syringe of gasoline about to dip the needle into grandmother’s wrist.
What do we do, I have been asked, you know, those of us against the death penalty, but, not enough stalwarts of it since guys like me have no compunction against taking out the crib murderer – that shadowy and lurking hulk hovering over our baby’s crib. What do you do with that bat, that pretty good left fielder swing? Are my readers kidding when they say, “No way, Gandhi man, I will let fate take hold and witness, pleading, something verbal, to stop that.”
You let doc put the 100-cc’s unleaded regular into granny, or do you take a decent nine iron swing and follow through? That rancher in his Dodge Hummer and GPS-directed wrangling, you think that skinny-ass wolf is going to make it over the fence and into the Angus beef herd? You think old Sheriff Billy Bob is going to let that puma just saunter into town near the Trader Joe’s, just walking that cool cat walk near the playground, without a few pumps of his defender 12 gauge?
This conundrum is a basic dilemma in a society – USA, EU, UK, NZ, Japan, AU – where men are feminized and women are man-sized for this generation of sharks (I do not mean this literally, since every shark I have encountered in wild have been honest brokers of their nature) who suck the blood of the dispossessed, the weaker, those out in the rural locales, away from the poles or coasts or urban islands of hubris dung heaping. These suited fools, both male and female, love the game. End Games X. They relish the kills. Each and every hostile takeover, each and every balance sheet balanced on the pensions of workers. Those vulture capitalists who take a good running small business and run it into the ground, letting the workers spread like leafs into the desiccating winds of this political murder incorporated.
They actually see homeless camps, see guerrilla gardens, see those folk demanding more safety nets, they seem them as scum. The scum, of course, rises up, too, for these bankers-elites-John Kerry and Barman Boehner types – teachers, unionists, folks wanting a real shutdown of this government — turning off the taps to the corporate pigsty and shackling up the pigs of capital. Guilty is proven no, so no need for habeas corpus. Innocent until proven what? These are sociopaths — corporations mixed with governments. They ARE guilty of crimes against humanity, genocide, ethnic and class cleansing, murder incorporated, facilitated by the scum of private kill teams and the US’s mean county and city rovers of the land, dogs of policing.
We love it when the lying, cheating, ethically-challenged judge throws the book at the bank robber, or that 7-11 hold up guy, but, when Petraeus types, those J. Diamond dudes, all those Kissinger types, the span of the Greenspan spawn, the rot-gut of the Zuckerberg-Bezos-Google intellectual gulag creators, all those governors and politicians who have the moral syphilis of a gang of bus drivers in India, when they face the music, well, Americans think power must mean right or at least total insulation from the same book-throwing judgments against the mother who got time for lying about her kids’ address to get them into better schools, or the woman who defended herself against a crazed, broken, pathetic rabid sub-male who bear her so much that a slug to the chest and belly got her murder charges.
This is what these Zionists and otherwise Zilch people sell in the form of Jerry Springer-Doctor Phil-60 Minutes-Whatever: the elites and quasi-hipsters and broken educated sorts, and those who fancy themselves as creative, that’s what they want to show – OUR demise, OUR ramshackle characters. Funny, hip, dead from the neck up writers in Hollywood or the New York Scene. They end up also being the little thugs of felonious pranks against us, the MAJORITY.
We are joystick creeps, perpetrators of death by money, death by extraction, death by debt, death by endless and mindless know-nothingness. We haven’t the fortitude to just lock down the company. Lock it down. Stop the buses, the schools, the thieves, the rotten Professional Managerial Class, like those in Medford, Oregon, who are going after medical marijuana shops. These city managers, police chiefs, and the endless paper-pushers who are the little and big Eichmann models of the 21st Coder Century.
Nah, Americans and Westerners more and more are bred to die afraid, cowering behind consumer lust, dead on arrival in the classroom. I have these discussions ALL the time. Me, who is left of left-wing for VERY good reasons, and so what if there are pukes out there who think I am some retrograde or wastrel or what have you. Give me a break. I’ve broken bread with Hells Angels and Banditos; had rice wine and pho with former Viet Cong in the middle of rice nirvana along the infamous Highway One; I’ve downed mescal and corn mash with federalies, felons of the fanciful drug trade in Mexico, and with drug dealers themselves and the Crypto Christians in the DEA; I’ve sipped coffee from guerrillas’ buckets in the highlands of Huehuetenango, had bad beer with former CIA and Special Forces in Honduras, and ate dorado game fish with dudes who smuggled dollars into Cuba inside scuba tanks.
I am not going to go on to try and lay out my credentials. They are there.
I say America, grow a set of short ones – antennae, that is. I cannot fathom the Stockholm Syndrome of our times, expecting the Cheney-Obama-Powell-Wolfowitz-Bush-Clinton-Albright-Kerry-Military Mutts to be taken into the unfair court of justice, stacked against you and against me, and expect some miracle of Helen Keller proportions to rise and take these misfits of the DNA-twine frogtied and paraded into some mythical courtroom for their terabyte level crimes. These people need to go away. Sayonara. Adios. Bye-bye. Whatever physical form of justice you can think of, some way, maybe even the way of all 6 pounds of cremains used to pave the roads of this vast country so we can have trains and bicycle lanes.
So, our rendition teams, those drone punks, the medical sanctions, the endless pollution and economic hit men teams, the endless judges, this rigged judicial system, the entire project of debtors courts and food safety cutting mad slashers, the entire teams of people you and I think we vote for, think are some representatives of us, well, they do a pretty good job of torturing our children, killing our grandparents, and letting the sting of salt fester our deep wounds — those slashes in the soul and body they have unleashed upon us.
These fellows and fems are not the proverbial madman lurking in the alley with a broken bottle and poker at the ready facing us off – your money or your life? What do you do? Run? Take a knee and pray? Cover the eyes before the slicing? Or do you carry out the defense of self, the self-initiated free law of surviving? Do we not take that big Louisville slugger and put it through the full wind up and unleashing? You think these families should continue to breed? You think, words-words-words do squat for any of us, for yourself, for them?
Which war have they unleashed against just folk like me – teacher and journalist? Which pathetic Zionist lie are we now looking at in the form of Obamanation?
Only Tyrants Treat Journalists As Terrorists U.S. Points Out that … While Doing the Exact Same Thing
The U.S. government is targeting whistle-blowers in order to keep its hypocrisy secret … so that it can keep on doing the opposite of what it tells other countries to do.
As part of this effort to suppress information which would reveal the government’s hypocrisy, the American government – like the British government – is treating journalists as terrorists.
Journalism is not only being criminalized in America, but investigative reporting is actually treated like terrorism.
The government admits that journalists could be targeted with counter-terrorism laws (and here). For example, after Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges, journalist Naomi Wolf, Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg and others sued the government to enjoin the NDAA’s allowance of the indefinite detention of Americans – the judge asked the government attorneys 5 times whether journalists like Hedges could be indefinitely detained simply for interviewing and then writing about bad guys. The government refused to promise that journalists like Hedges won’t be thrown in a dungeon for the rest of their lives without any right to talk to a judge
After the government’s spying on the Associated Press made it clear to everyone that the government is trying to put a chill journalism, the senior national-security correspondent for Newsweek tweeted:
Serious idea. Instead of calling it Obama’s war on whistleblowers, let’s just call it what it is: Obama’s war on journalism.
- The Pentagon recently smeared USA Today reporters because they investigated illegal Pentagon propaganda
- Reporters covering the Occupy protests were targeted for arrest
- The Bush White House worked hard to smear CIA officers, bloggers and anyone else who criticized the Iraq war
- In an effort to protect Bank of America from the threatened Wikileaks expose of the bank’s wrongdoing, the Department of Justice told Bank of America to a hire a specific hardball-playing law firm to assemble a team to take down WikiLeaks (and see this)
- And the American government has been instrumental in locking up journalists in America (and here), Yemen and elsewhere for the crime of embarrassing the U.S. government.
Right, this is America, and we watch our own deaths on TV, laugh at fat guys called repo men, laugh at the psychics from NYC getting girls to cry about suicidal boyfriends. If TV and diet and our treatment of young and old, teachers and librarians, the lowest on the economic ladder workers, if that is a true indicator of a society’s worth, then, we as Americans – oh, darn, Canadians, too – are worth-less.
We watch the endless junk of endless fake sports, the endless Iron Man XXI redux, the creeps of the Hollywood-Zionist-Corrupted-Deviant class of Americans who think that turn of a phrase and that dime for every breath inhaled of the customer of iPad, Samsung, Netflix, Regal Cinema crap, that these people in charge of the marionettes are somehow the seers, The Way, The Answer, the soothsayers, the legit and only story tellers, the history makers, and the ones who shape how we sit and bitch and let the murderers come to the village square, to the school yard, to the hospital ward, to the prison, to the sweatshop, to the office cubicle, we just think those folk are the masters of our universe, and all we can muster is, “Shit, they should be locked up for life” dithering comments? Nothing we can do, so murder away.
You betcha there have been these stories and lamentations and ruminations around how the world might be tipped back around, that the viruses and the cancers and the flesh-eating bacteria need to be washed away, flash frozen into eternity, hit with incineration, something. How many people does it take to screw the world and you and I? A thousand? Ten thousand? A few million Little Eichmanns?
We have allowed the child murderer and the grandmother torturer to live and sell junk bonds and smile on TV and get that Lobby K Street sick joke pushed into our Cable TV-loving lives; and we just cough up the blood of hedge fund tuberculosis, the awful mess of lung collapse from the millionaire set who scrap, rape, devolve the earth with their machines, drills, fluids, earthquake-inducing leeching.
We have let that crib robber come into the baby’s room with the hatchet, and we have let that madman there with the torch next to the infirmary, let her dance around and then light the entire hospital because we have become frozen in the debasing of consumerism, the self-deception of retribution in some hell written by some evil guy like Stephen King. We think time will tell, their time will come and that there is a heaven where pigs fly and Mormons ride in Jetsons SUVs in the Sky.
Some day, oh, some day, a cruising for a bruising.
We are all Walter White (no longer Walter Middy) there, in our fat Lazy Boys, watching these deviants of droll-ly-wood write the history of our endless slide into impotence, intransigence and ineptitude. Our feminization and messed up malehood, wrinkled by the bombs that red glare, the drones that go from sea to shining sea, the rockets blaring inside the machine, the ghost of coders eating away our souls, our own self-defense, our ability to see the murder and the murderer before the knife is thrust through auntie’s collar bone, all of that is our lot now.
I argue and argue about this, which thousand or ten thousand or even a million of these madmen and madwomen, serial killers of the Alien kind, how many should be taken out, reduced a la Obama-SEAL way, since we wake up every Wheaties morning, pay the bills, let the taxes go straight to the fuel tank of drone war, straight to the computer Dystopia of NSA . . .. we wake up every single day and serve America’s-UK’s-EU’s-NZ’s-AU’s-China’s-Japan’s-Russia’s-Saudi Arabia’s murder machine, the millions working to find the trap door and the pongee stake for us all. Who let baby and brother and mother and grandpa get bulldozed over in the name of consumerism, in the name of the corporate takeover, in the name of tin-horns from Ivy League Schools; we let them get juiced and sprayed and immolated so the spawn of the money changers and earth levelers and bankrupted souls of the court and the brain scum of the kings’ and queens’ dramas, so the all can end up lurching forward with the crossbow pointed at the schoolyard, the family reunion, and we can bend down and beg, or turn away and wait, or kneel for Jehovah, and dream of Bruce Willis or Van Diesel or Angelina to come save the day.
Who will join in the chorus to ask for comeuppance, to make sure no stone is left unused, to stone to death these murderers? Who has the guts to even start, by every single day spitting in their faces, throwing their game back at them, in the face of SWAT madness and Obama Killing?
Who are these targets of our collective justice, dream justice, retribution justice, something of a justice not fathomed or spoken of by the NPR-loving demon-crats, or not even considered in the NeoCons?
Here, an Illuminati web site —
Based on Vanity Fair’s listing from the position of 1-100, persons known to be Jewish occupy 53% of the power positions. However, there are actually 106 names on the list (with two names listed side by side in five places) and with the additional names (four of the six being Jewish), there are 57 individuals known to be Jewish listed.
So depending upon how one calculates, either 53% (or 54% including all those listed) of the most powerful members of “the New Establishment”—as perceived by Vanity Fair—are Jewish. And it should be noted that Vanity Fair’s assessment of who constitutes “the New Establishment” is one that critics would be hard-pressed to dispute.
The fact that a Jewish-owned publication has published the names of these Jewish power brokers (without specifically citing their ethnic and religious heritage) is interesting, especially since Israel’s prestigious newspaper, The Jerusalem Post, on Oct. 11, 2007, heralded publication of the list, saying in a headline that “Jewish power dominates [at the] Vanity Fair [list]. The reporter for the Post, Nathan Burstein, noted:
Quote —
“It’s a list of ‘the world’s most powerful people,’ 100 of the bankers and media moguls, publishers and image makers who shape the lives of billions. It’s an exclusive, insular club, one whose influence stretches around the globe but is concentrated strategically in the highest corridors of power. More than half its members, at least by one count, are Jewish.
It’s a list, in other words, that would have made earlier generations of Jews jump out of their skins, calling attention, as it does, to their disproportionate influence in finance and the media.
Making matters worse, in the eyes of many, would no doubt be the identity of the group behind the list—not a pack of fringe anti-Semites but one of the most mainstream, glamorous publications on the newsstands. The list would seem to conform to all the traditional stereotypes about areas of Jewish over representation.”
End Quote —
Joseph Aaron, editor of the Chicago Jewish News said that his readers should “feel very, very good about” the news that their co-religionists are so powerful in America.
Top 100: Vanity Fair‘s List of ‘The New Establishment’
(List below is from Vanity Fair and enhanced and annotated by M.C. Piper. Interesting, but …)
1. Rupert Murdoch, billionaire global media baron financed by the Rothschild, Bronfman and Oppenheimer empires. (Widespread belief that Murdoch is Jewish is disputed. See below.)
2. Steve Jobs, chief executive officer of the Apple computer conglomerate.
3. Sergey Brin and Larry Page, founders of Google, the Internet giant.
4. Stephen Schwarzman and Pete Peterson, founders of the Blackstone Group, a financial investment giant, representing shadowy cliques of plutocratic predators.
5. Warren Buffett, a longtime U.S. satellite of the European Rothschild family and one of the owners of the Washington Post publishing group.
6. Bill Clinton, former president of the United States.
7. Steven Spielberg, Hollywood producer and director, perhaps the most powerful man in the movie industry.
8. Bernard Arnault, French industrialist whose growing empire produces such luxury label items as Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior and Dom Perignon, among others.
9. Michael Bloomberg, billionaire New York mayor and possible presidential candidate who made his fortune in the financial news information industry.
10. Bill and Melinda Gates, the husband-and-wife team who are the rulers of the Microsoft computer colossas.
11. Carlos Slim Helú, Fortune magazine says this Mexican billionaire of Lebanese descent is the world’s richest man, controlling 200 companies that account for 7% of Mexico’s gross domestic product.
12. H. Lee Scott, president and chief executive of Wal-Mart.
13. Ralph Lauren, fashion industry tycoon.
14. Oprah Winfrey, widely promoted television personality.
15. Barry Diller and Diane von Furstenberg (husband and wife). Diller is a Hollywood figure who is now a major player in the television home shopping business. His wife is a major fashion designer.
16. David Geffen, Hollywood business partner of aforementioned Steven Spielberg and a major movie industry figure in his own right.
17. Howard Stringer, chief executive of the Sony corporation.
18. Richard Parsons, African-American front man was chief executive officer and chairman of the board of directors for the Zionist rulers of the Time-Warner media empire. (Recently stepped down.)
19. Al Gore, former vice president of the United States and father-in-law of an heir to the Schiff international banking fortune that financed the Bolshevik Revolution.
20. Larry Ellison, chief executive officer of Oracle, the database software giant known for his patronage of Israeli causes.
21. Herb Allen, head of the influential privately owned investment house of Allen & Co; he convenes an annual conclave of elite industrialists at Sun Valley, Idaho.
22. Jeff Bewkes, recently became CEO at the Time-Warner media empire (which has long been under the influence of the Bronfman family and other Zionist elements).
23. Jeff Bezos, the founder of the book and video Internet powerhouse.
24. Peter Chernin, runs Fox News for Rupert Murdoch and Murdoch’s behind-the-scenes sponsors.
25. Leslie Moonves, head of CBS, the fiefdom of the Sarnoff family.
26. Jerry Bruckheimer, Hollywood producer— major films and weekly television.
27. George Clooney, film star and supporter of liberal causes.
28. Bono, rock star & global poverty activist.
29. François Pinault, luxury brands king/art collector
30. Roman Abramovich, Russian oilman and financial wheeler dealer.
31. Ronald Perelman, billionaire cigar monopoly kingpin and head of the Revlon cosmetics giant.
32. Tom Hanks, actor/producer
33. Jacob Rothschild, global banking tycoon of the famed Zionist family and major behind-the-scenes influence in the United States through such associates as non-Jewish Warren Buffett.
34. Robert DeNiro, actor/producer.
35. Howard Schultz, founder of the Starbucks coffee shop chain.
36. Robert Iger, head of the Walt Disney media conglomerate.
37. Giorgio Armani, fashion designer and clothing tycoon.
38. Jeffrey Katzenberg, partner of aforementioned Spielberg and Geffen.
39. Ronald Lauder and Leonard Lauder, rulers of the Estee Lauder cosmetics empire; major figures in the World Jewish Congress.
40. George Lucas, Hollywood producer (best known for the Star Wars films and marketing gimmickry empire).
41. Harvey Weinstein and Bob Weinstein, major Hollywood producers.
42. Diane Sawyer and Mike Nichols (husband and wife). Sawyer is a television and “news” personality; Nichols is an influential Hollywood producer and director.
43. Bruce Wasserstein, chief of the powerful Zionist investment house of Lazard and owner of New York Magazine.
44. Miuccia Prada, famed fashion icon and handbag designer.
45. Steven Cohen, hedge-fund manager at SAC Capital Advisers.
46. Tom Cruise, actor/producer closely associated with an organization known to have been taken over from within by assets of Israel’s intelligence service.
47. Jay-Z , rapper/entrepreneur
48. Ron Meyer, chief of Universal Studios, now under Bronfman family empire control.
49. Frank Gehry, architect.
50. Arnold Schwarzenegger, former actor-turned-governor of California, closely associated with Rothschild family associate Warren Buffett (see above).
51. Henry Kravis, leveraged buy-out king at Kohlberg, Kravis & Roberts; his wife is a major player in the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York-based adjunct of the Rothschild family’s London-based Royal Institute of International Affairs.
52. Karl Lagerfeld, head of the Chanel perfume empire.
53. Oscar and Annette de la Renta, fashion designers.
54. Martha Stewart, popular television personality and home products tycoon.
55. Mickey Drexler, chief of the J. Crew fashion company.
56. Michael Moritz, financier previously associated with Google and former journalist who was San Francisco bureau chef for Bronfman-controlled Time magazine. Holds an interest in Pay Pal and in Yahoo.
57. Brian Roberts, heads Comcast, the nation’s largest cable company and second-largest Internet provider.
58. Roger Ailes, runs Fox News channel for Murdoch and associates.
59. ViviNevo, Israeli-born international investment tycoon who holds large takes in Time-Warner, Goldman Sachs and Microsoft. (One of his principal associates is Israeli arms dealer, Arnon Milchan, a major backer of Israel’s secret nuclear weapons development program.)
60. Mick Jagger, rock star.
61. Jeff Skoll, film producer.
62. Vinod Khosla, Indian-born, American-based major investor in “green” technologies such as solar, clean coal, fuel cells and cellulosic ethanol.
63. Diego Della Valle, major figure in the luxury accessories fashion industry, notably the Tod’s shoe company.
64. Stacey Snider, co-chief of DreamWorks, the Spielberg-Geffen-Katzenberg combine in Hollywood.
65. Brian Grazer and Ron Howard, major Hollywood producers.
66. John Lasseter, Disney-Pixar studios.
67. George Soros, infamous international wheeler-dealer.
68. Philippe Dauman, runs Viacom media giant for Zionist mogul Sumner Redstone (who also controls CBS).
69. John Malone, runs Liberty Media (Discovery Channel, USA network etc); formerly associated with Jerrold Electronics, founded by Milton Shapp, a devout Zionist who served two terms as governor of Pennsylvania.
70. Sumner Redstone, owner of the Viacom/CBS media giant.
71. Paul Allen, head of Vulcan investment house and co-founder, with Bill Gates (see above) of the Microsoft empire.
72. Eddie Lampert, money manager for major figures in the global elite; member of the secret Skull & Bones fraternity at Yale.
73. Leon Black, major investor with controlling influence at Telemundo, Spanish-language broadcasting, Harrah’s casino empire, and Realogy, which controls real-estate companies such as Coldwell Banker and Century 21.
74. JannWenner, owner of Rolling Stone magazine
75. Eric Fellner and Tim Bevan Working Title Films, London
76. Jerry Weintraub, Hollywood producer.
77. Donatella Versace, fashion empire head.
78. Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times columnist.
79. Tim Russert, NBC news commentator.
80. Charlie Rose, PBS television news commentator and talk show host.
81. Joel Silver, Hollywood film producer.
82. Frank Rich, NewYork Times commentator/ author
83. Jonathan Ive, designer of the iPod, iMac and Iphone.
84. Larry Gagosian, owner of art galleries in New York, London and Los Angeles, closely associated with Zionist billionaires such as David Geffen and S. I. Newhouse Jr., etc.
85. Charles Saatchi, owner of the famed Saatchi Gallery and longtime major figure in the public relations industry.
86. Jean Pigozzi, art collector and close associate of the Rothschild family.
87. Stephen Colbert, television-based political satirist/host.
88. Bill O’Reilly, Fox television conservative talk show host.
89. Jon Stewart, TV personality and pundit.
90. Steve Bing, film producer.
91. Eli Broad, billionaire investor and patron of Zionist causes.
92. Michael Milken, Wall Street predator, ex-convict, and devoted supporter of Israel.
93. Arthur Sulzberger Jr., owner of the New York Times media empire.
94. Ron Burkle, supermarket and media magnate (including Motor Trend and Soap Opera Digest).
95. Scott Rudin, Hollywood producer
96. Jimmy Buffett, singer and musician, branching into investments.
97. Steven Rattner, private equity and hedge fund investor, former reporter for The NewYork Times.
98. Arianna Huffington, writer and television personality.
99. Doug Morris, runs Universal Music for its owners, the Zionist Bronfman family and its wide-ranging empire.
100. Jimmy Iovine, head of Interscope Records and closely associated with aforementioned Zionist music tycoon David Geffen.
Well that is interesting, DV readers. The guy put the bold typeface on Jewish people, but I think his annotations speak for themselves. What is a Zionist, anyways? Gilad Atzmon
Really, it doesn’t matter who makes the list, because, in the end, even those of us without the racist DNA that is America, well, we know the jib is up for us, if we allow this accumulation of criminal wealth to continue, and allow the titans breed and pass on the criminal enterprises to their children, wives, lovers, dogs.
Here, top families in the world: Not a Family Circle list, however:
When Chilean billionaire Andronico Luksic passed away in 2005, he left his entire business to his family, namely his wife Iris Fontbona, and their three sons, Jean-Paul, Andronico and Guillermo. The family controls one of the largest copper miners in the world, a company called Antofagasta. The family also holds the majority of the shares of Quinenco, a consumer packaging and beverage producing company with stakes in the banking, energy, port services and transportation sectors. They also own two beach resorts in Croatia.
The family of Mexican billionaire Alberto Bailleres Gonzalez has a stake in various sectors and industries through its holding company called GrupoBal Gonzalez is the Chairman of the largest silver miners in the world called Industrias Penoles. The family also controls Grupo Palacio de Hierro, a department store chain; Grupo Nacional Provincial, an insurance company; and Grupo Profuturo, a pension fund company. Gonzalez also has a stake in FEMSA, a bottler of Coca Cola.
Theo Albrecht Jr. is the lone surviving son of Theo Albrecht, the man who built up a large grocery chain in Germany and the rest of the European mainland in the 1960?s. After the elder Albrecht died, he left his fortune to his two sons, Theo, Jr. and Berthold. Berthold, however, passed away in November 2012, leaving behind his wife Babette and five children. As all the businesses are controlled by a foundation that gives out dividends to family members, all of them still have a stake in the various companies. Among them are Aldi Nord, the German discount supermarket chain; and Trader Joe’s, an American discount grocery retailer.
Thomas and Raymond Kwok are property tycoons from Hong Kong. They now control, along with their mother KwongSiu-hing, Sun Hung Kai Properties, the dominant player in the country’s real estate industry. The family patriarch Kwok Tak-Seng, who passed away in 1990, founded the company. The two brothers, however, are currently involved in a $4 million corruption scandal that is awaiting trial.
The Thomson family has a private holding company called Woodbridge, which is controlled by David Thomson and his brother Peter. The family owns 55 percent of the media information company called Thomson Reuters. David chairs the board of this firm, as well as the Globe and Mail newspaper in Canada. The family also has shares in IHS, a company that deals with analytics, and Strategic Hotel and Resorts, a real estate investment trust company.
After Pietro Ferrero died in the 1950?s, his entire chocolate business was taken over by his son Michele Ferrero. Michele was able to expand the business into one of the largest confectionery makers in the world, with products and brands that include Ferrero Rocher hazelnut chocolates, Nutella and Tic Tac. The Italian group has more than 70 affiliated companies and 15 production plants. It also employs about 22,000 people around the world. The company is particularly strong in places like the United States, Russia and Brazil, three of the biggest countries in the world. He has two sons, Pietro and Giovanni, but the former passed away in 2011. Giovanni is now the Chief Executive Officer of the entire Ferrero group.
Christy Walton is the surviving wife of John Walton, one of the sons of Sam Walton, the co-founder of the massive Wal-Mart chain. After Sam died, his children took over with shares in the company. John, however, died in 2005 in an airplane crash, leaving behind Christy and one child. Christy and her family inherited John’s wealth, including dividends from Wal-Mart that amounted to $430 million in 2012 alone. A side investment in First Solar also pushed her net worth more than the other Walton siblings.
Bernard Arnault is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the luxury line Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton, or LVMH. The family also has shares in Christian Dior. The Frenchman, however, has attracted controversy in the past years after he applied for citizenship in Belgium. A lot of people believed it was related to the high tax regime being proposed in his native France. The move sparked a lot of debate on the government’s plan on further taxing the rich. Before the year ended, Arnault was also knighted in the United Kingdom.
Carlos Slim Helu is the head of the richest family in the world. The family owns Grupo Financiero Inbursa, a financial company, and Grupo Carso, an industrial and retail firm. He also owns America Movil, a mobile phone company operating across Latin America and that has stakes in KPN of the Netherlands and Telekom Austria. The family also has interests in infrastructure, mining and real estate. His sons, Carlos, Marco Antonio and Patrick, are now in charge of some of the companies.
Heck, how about the richest individuals? They on the targeted drone list, the precision bomb roster?
See the top 20:
Name | Net worth (from Bloombery Markets) | Nationality |
1. Carlos Slim Helú | $ 73.1 billion | MEX |
2. Bill Gates | $ 62.4 billion | USA |
3. Amancio Ortega | $ 51.6 billion | SPN |
4. Warren Buffett | $ 45.9 billion | USA |
5. Ingvar Kamprad | $ 41.4 billion | SWE |
6. Charles Koch | $ 39.6 billion | USA |
7. David Koch | $ 39.6 billion | USA |
8. Larry Ellison | $ 36.4 billion | USA |
9. Christy Walton | $ 29.8 billion | USA |
10. Jim Walton | $ 28.5 billion | USA |
11. Rob Walton | $ 27.9 billion | USA |
12. Alice Walton | $ 27.5 billion | USA |
13. Li Ka-Shing | $ 27.0 billion | HKG |
14. Bernard Arnault | $ 25.2 billion | FRA |
15. Alwaleed bin Talal Al Saud | $ 25.0 billion | SAU |
16. Liliane Bettencourt | $ 23.8 billion | FRA |
17. Stefan Persson | $ 23.4 billion | SWE |
18. Mukesh Ambani | $ 23.3 billion | IND |
19. Lee Shau Kee | $ 23.0 billion | HKG |
20. David Thomson | $ 22.4 billion | CAN |
Well, the list is always in flux, according to war-monger Forbes, et al.
The ranks of the world’s billionaires, as monitored and tallied by our global wealth team, have yet again reached all-time highs. The 2013 Forbes Billionaires list now boasts 1,426 names, with an aggregate net worth of $5.4 trillion, up from $4.6 trillion. We found 210 new ten-figure fortunes. Once again the U.S. leads the list with 442 billionaires, followed by Asia-Pacific (386), Europe (366), the Americas (129) and the Middle East & Africa (103).
How about the World’s Ten Most Powerful Companies? They on a kill list in the Obama situation room?
Country: China … Industry: Banking
You might not know ICBC, but everyone in the world’s most populous country sure does.
The Industrial & Commercial Bank of China has almost half a million employees, more than four million corporate clients and nearly 300 million individual customers. Sales have increased 24% in the last year, and profits 17%.
2. China Construction Bank
Country: China … Industry: Banking
CCB’s profit grew 14% in 2012, and has jumped up 11 places in Forbes’ Global 2000 since last year.
CCB had almost 14,000 branches in mainland china at the end of 2011, and overseas branches in Hong Kong, Singapore, Frankfurt, Johannesburg, Tokyo, Seoul, New York, Ho Chi Minh City, Melbourne and Sydney. It is one of four Chinese banks in the list’s top 25.
3. JPMorgan Chase
Country: U.S. … Industry: Banking
This 200-year-old US investment bank now has assets of $2.4 trillion – that’s roughly equivalent to the UK’s GDP. It operates in more than 60 countries and has 260,000 employees. It’s managed to slide into third place despite having to write off $6bn last year due to rogue trader “the London Whale”. Stick that in your blowhole.
4. General Electric
Country: U.S. … Industry: Conglomerate
GE is the US’s largest conglomerate, with a market cap of more than $235bn. It’s been going more than 130 years, and describes itself as a “global infrastructure, finance and media company taking on the world’s toughest challenges”.
5. Exxon Mobil
Country: U.S…. Industry: Oil & Gas Operations
Exxon Mobil is the most profitable company in the world, but it seems it scrimped on branding and PR, as its strapline “Taking on the world’s toughest energy challenges” has clearly been poached from top-10-list-buddy General Electric. It is the world’s largest public oil and gas company, and comprises 10 separate companies spanning various types of energy and chemicals.
6. HSBC Holdings
Country: UK … Industry: Banking
Our only home-grown entry into the top 10, HSBC flies the flag for the UK with a £123bn market cap. It was founded in 1865 to finance trade between the West and Asia, and today has almost 60 million customers across the world.
7. Royal Dutch Shell
Country: Netherlands … Industry: Oil & Gas Operations
Okay, maybe we can claim a bit more UK-ness in the list, as we classify Shell as Anglo-Dutch. It operates in 90 countries, having been founded almost two centuries ago from a small shop in London. It produced more than three million barrels of oil a day last year. Market cap is £135bn.
8. Agricultural Bank of China
Country: China … Industry: Banking
Blimey, yet another Chinese bank. Sales, profits and assets all grew in double digits last year. The bank has evolved from a state-owned specialised institution (no prized for guessing what sector it specialised in) in the 70s to a state-controlled commercial bank. It restructured into a joint stock limited liability company in 2009, and floated on Shanghai Stock Exchange and Hong Kong Stock Exchange the next year.
9. Berkshire Hathaway (joint 9th place)
Country: US … Industry: Diversified Financial
Warren Buffett is one of the world’s top five biggest philanthropists, and you’d hope so too – profits at Berkshire Hathaway were up a colossal 45% in 2012. You will recall his February acquisition of Heinz for $28bn, proving Berkshire Hathaway is far from a has-bean.
9. PetroChina (joint 9th place)
Country: China … Industry: Oil & Gas Operations
Profits fell last year at China’s most powerful oil and gas company, but it still managed to make it to the top 10. It listed in 2000 on the New York Stock Exchange and Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and followed up with a 2007 listing on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
You want to know collectively which ones are the main killer of humanity, country by country, as in David Idiot Letterman’s Top Six list? Biggest arms dealers:
On Friday at the United Nations, after years of discussions and debates, the vast majority of governments agreed to a timetable to establish a “strong and robust” Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) with the “highest common standards” to control international transfers of conventional arms. There is currently no global treaty on the conventional arms trade.
Most of the world’s biggest arms traders – including the USA – will now all back the UN process. Russia and China abstained from the vote on the UN resolution that moved discussions into the treaty negotiation phase but are expected to take part in the process. The Obama Administration’s decision to back the arms trade talks reverses the position of the Bush Administration who voted against the moving the UN process toward treaty negotiations multiple times. Zimbabwe was the only country to vote no on the resolution.
The Control Arms campaign – a coalition of hundreds of non-governmental organizations in more than 100 countries that has promoted the ATT – welcomed the historic breakthrough at the UN today and called on all states to negotiate a truly effective treaty. They warned that governments must keep up the momentum to ensure the final treaty has firm international standards for the global arms trade. Campaigners expressed reservations about the procedure planned for the UN conference which could give every state the right of veto over final decisions at the UN conference. They warned a small number of skeptical states must not be allowed to hijack the ATT process when it is clear the world wants a strong treaty.
“All countries participate in the conventional arms trade and share responsibility for the ‘collateral damage’ it produces – widespread death, injuries and human rights abuses,” said Rebecca Peters, director of the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA). “Now, finally, governments have agreed to negotiate legally binding global controls on this deadly trade.”
The agreement in the UN today means that the eventual ATT will be negotiated in a series of UN meetings concluding at a UN conference in 2012.
“The Arms Trade Treaty needs a ‘golden rule’ requiring governments to stop any proposed arms transfer that poses a substantial risk of being used for serious violations of human rights or war crimes,” said Brian Wood, Amnesty International’s head of arms control. “Such a golden rule could save hundreds of thousands of lives and protect the livelihoods of many millions.”
The resolution on the ATT also highlights the issue of international arms transfers contributing to armed conflict, displacement of people, organized crime and terrorism, thereby undermining peace, safety, security and sustainable development.
“For too long, governments have let the flow of weapons get out of control causing pain, suffering and death in some of the world’s poorest regions. With hundreds of thousands of people dying a year from armed violence, weapons that fall into the hands of criminals and rights abusers destroy communities and livelihoods.” said Anna Macdonald of Oxfam International. “Governments must ensure that negotiations live up to the promise of setting the highest possible standards – this is a life and death situation for thousands of poor people worldwide.”
1. China
There are few official statistics on the Chinese arms trade but the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute estimates that accounts for around 3 per cent of the global trade in conventional arms.
Countries supplied
Recipient countries over the past decade have tended to be developing countries with poor human rights records including Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, DRC, Guinea, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Libya, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Sudan and Zimbabwe.
Irresponsible transfers
China continues to supply small arms ammunition to Sudan which has been used in Darfur by security forces and government backed militia groups. Chinese rockets and anti-vehicle mines were supplied to Libya under Colonel Mu’ammar al-Gaddafi. Ammunition, rocket-propelled grenades, mortar bombs and mortar launchers have been supplied to Zimbabwe.
Stance on the ATT
China has not signed up to any multilateral agreement on arms exports, and has a cautious approach to the proposed treaty. It has said it accepts the need for a treaty to recognize international human rights but that such criteria are difficult to judge objectively. There have been interventions from China to narrow the scope of the ATT to exclude small arms and light weapons, as well as government-to-government transfers. Experience from earlier negotiations suggests that China will try to water down the text and then introduce a late major objection.
2. France
France, Germany and UK are consistently ranked third, fourth or fifth globally in terms of the value of their conventional arms exports.
Countries supplied
France’s key customers include Singapore, UAE, Greece, other NATO partners, the Middle East and North Africa region and Francophone countries. Recently, France and Russia have begun exchanges on defense cooperation and naval equipment.
Irresponsible transfers
Generally supportive of strict criteria for arms transfers, France has still supplied arms to countries where there is a substantial risk that they could be used to commit serious human rights violations. For example, it supplied weaponry and munitions to Libya under al-Gaddafi, ammunition and armored vehicles to both Egypt and Chad, and munitions to Syria between 2005 and 2009.
Stance on the ATT
France has a progressive position broadly in line with the EU Common Position on Arms Exports, established along with the UK and other EU governments. It generally supports inclusion of a binding rule along the lines of Amnesty International’s Golden Rule. France has pushed for a comprehensive treaty and robust enforcement mechanisms, including criminalizing arms trafficking in national laws. However, there is a risk that France (along with Germany and UK) may bend to US pressures to water down human rights protection in order to accommodate China and Russia.
3. Germany
Germany is consistently ranked third, fourth or fifth globally in terms of the value of its conventional arms exports. Though not a permanent member of the UN Security Council, as an economic leader in the EU, a major player in the UN, the Wassenaar Arrangement, OSCE and other multilateral organisations, Germany’s influence in ATT negotiations will be significant.
Countries supplied
Germany is one of the largest EU exporters of arms to the Middle East and North Africa region. Other key customers include South Africa, Greece, Turkey and other NATO partners, as well as Asian and Latin American countries.
Irresponsible transfers
Generally supportive of strict criteria for arms transfers, Germany has nonetheless supplied arms to countries where there is a substantial risk they could be used to commit human rights violations. For example, it supplied armored vehicles to Yemen and to Libya under al-Gaddafi as well as small arms to Bahrain and Egypt. It has supplied arms and ammunition to Guatemala and to the Philippines.
Stance on the ATT
Germany’s basic position on the treaty is in line with the EU Common Position on Arms Exports. It also generally supports inclusion of Amnesty International’s Golden Rule. The country has a progressive position on the scope of the treaty and supports the inclusion of small arms and light weapons as well as munitions. Germany has emphasized the need for clarity in the ATT on the responsibility of each state in an arms transaction. As with France and the UK, there is a risk that Germany may succumb to US pressure to water down the ATT text on human rights in order to accommodate China and Russia.
4. Russia
Russia is the second largest arms trading country globally by value of exports and will exert a major influence in ATT negotiations.
Countries supplied
Main customers include India, Syria, Algeria, Myanmar, Venezuela, Sudan and many African states. However, Russia’s arms industry has been falling behind in key technologies and it is seeking sophisticated partners and new markets for many products.
Irresponsible transfers
Russia has supplied arms to several countries where they risk being used to commit serious human rights violations. It does not publish arms export details, but 10 per cent of all Russian arms exports are believed to go to Syria, making it the country’s largest arms supplier. Transfers include missiles and missile launchers, anti-tank missiles for the Russian-made T72 tank, and MIG jet fighters jet aircraft. Russia also supplied AK-style assault rifles to Libya under al-Gaddafi. Russia continues to supply helicopter gunships to Sudan, where they have been used to attack civilians in Darfur and Southern Kordofan.
Stance on the ATT
Russia, like China, appears not to want the treaty to include binding rules on international human rights, international humanitarian law and socio-economic development. Russian officials argue that such rules are interpreted subjectively and ideologically. However, Russia is already committed to the OSCE and Wassenaar Arrangement, both of which contain principles to respect international human rights law and international humanitarian law when considering arms transfers. Russia also appears comfortable with the ATT covering a wide range of conventional arms as in the Munitions List of the Wassenaar Arrangement. Russia believes the focus should be on controlling trade to avoid diversion into the illicit arms market but the details of its proposals and views on transparency remain sketchy.
5. UK
The UK consistently ranked third, fourth or fifth globally, along with France and Germany, in terms of the annual value of its conventional arms exports.
Countries supplied
Key customers include the USA, India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and other NATO partners. It is also a major exporter to other countries in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as in sub-Saharan Africa.
Irresponsible transfers
Generally supportive of strict criteria for arms transfers, the UK has nonetheless supplied arms to countries where there is a substantial risk that they could be used to commit serious violations of human rights. For example, the UK supplied arms to the Sri Lankan government knowing of its repression and UK national legislation is being reviewed following evidence that the UK supplied small arms, ammunition, munitions and armored vehicle equipment to Libya under al-Gaddafi as well as small arms to Bahrain and law enforcement equipment to Yemen.
Stance on the ATT
In 2005, the UK became the first major arms trading power to support an Arms Trade Treaty covering human rights. With France it helped establish the EU code that has now become the EU Common Position on Arms Exports, the starting point for UK policy positions on the ATT. It also co-authored various UN General Assembly resolutions between 2006 and 2009 leading to the current negotiations. The UK has generally supported the Golden Rule and has progressive positions on the treaty’s scope and implementation mechanisms (for example backing robust transparency measures). However, as with France and Germany, if there is not a majority of states pushing for strong rules, the UK could succumb to US pressure to water down the treaty text on human rights protection in order to accommodate China and Russia.
6. USA
The United States is by far the world’s largest arms trader, accounting for around 30 per cent of conventional arms transfers in terms of value. Its position on the ATT is therefore key.
Countries supplied
The USA supplies arms to more than 170 countries and has a mixed record of suspending arms supplies on human rights grounds. For example, it has restricted arms transfers to Myanmar, China, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe in addition to countries subject to UN arms embargoes. However, it has supplied arms to other countries, for example Sri Lanka, Bahrain, Egypt and Yemen, where there is a substantial risk that they could be used to commit of facilitate serious human rights violations.
Irresponsible transfers
As the main arms supplier to Egypt, the US authorized the sale of small arms, millions of rounds of ammunition and chemical agents for riot control, despite the security forces’ violent crackdown on protesters. Yemen was also supplied with small arms, chemical agents and armored vehicles, and Bahrain with small arms. It provides Colombia’s security forces with arms, military aid and training, despite their persistent violations of human rights.
Stance on the ATT
Since October 2009, when the Obama administration reversed previous opposition to an ATT, US support has been crucial in getting to the current negotiation stage. The US has said it wants the treaty to raise the international standard for export control of armaments as close as possible to that of the US. However, the US position is weaker on human rights protection in the treaty than many of its allies. For example, US officials have not wanted to include obligations on states to prohibit transfers of arms even where there is credible evidence of their potential use for serious violations of human rights. US officials have also argued against including ammunition under the scope of the treaty, claiming it is too sensitive and would pose technical problems of implementation. Overall, US officials would prefer a short loose document that spells out general principles to “take into account” rather than strong binding measures.
How about the biggest polluters?
You think they need some of that swift justice we mete out to young African-American boys who might pull out a knife or a bag of white stuff?
Fifty of the world’s 500 largest companies are responsible for nearly three quarters of the group’s 3.6 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, according to the CDP Global 500 Climate Change Report 2013.
Most of the top 50 carbon-polluting companies operate in the energy, materials and utilities sectors, the report says. The carbon dioxide emitted by these companies has risen by 1.65 percent to 2.54 billion metric tons over the past four years — equivalent to adding more than 8.5 million pickup trucks to the streets.
The report, co-written by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and professional services firm PwC, is based on the climate and energy data of 389 companies listed on the FTSE Global 500 Equity Index collected by CDP at the request of 722 institutional investors representing $87 trillion in invested capital.
Atmospheric carbon dioxide recently surpassed a record high of 400 parts per million, which has compelled a number of investors to turn to CDP for insight on corporate environmental performance. However, CDP says that companies still are not doing enough to mitigate climate.
The report looks at what is driving climate change action in the world’s largest companies. Industry-specific analysis shows that the five highest-emitting companies from each sector have seen their emissions increase by an average of 2.3 percent since 2009.
“Clear scientific evidence and increasingly severe weather events are sending strong signals that we must pursue routes to economic prosperity whilst reducing emissions of greenhouse gases,” said Paul Simpson, chief executive at CDP. “It is imperative that big emitters improve their performance in this regard and governments provide more incentives to make this happen.”
While the biggest emitters present the greatest opportunity for large-scale change, the report identifies opportunities for all Global 500 companies to help build resilience to climate and policy shocks by significantly reducing the amount of carbon dioxide they produce each year.
For example, the emissions from nearly half (47%) of the most carbon intensive activities that companies identify across their value chains are yet to be measured. The lack of detailed reporting and information of GHGs from sources related to company activities (Scope 3 emissions), as opposed to those from sources owned or directly controlled by them, may lead companies to underestimate their full carbon impact.
Likewise, companies that demonstrate a strong commitment to managing their impact on the environment are generating improved financial and environmental results, according to the report. Some of the corporations leading on climate progress include BMW, Nestlé and Cisco Systems. Additionally, businesses that offer employees monetary incentives related to energy consumption and carbon emissions are 18 percent more successful at accomplishing reductions.
Members of the G20 recently agreed to use the resources of the Montreal Protocol to initiate a global phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), a significant group of super greenhouse gases (GHGs). According to the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), HFCs are primarily used in refrigeration and air conditioning and are thousands of times more potent than carbon dioxide. However, climate-friendly alternatives are already widely available.
How about the biggest fines, or “payouts” by polluters?
These folk, their families, their loved ones, maybe they too need to go the way of the Dodo bird?
BP’s (BP) Gulf Coast oil spill is shining a harsh light on one corporation’s ability to wreak environmental havoc, but the Deepwater Horizon disaster is just the latest injury inflicted on Mother Nature by careless businesses.
BP has been called on the carpet, but many companies have been able to minimize or avoid financial responsibility for their pollution. The British energy giant’s June 16 agreement to create a $20 billion fund to compensate the spill’s victims is unusual, and it raises an interesting question: Where does BP’s payout rank compared to previous settlements and penalties for environmental devastation?
The quick answer is that BP’s huge fund immediately vaulted it from the No. 3 to the top of this shameful pantheon. Yet, while the energy giant is now No. 1, it’s far from being the only company that has put profit before environmental safety.
In the following gallery, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 corporate payouts for environmental damage. To create this list, we looked at the largest pollution disasters and devastation in recent history, and explored which entities ultimately paid for the cleanup. We didn’t adjust for inflation, which means that PEMEX’s 1979 Ixtoc 1 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was pushed off the list. We also didn’t include cases that are still in litigation; Honeywell (No. 5) and General Electric (No. 8) could eventually appear on the list multiple times once some large cases are settled.
In all too many cases, we found that, while corporations were often quick to poison the environment, they tend to be very slow when it comes to fixing their mistakes. (The gallery then the story.)
Top 10 Environmental Payouts
As BP sets aside billions to clean up the Gulf, here is our list of the largest pollution payouts in corporate history.
Oil Slicks and Slick Lawyers
In addition to its new $20 billion escrow account, BP has already spent $1.6 billion on cleanup and has set aside $100 million to compensate laid-off oil workers in the Gulf. By comparison, the total settlement for No. 2 on our list — Exxon (XOM) — was $3.5 billion, just 16% of BP’s payout.
This enormous gap highlights a key aspect of the environmental payoff list: In most cases, the companies involved managed to reduce — or even erase — settlements through years of legal stalling and courtroom chicanery. Exxon’s paltry $500 million reimbursement to victims of the Valdez oil spill was finalized in 2009, 20 years after the calamity. By that time, the company’s payoff had been whittled down to 10% of the original award — and 8,000 of the original claimants had died.
While Exxon’s stalling is impressive, the master of litigation may well be No. 3 on the list, Union Carbide (DOW). Four days after the company’s 1984 industrial accident in Bhopal, India, its CEO, Warren Anderson, was arrested by Indian police. After making bail, he fled the country, telling reporters “House arrest or no arrest or bail, no bail, I am free to go home. There is a law of the United States. India, bye, bye, Thank you.”
When he and other Union Carbide officers were later summoned to appear in Indian court, the company claimed that as an American corporation, it wasn’t subject to Indian jurisdiction — and, apparently, neither were its officers. The U.S., which has an extradition treaty with India, has repeatedly refused to send Anderson and his fellow fugitives back to Bhopal, and the U.S. Supreme court declined to hear the case, asserting that Indian citizens could not seek damages in a U.S. court. Ultimately, the victims, who had originally filed a claim for $3 billion in damages, settled for $470 million.
Armies of the Night
It’s worth noting that some of the biggest polluters in history didn’t make it onto our list of corporate do-badders because they’re governments. For example, the second-largest oil spill in history occurred when Iraqi military forces tried to foil an armed landing by American soldiers by opening the release valves at the Sea Island oil terminal on the Persian Gulf. They eventually dumped an estimated 462 million gallons of crude, killing thousands of fish and birds and leaving several inches of oily sediment that remain to this day. No payout was ever assessed, and the spill was never cleaned up.
But even when governments aren’t at war, they tend to be heavy polluters. By one measure, the U.S. federal government is the biggest environmental offender: Of the 1,623 Superfund cleanup sites, 225 are directly tied to the government or the military. The next-nearest offender, Honeywell (HON), has 128 Superfund sites.
Speaking of Superfund sites, the growing public outrage at corporate pollution has led to quicker government action and ever-increasing payouts. The whole concept of a Superfund owes its existence to the 1978 Love Canal disaster, which brought the danger of toxic waste squarely to the public’s attention. However, it took 16 years for the EPA to reach a settlement with Occidental Chemical, the company responsible for the waste. And the ultimate payout — $129 million, and not quite enough to make it into our top 10 — was just 39% of the $333 million reward that Erin Brockovich helped get from Pacific Gas and Electric (PGC), No. 5 on our list, the following year.
In fact, 70% of the payouts on this list were made in the past 10 years, and if Honeywell’s and GE’s (GE) multiple cases were put on this list, that number would rise to 90%.
The simple, hopeful truth is that, while the great age of polluting may be far from over, it has certainly gotten a lot more expensive. Maybe that will get at least some would-be polluters to clean up their acts.
What about the world’s leading polluter?
You think they – WE – should be fined? Thrown in jail with the key thrown away? Put on the guillotine’s block?
The US military is responsible for the most egregious and widespread pollution of the planet, yet this information and accompanying documentation goes almost entirely unreported. In spite of the evidence, the environmental impact of the US military goes largely unaddressed by environmental organizations and was not the focus of any discussions or proposed restrictions at the recent UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. This impact includes uninhibited use of fossil fuels, massive creation of greenhouse gases, and extensive release of radioactive and chemical contaminants into the air, water, and soil.
from Project Censored.
You want the top air polluters to pay fines, end up in shackles, put on Devil’s Island, sent into space as mold experiments?
Toxic score: Population health risk from air releases and incineration transfers reported to the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) for the 2010 Reporting Year, as computed by the US EPA’s Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI ver. 2.3.1) from quantity released, toxicity of chemicals, and population exposure. Data are adjusted by the Corporate Toxics Information Project for subsequent revisions to TRI data.
Source: US EPA and Corporate Toxics Information Project (CTIP).
Quantity of toxic air releases and incineration transfers:Millions of pounds of toxic chemicals released to the air on-site or transferred off-site for incineration in the TRI 2010 Reporting Year, without adjustment for toxicity or population exposure.
Source: US EPA.
Environmental Justice (EJ): Poor Share and Minority Share: Shares of the total population health risk borne by people living below the poverty line or by people in minority racial/ethnic groups. In the U.S. population, 12.9 percent live below the poverty line and 31.8 percent are members of minority racial/ethnic groups.
Sources: US EPA, US Census, and CTIP.
Coverage: This table presents the highest toxic-score companies that appear on current Forbes, Fortune, and Standard & Poor’s large company lists. Individual facilities are assigned to corporate parents on the basis of the most current information on the ownership structure.
Links on company names lead to detailed company reports.
Toxic 100 Rank | Corporation | Toxic score (pounds released x toxicity x population exposure) |
Millions of pounds of toxic air releases |
Millions of pounds of toxic incineration transfers |
EJ: Poor Share | EJ: Minority Share |
1 |
Precision Castparts |
16,563,535 |
0.11 |
0.06 |
14.8% |
46.2% |
2 |
E.I. du Pont de Nemours |
7,086,303 |
10.94 |
22.01 |
21.4% |
59.9% |
Biomet, Inc., previously ranked at number three among the Toxic 100, has submitted data to the U.S. E.P.A. revising its 2010 TRI reporting. Based on the revision, Biomet, Inc., is ranked 71st on the Toxic 100 with a RSEI Score of 208,173. The next edition of the Toxic 100 will reflect the most current information from the E.P.A. |
3 |
Bayer Group |
5,257,823 |
0.67 |
8.10 |
9.2% |
41.7% |
4 |
Dow Chemical Co. |
4,363,312 |
6.05 |
7.60 |
19.2% |
38.1% |
5 |
ExxonMobil |
3,213,993 |
9.82 |
0.81 |
27.4% |
74.0% |
6 |
2,989,289 |
5.49 |
3.71 |
20.0% |
28.7% |
7 |
LyondellBasell Industries |
2,954,294 |
5.17 |
2.74 |
15.4% |
72.4% |
8 |
Renco Group |
2,803,506 |
5.84 |
0.01 |
11.0% |
19.5% |
9 |
General Electric Co. |
2,607,036 |
0.20 |
0.07 |
16.0% |
50.2% |
10 |
Ineos Group |
2,399,202 |
2.46 |
0.81 |
17.3% |
31.5% |
11 |
Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG) |
1,700,682 |
1.33 |
0.00 |
16.3% |
61.5% |
12 |
Phillips 66 Co. |
1,387,682 |
4.80 |
0.04 |
17.3% |
63.8% |
In May 2012, ConocoPhillips, previously ranked among the Toxic 100, separated its downstream business to create a new, publicly traded company known as Phillips 66. In connection with this separation, downstream assets (such as refineries and terminals) and liabilities were transferred to Phillips 66. The assets listed are no longer owned or operated by ConocoPhillips. |
13 |
Eastman Chemical Co. |
1,378,348 |
5.43 |
0.03 |
21.5% |
20.8% |
14 |
Koch Industries |
1,237,328 |
31.10 |
5.91 |
19.1% |
47.9% |
15 |
Rio Tinto PLC |
1,190,964 |
0.12 |
0.00 |
10.2% |
27.0% |
16 |
Praxair Inc. |
1,177,412 |
0.15 |
0.00 |
20.5% |
44.7% |
17 |
Energy Transfer Partners |
1,170,881 |
1.64 |
0.03 |
24.4% |
55.1% |
18 |
Tenneco Inc. |
1,166,498 |
0.02 |
0.01 |
16.9% |
24.7% |
19 |
Allegheny Technologies |
1,066,585 |
1.01 |
0.00 |
15.0% |
12.1% |
20 |
Occidental Petroleum Co. |
1,040,195 |
1.01 |
7.70 |
16.5% |
57.7% |
21 |
Joy Global Inc |
1,028,600 |
0.09 |
0.00 |
12.3% |
17.5% |
22 |
Sony Corp. |
975,378 |
0.02 |
0.00 |
9.1% |
21.4% |
23 |
Honeywell International |
953,990 |
4.62 |
2.75 |
19.6% |
50.2% |
24 |
BP |
940,518 |
3.78 |
4.31 |
17.5% |
45.5% |
25 |
Alliant Techsystems Inc. |
891,741 |
0.80 |
0.04 |
17.5% |
11.5% |
26 |
Alcoa Inc. |
890,145 |
5.98 |
0.13 |
12.8% |
29.3% |
27 |
American Electric Power |
886,420 |
32.51 |
0.00 |
14.4% |
6.8% |
28 |
PPG Industries Inc. |
829,402 |
1.82 |
1.34 |
13.9% |
22.6% |
29 |
United States Steel Corp. |
819,051 |
2.30 |
1.64 |
23.4% |
44.9% |
30 |
Huntsman Corp. |
791,949 |
0.59 |
11.37 |
14.7% |
32.0% |
31 |
ArcelorMittal |
789,617 |
0.78 |
0.10 |
21.7% |
42.7% |
32 |
Saint-Gobain Corp. |
762,403 |
1.79 |
0.05 |
23.6% |
53.3% |
33 |
United Technologies Corp. (UTC) |
735,352 |
0.12 |
0.01 |
19.5% |
48.0% |
34 |
Owens Corning |
732,412 |
1.55 |
0.00 |
15.1% |
50.0% |
35 |
Royal Dutch Shell |
699,441 |
2.15 |
2.56 |
16.5% |
56.2% |
36 |
Halliburton |
697,821 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
9.0% |
39.7% |
37 |
Eastman Kodak Co. |
678,227 |
1.51 |
3.77 |
17.7% |
37.1% |
38 |
Berkshire Hathaway |
603,656 |
4.09 |
0.16 |
12.7% |
41.0% |
39 |
Air Products & Chemicals |
541,017 |
0.69 |
1.07 |
20.0% |
59.4% |
40 |
ThyssenKrupp Group |
537,333 |
0.27 |
0.00 |
20.9% |
43.4% |
41 |
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold |
532,777 |
4.50 |
0.00 |
21.7% |
49.7% |
42 |
Chevron Corp. |
471,515 |
2.95 |
0.13 |
19.1% |
69.8% |
43 |
Ashland Inc. |
465,225 |
2.03 |
0.22 |
17.3% |
45.6% |
44 |
AES Corp. |
459,395 |
6.95 |
0.00 |
33.7% |
65.6% |
45 |
FirstEnergy Corp. |
447,807 |
19.34 |
0.00 |
13.6% |
13.8% |
46 |
Valero Energy Corp. |
434,878 |
2.96 |
0.04 |
22.1% |
68.3% |
47 |
Textron Inc. |
424,856 |
0.10 |
0.02 |
21.1% |
58.3% |
48 |
Archer Daniels Midland Co. (ADM) |
414,557 |
8.50 |
0.00 |
18.1% |
20.1% |
49 |
Henkel Group |
397,112 |
0.07 |
0.00 |
22.3% |
45.9% |
50 |
SPX Corp. |
369,651 |
0.02 |
0.00 |
10.2% |
38.6% |
51 |
Formosa Petrochemical Corp. |
359,595 |
1.65 |
0.02 |
25.8% |
64.9% |
52 |
Duke Energy |
356,168 |
37.50 |
0.00 |
14.1% |
24.7% |
53 |
Cargill |
351,738 |
3.54 |
0.02 |
21.2% |
41.3% |
54 |
PPL Corp. |
313,124 |
14.24 |
0.00 |
14.4% |
21.0% |
55 |
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. |
306,824 |
1.36 |
0.00 |
23.2% |
64.2% |
56 |
Cameron International Corp. |
301,466 |
0.01 |
0.00 |
16.9% |
26.7% |
57 |
Shaw Group |
287,026 |
0.04 |
0.00 |
19.0% |
37.2% |
58 |
DTE Energy |
283,109 |
10.52 |
0.21 |
22.6% |
42.9% |
59 |
Emerson Electric |
282,199 |
0.02 |
0.00 |
10.4% |
30.7% |
60 |
Schlumberger |
279,015 |
0.03 |
0.02 |
24.5% |
77.3% |
61 |
AK Steel Holding |
277,446 |
0.22 |
0.00 |
16.6% |
20.6% |
62 |
SAS Global Corp. |
273,376 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
26.0% |
51.5% |
63 |
Petrobras |
269,520 |
0.50 |
0.00 |
24.1% |
80.9% |
64 |
Celanese Corp. |
248,372 |
0.97 |
20.92 |
13.6% |
51.6% |
65 |
PDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.) |
241,826 |
0.85 |
0.00 |
24.1% |
63.0% |
66 |
Southern Co. |
237,684 |
22.08 |
0.00 |
14.4% |
40.8% |
67 |
Marathon Petroleum Corp. |
225,194 |
1.44 |
0.02 |
24.0% |
42.3% |
68 |
Rowan Companies Inc |
224,475 |
0.04 |
0.00 |
23.6% |
65.3% |
69 |
Nucor Corp. |
219,318 |
0.26 |
0.00 |
18.4% |
29.1% |
70 |
Tesoro Corp. |
212,769 |
1.66 |
0.01 |
16.8% |
71.8% |
71 |
Biomet, Inc. |
208,173 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
13.0% |
49.8% |
72 |
Drummond Co. Inc. |
206,254 |
0.07 |
0.00 |
33.0% |
77.3% |
73 |
Dover Corp. |
205,312 |
0.03 |
0.00 |
18.1% |
41.3% |
74 |
General Motors Corp. |
197,885 |
2.95 |
0.00 |
19.8% |
55.0% |
75 |
Exelon Corp. |
193,356 |
2.40 |
0.00 |
14.3% |
42.7% |
76 |
Weyerhaeuser Co. |
191,239 |
5.15 |
0.00 |
26.5% |
23.5% |
77 |
Targa Resources LLC |
187,369 |
0.42 |
0.16 |
24.0% |
81.5% |
78 |
Boeing Co. |
186,133 |
0.21 |
0.03 |
14.5% |
36.9% |
79 |
Fujifilm Holdings |
184,599 |
0.05 |
0.02 |
23.4% |
11.0% |
80 |
Saudi Basic Industries (SABIC) |
170,864 |
2.67 |
6.51 |
12.8% |
9.8% |
81 |
Ford Motor Co. |
169,967 |
2.67 |
0.00 |
16.0% |
30.7% |
82 |
Commercial Metals, Inc. |
166,856 |
0.04 |
0.00 |
22.2% |
51.5% |
83 |
Dominion Resources Inc. |
164,155 |
11.83 |
0.00 |
11.9% |
40.3% |
84 |
Oxbow |
161,802 |
1.33 |
0.00 |
10.5% |
43.2% |
85 |
Caterpillar Inc. |
148,644 |
0.62 |
0.00 |
14.1% |
48.9% |
86 |
Monsanto Co. |
145,993 |
0.51 |
0.21 |
13.8% |
28.6% |
87 |
Becton, Dickinson & Co. |
132,619 |
0.08 |
0.00 |
8.1% |
21.4% |
88 |
International Paper Co. |
131,709 |
35.18 |
0.00 |
19.2% |
40.2% |
89 |
3M Co. |
125,315 |
2.34 |
8.63 |
13.4% |
36.1% |
90 |
Danaher Corp. |
125,104 |
0.03 |
0.00 |
17.3% |
47.7% |
91 |
Kohler Co. |
123,835 |
0.53 |
0.00 |
12.0% |
22.1% |
92 |
National Oilwell Varco |
123,777 |
0.26 |
0.00 |
21.4% |
65.7% |
93 |
C.R. Bard, Inc. |
115,977 |
0.31 |
0.00 |
15.4% |
42.8% |
94 |
HeidelbergCement Group |
105,145 |
0.43 |
0.00 |
11.4% |
29.7% |
95 |
Eaton Corp. |
98,129 |
0.05 |
0.00 |
17.4% |
29.5% |
96 |
HollyFrontier Corp. |
97,558 |
1.16 |
0.03 |
19.1% |
32.1% |
97 |
Rolls-Royce PLC |
95,573 |
0.05 |
0.00 |
24.9% |
45.1% |
98 |
Robert Bosch GmbH |
91,971 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
11.2% |
27.7% |
99 |
Hess Corp. |
89,830 |
0.16 |
0.00 |
17.6% |
56.5% |
100 |
Newell Rubbermaid Co. |
84,553 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
10.5% |
27.7% |
You want the countries with the most prisoners?
Maybe those folk and family members running the industrial prison system should be corralled?
1 | United States of America | 2,239,751 |
2 | China | 1,640,000 |
3 | Russian Federation | 681,600 |
4 | Brazil | 548,003 |
5 | India | 385,135 |
6 | Thailand | 279,854 |
7 | Mexico | 246,226 |
8 | Iran | 217,000 |
9 | South Africa | 156,370 |
10 | Indonesia | 144,332 |
Who are these culprits killing mom, dad, daughter, son, granny and gramps?
Thanks for speaking to me, it’s been an education. For some reason though, I still find it all a bit ominous, but I think it’s just a part of me wanting to if that makes sense? The idea of the cloak and dagger world control element is alluring…
SJ: Hmm… maybe I can help. There is a control element in this world but it doesn’t happen in a Lodge room, no, it happens in the Board Room. Bankers control the world, money controls the world, the globalists control the world. Progressive elites control the world. These are the people desperately trying to integrate world governments, who are trying to use the Euro Crisis to turn it into a federalist system with the destruction of individual sovereignty. There are people in this world trying to consolidate power globally, who transcend nation, boundaries, culture and history. They do it for the power, the wealth, and the control.
Freemasonry has always been desperately opposed to such ideologies, our core beliefs of self-sufficient individual sovereignty and freewill have led to our being hunted by such people and organizations. There is a reason why the most powerful regimes in the world hate us, why history always shows the most powerful governments persecuting us. We are usurpers of consolidated power, because where power is consolidated there is corruption, abuse and neglect.
If you want to take aim at the New World Order -the globalist elites that are trying their hardest to tear down this world and build a new one without national identity – look at the Council of Foreign Relations, the IMF, Reserve Banking, ECB, politicians supporting the Euro, Club of 500, World Trade Organization, and most importantly, the Bilderberg Group. Masons are easy to be a scapegoat for the powerful and corrupt, we have been for centuries, because we rarely ever defend ourselves from public ridicule. The biggest problem for Masons is not that we are attacked, but that those who attack us are the real culprits doing harm in our name, they go unseen and are not held accountable.