It’s Corporate-loving/protecting Dogs Eat Pomeranian — that would be them eating us
Oh, can we reconcile the stupidity, meanness, vicious dog-eat-dog nature of the average American now when it comes to assessing our education systems? These people are in high and low office, and many are on boards and many are parents with kids, and, unfortunately, many are just done-with-anything-worthy-for-society people who pronounce More-Ett-Toes (mojitos) for their muddled drinks set out on slave-labor patio furniture next to the five-gallon bucket of Doritos and dog dish bowls of goo-wok-oh-mo-lee (guacamole).
Oh, maybe they were never worthy-for-society, somehow getting the shaft in elementary school, never having parents with guts to guide them through the carnival of mean-spirited house of horrors that is the American workplace jury-rigged by the Titans of Transnational Mullah.
Hucksters, consumers, lovers of fine American 3.4 beer, lovers of the Home Depot variety, lovers of German shepherds in movies chasing swarthy looking bad guys; loving those big, ugly growth hormone guys on the grid iron; they think going to Hooters is a feminist experience; they have recruited their spouses, and here we are with 1,000 cable channels, satellites directing the vending machine prices, and a whole lot of people who consume news like they eat Skittles – no chewing necessary.
Messing Up Education One Bad Story at a Time
The state of education is sort of picked up on all sorts of meters and litmus tests. Really. The blowhards in media. The Administration Class who say all sorts of things and slime their way through each level of hell for a new contract, more money, more fawning by their junior Admin Class.
You can see it in the NPR highlights, hear it in Ira Glass’s words (he actually ran a “What Shows Did We Like the Best on This American Life” show, and, he made this gem of a comment – “I think my parents are the only Jews in America who don’t love NPR.”).
Therein is the litmus test, no? All those NPR-loving Ira Glass folk, hitching their songs and legal eagle kids and Ivy League uncles and publisher aunts to the chosen people of the chosen land America? I just don’t know how many ways we can see the state of American education and uneducation in the very daily routines of our barely existences (unless you are Hollywood, IT, or Beltway driven).
Teach Youth Not to Be Nice — Fear No Administrator
Here is unfortunately, what we are teaching youth, even those with a good cause – being nice? This is the University of Washington’s new policy regarding incoming first-year students: asking them if they have been convicted of a violent felony, or if charges are pending? Registered sex offender?
We only recently discovered that these questions,
1. Have you ever been convicted of a violent felony offense, are such charges pending against you at this time, or have you been required to register as a sex offender by any legal authority in the U.S. or any other country?
2. If you answered Yes, Please describe the nature of the criminal matter(s). If you wish, you may also explain why this information should not be a cause for concern to the safety of the university community.
have in fact been adopted, when we found them on the UW on-line degree application. We have been unable to find the official policy, any listing indicating which student organizations are supporting or sponsoring this policy, any listing of community groups and or student groups/offices that were consulted in this process, nor any details about how it will be implemented anywhere on-line.
Today we ask you to halt the implementation of these criminal background questions on the 2014-2015 undergraduate application until the UW administration, students, faculty, and UW community supporters have more time to consider the potentially serious consequences of such a questions, as well as to develop transparent policies and procedures if implementation is ultimately supported.
Here, read the whole rotten episode **.
Well, well. Violent felons, and then, sex offenders. Oh, get that ire going with those two charges. Are students and parents concerned about Level Three Human Exploiters, the economic thugs carving out pounds of flesh in our society to the point of massive suicidal thoughts by Millennials and Baby-boomer? The point here is we live in a very strange world, and, so, one man’s violence is another woman’s defense. The Level Three Sex Offender issue has already come up, at community colleges, and elsewhere, but really, that’s part of the application screening process? What about the states’ laws, about following the parolee through every hoop he or she is taking. A discreet what, label? But an application going through some slimy HR person?
So, convicted or pending charges, uh? Why did UW not have this policy for decades, and why are they now adopting them? Think hard – another litmus test of uneducation. I guarantee the violent will turn to any crime, and as we already know, protesting at Occupy Seattle or standing down Bank of America and getting thrown in the poky with several charges and then convictions, well, how’s that looking on the student loan-student scholarship application? Denied!
Young and old ALREADY are being targeted for protest charges, anything ranging to failure to disperse, trespassing, destruction of property, terrorist threats, creating a public danger, to refusing the orders of a police officer to assault with a deadly weapon.
Work For Pennies — It’s the Market, Stupid!
Here’s another litmus test of the death of education: this constant slave pay with this rotten outfit called Elance:
Fixed Price: $1,000 – $5,000 | Article Writing | United States
Writer’s express is a U.S. based business who is currently seeking writers to help boost our search engine ranking. Our business has a series of topics that we need writers to write about. We are looking for people who can contribute at least 25 articles per day. The current rate is $150 for 500 articles. Once we determine that you are a . . . .
PR6 and above blog posts wanted – Monthly Repeat Business
Fixed Price: Not Sure | Article Writing | Malaysia
Hi, I am looking for someone to write and post a blog in PR6 and above high traffic sites. The site must conform to the following requirements :- 1) Page rank of 6 and above 2) Alexa rank of 50,000 and below 3) The site’s existing articles and posts must have real readers in the comments section to conform the traffic volume. One sample site . . .
This sort of villainy permeates American society, and more and more youth and old buggers like myself will do anything for pay, anything for a health plan, anything to not have the house foreclosed on or the apartment usury owners calling the cops on you for eviction party.
Don’t Preach to the Choir — Knock them Across the Room
I know I have a lot of work to preach to the choir, sort of speak. Definitely, I know I’ve had to work on the so-called greenie-weenies when it comes to how far-fetched their change-to-paper-cups- transforming-the-world thing keeps coming back in various variations on a theme. For the environment, preaching to the choir is paramount in getting through their hubris – News Flash: Bill McKibben is at Clark College right next to where I live in Vancouver, Wednesday, and everyone is asking me if I am going (on a sliding scale? what, you get paid for telling us the climate is changing?). He’s just another one of these middle of the road, Obama-loving, and, unfortunately, gleefully-tenured and fully-ordained to preach the gospel, whether it’s Jesus or Warren Buffet or Obama and 350 parts per million (it’s now 400 ppm CO2).
DV piece by yours truly on this thing called Greenie-Weenie :
&, another piece, by me, DV:
A lot of work trying to convince the new libertarian youth and the rotten NPR-loving liberal that we need MORE government, not less . . . like fish biologists working on salmon recovery, or field biologists working on wolf recovery, like researchers looking at the effects of you name it on human and wild life – fracking, GMOs, plastics, box stores, professional sports subsidized by taxpayers, etc. – more libraries, more librarians, more economic development experts, more teachers, more systems in place to fight the syphilis of the sycophants and corporations.
We teachers are in the cross-hairs, almost like some OBGYN working hard for her patients to get health care for ALL of her patients’ needs. We’ve always had the haters like Reagan in California, or – you name him or her – education secretary calling teachers commies for having a union.
But now, we are reviled. We must be the abortion providers of the education world, because if you listen to Obama, and read Gates, and watch Bezos of Amazon; if you get Tweeted by Zuckerberg or googled by the Google-guys; if you have the stomach to tune into Gov. Jerry Brown; if you think hard about the thug Janet Napolitano leaving her thug role as Homeland Insecurity post to be the head of the University of California system; if you just find an article on higher education and contingent faculty, in any mainstream zine that accepts comments, you will see trolls who keep posting the same line about “adjunct faculty are a dime a dozen, not needed in the real world, need to get a real job, and should be happy with food stamps, delivering pizzas with their PhD’s posted on the dashboard of their 1990 Toyota Corolla . . . just live with the fact that you are not the sharpest things in the economics coloring box, so just go away now, let masters of IT take control of PK-12 and higher ed. We will all be better with On-line TED Talks and interactive games to become, what, social workers . . . . who needs them when we have TV, Bud, endless drive-through burger joints and the NFL and March Madness!?”
They are there all the time, posting, coming back at you, as you can see from a small op-ed on adjuncts that appeared in Colorado that is getting hits [ see below, “Shortchanging teachers — and students — at community colleges”] though not as many hits as the “Trayvon Martin murderer going free” article, and for Colorado’s finest trolls, that was the least that should have happened. Maybe more hoodie-wearing kids should be shot now that Zimmerman gets his penis, err, pistol back. Read those comments before you eat, though — sick stuff! Over 300 comments!**
If You Watch a Sit-Com . . . You Have Time to Comment . . . back to these Asinine Commentators
You will also see in that adjunct’s adjunct piece a lack of rebuttal or just honesty from the Baby Boomers, et al, who are precarious, adjunct, at-will, great teachers, in debt, and nearing some fabled retirement age, whatever that is. I have commented, but only for this experiment, which I play out from time to time to buttress my little voice in little DV.
It’s a truism that when the last loudest person at a city council meeting talks-rants-threatens, the council-board-commissioners-regents-politicos listen. So, this trickle-down economics that gets bumped around constantly as a response to those of us working toward living wages, health care for all, and real penalties for Corporations and their leaders and stockholders, well, the more you repeat that lie, the bigger the lie gets, and the easier for that lie to permeate and eventually turn Americans into the erased history buffs (not) that we are not.
That is, it’s easy to attack us with MA’s and PhD’s and all those years teaching, because, the big liars and the big anti-education pigs who rely on educated folk BIG Time, well, they are winning and education is losing.
How many times will we have to hear, “You know – It’s the market . . . whatever the market can bear, can squeeze from people, can exploit and blackmail from you and downright steal from you, then, well, sorry sucker, you should have followed another career, got out earlier, and just worked in the fields that pay . . . all of that is good for America . . . all life is change . . . all change involves death . . . sometimes dying is slower for others, and, well, more painful because you are so damned educated that you have a million ways to critique and survey and articulate your suffering”?
Oh, there are varying more tiered and footnoted rationales for paying people nothing to teach college biology classes or to run journalism programs as adjuncts or work as non-tenure track history teachers or librarians. They look like regal paper engines of sense, but the underlying thread of mastery is the idea that we in America must accept most people will be losers and a few will be winners.
“Your mother should have told you to stop reading literature at 12 years of age . . . got your head out of the clouds of poetry and dance and learned how to empty a bedpan . . . and your daddy should have taught you how to roll the dice, hammer nails and be all you can be in the Army. Now look at you. You are aging, moving along like wasted bones, teaching, what, English? You are a shame, and now, just roll away by the river and take a giant step so we can move on . . . you are a dinosaur . . . long live the on-line robo-prof!”
Back to Basics — What is an Adjunct?
So, a reminder of the adjunct-precarious-non-tenured/off-the-tenure-track and at-will and contingent faculty. We are more than 1.5 million, more than that, really. We represent the new America, the new IT fantasy of a few coders and entrepreneurs and money-bags owning the world so the rest of us can get in line for the junk they design and hawk like those hawking and money changing as you read in the Bible. Shysters? Here are some of the articles YOU should have been reading and bookmarking!
From the Community College Summit two years ago –
I suggest you discuss the issue of contingent faculty and how it not only exploits the faculty but also short changes the students. I have been a “part-time” faculty member at Front Range Community College for 12 years. I teach year round, four classes a semester, and I receive no benefits (health insurance, paid sick leave, or job security). I care deeply about what I do, what I teach (philosophy) and the students. However, I can not continue much longer. This is an example of how adjuncts are treated: This week there was a health fair for all employees. Basic tests and screenings were offered to all. However, for more in depth tests (blood glucose, cholesterol, etc.) part-time faculty were changed a fee, while full-time and classified staff were tested for free. Yet it’s the part-time faculty that lack health insurance benefits. We are 80 % of the faculty and are treated like replaceable, nonessential second-class citizens.
How do the students lose? Well, most part-time faculty are not likely to demand too much of their students. The grading become too onerous and when faculty depend on positive student evaluations, they will do what pleases the students. Less work, better grades = happier students. Additionally, many part-timers teach at multiple institutions teaching very heavy course loads out of financial necessity – the losers here are clearly the students who have very few demands placed on them and who are taught be exhausted faculty who are little more than warm bodies standing in front of the class.
Change this system, or our work force will never be able to compete in a world economy where other cultures actually value education and educators.
Akron and the New Faculty Majority —
I am struck by the frequency with which I hear college and university administrators, when queried on the subject, justify the working conditions of low paid contingent faculty with economic arguments in favor of maintaining the status quo. It is as if we’ve turned back the clock fifty or a hundred or a hundred and fifty years, negating the progress that has been made on the human and civil rights fronts, effectively pulling the shade on the enlightenment that we all cherish and which was claimed at so high a price.
Before “unpacking” this, though, let me first state unequivocally that I don’t believe that the conditions under which adjuncts labor is equal to the conditions of slavery. But there are some similarities, particularly with respect to the arguments that have historically been used to justify that terrible institution.
Upcoming book from a friend and colleague of mine — **
Equality for Contingent Faculty
Overcoming the Two-Tier System
Edited by Keith Hoeller
Main Description
Vice President Joseph Biden has blamed tuition increases on the high salaries of college professors, seemingly unaware of the fact that there are now over one million faculty who earn poverty-level wages teaching off the tenure track. The Chronicle of Higher Education ran a story entitled “From Graduate School to Welfare: The PhD Now Comes with Food Stamps.” Today three-fourths of all faculty are characterized as “contingent instructional staff,” a nearly tenfold increase from 1975.
Equality for Contingent Faculty brings together eleven activists from the United States and Canada to describe the problem, share case histories, and offer concrete solutions. The book begins with three accounts of successful organizing efforts within the two-track system. The second part describes how the two-track system divides the faculty into haves and have-nots and leaves the majority without the benefit of academic freedom or the support of their institutions. The third part offers roadmaps for overcoming the deficiencies of the two-track system and providing equality for all professors, regardless of status or rank.
“Serf, Slave, or Savior – Expositions –
The economic benefit of employing part-time teachers is clear. Their earnings have always been a fraction of full-time faculty salaries, and adjuncts.
Contingent Faculty — **
Modern Slaves? **
Last year, the Association of Catholic Teachers (ACT), representing the high school teachers of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, found it necessary to call a strike because of contractual dissensions with the Catholic Board of Education. After a week’s strike, the disagreements were resolved, the new contract signed and ratified by the membership and schools reopened for the 20011-2012 scholastic year.
One of the key points was the Archdiocese’s alleged attempt to institute the use of part time instructors to teach in the high schools. Colleges have used the same system for many years saving a bundle. But in the process, they reduced the status of the professor to the level of a “per diem” hire, and the quality of education declined accordingly.
The part time professor is hired for one semester at a time, paid sub-poverty wages, denied any kind of benefits, and stripped of any kind of respect traditionally due to a person of his position. We’re treated pretty much like strangers. I’ve been a part time professor since 1988, in various colleges in this area. The colleges make sure they keep us at arm’s length, maintaining only minimum contacts in an attempt to retain some degree of academic legitimacy, but they are ready to deny our very existence should a controversy arise. Ah, but they give us a fancy title: Adjunct Professor.
Wage slaves in the ivory tower
The closing of American academia
Adjunct Faculty, Now in The Majority, Organize Citywide –
End the University as We Know It
Okay, here’s the piece, and some follow up, and email exchanges, and, well, the absurdity of the comments:
Shortchanging teachers — and students — at community colleges
By Caprice Lawless
Posted: 07/14/2013 01:00:00 AM MDT
We watch in great sadness as, one by one, gifted teachers leave our college without so much as a farewell from the departments in which they served. A few leave for better-paying jobs elsewhere. Most leave education altogether, vowing never to return to the humiliation and contempt faced by those who dare teach in Colorado’s community colleges.
Those of us who remain wonder what we model by our teaching. Increasingly, students are becoming aware they earn more now as baristas and sales clerks than we do teaching them college courses. Many have begun to connect the dots and question the purpose of higher education if their teachers live in poverty.
Yet don’t we model poverty for our students? Wordlessly, we teach them how to expect not a bright future, but, in fact, a decidedly dim one. We model for them how to make do with used clothing, sack lunches and reconditioned electronics. When we go to work sick (and we all do, as we have neither health insurance nor sick leave), we show them how to get through a work day by keeping the decongestant and tissues handy. They watch professionals, deeply in debt for their advanced degrees, working even while ill, and for peanuts.
Unintentionally, we teach them the visions of “secure future” and “career success” found in course catalogs and schedules are there to serve unseen administrators, whose careers profit from hyperbole. Our situation teaches them not to expect too much either, once they graduate, from anyone in leadership, for leadership is in a class of its own making and is self-serving.
As they watch us load our files into our aging cars, they see that college teachers have so little status they don’t even have a place to store their things in the schools their labor has helped build. When they see us in food banks, subsidized clinics, and used clothing stores, we demonstrate that “making ends meet” is a quaint and meaningless phrase.
A colleague of mine taught all week on a broken leg. Her students cringed as she cried out in pain. Another colleague taught for two weeks after being diagnosed with shingles, so weak he could not carry his books. His students carried them for him. What did they learn during that episode about the value of higher education?
We teach students to recognize cries for justice in essays they study, yet do those cries fall on deaf ears? Are we are teaching them to be numb to human suffering? Hallway posters promise hope and opportunity, but we wonder whether seeing us at work offers a convincing counter argument.
The 4,000 adjunct faculty teaching in Colorado’s community colleges are 70 percent of the total faculty. We teach 85 percent of all classes offered, while earning wages below poverty level, and working without health care, sick leave and opportunities for advancement.
Caprice Lawless is President, Front Range Community College Chapter of the American Association of University Professors. She lives in Louisville.
Email to me and others on an open list serve, responding to Lawless:
I am one of those adjuncts on food stamps teaching at two community colleges. Although your article is touching emotionally, I’m not sure it discusses the diversity of adjuncts, including they majority who are not in poverty or do not see themselves as “working class.”
To be honest, I think most adjuncts have little compassion for their working class peers, and it shows in their unwillingness to unionize or even be vocal about the injustice in the educational system.
I say this also because people who come from the higher classes may want to work with little remuneration. If they get married to the right person or come from a rich family, they can choose to major in history, art, or English.
& another one, in response to Lawless’ piece:
Hello: For what it’s worth, I don’t know what most adjuncts think, but I do detect in my students and other people I meet a certain level of disbelief that people with PhD’s could possibly be struggling financially. I think part of what you’re highlighting, here, is the dichotomy between how we’re perceived and what our lives are actually like.
Really, the problem is that most people don’t know what a sessional/adjunct actually is. They’re only familiar with tenured professors, who have the ultimate seniority. That’s why our first priority is simply to show people that we are a labour force that’s being exploited by the education system.
We have to convince each other of that fact in order to form unions — which my university has, and which many colleges in Canada have already – which we can then use to wage information campaigns that inform the general public, specifically our students’ parents, of just how little their kids’ colleges and universities economically value their education. (Seriously, we have to piss off the parents. They write the tuition cheques.)
& then, this short reminder about the continuing criminal enterprise, for profit colleges!
I thought you might be interested in this news about Devry. It’s important to know how this war on the working class continues on multiple fronts.
Behind the scenes, I would bet money and favors are changing hands between corporations (e.g. Devry, Apollo Group, etc), non-profits (e.g. ACCJC and other accrediting organizations), and politicians (e.g. Jerry Brown). One problem is that many Democrats and union members are just as vested in this system as the conservatives.
“the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC), a regional accrediting commission, has renewed the accreditation for its Carrington College California for the next six years.”
Yahoo Finance News — **
My email to Dahn:
Hey — We’ve gone through this before: unions and teacher’s unions in particular don’t give a squat at the end of the day that their retirement funds are in GE, Wal-mart, Pearson Publishing, Monsanto, Coke, or U of Phoenix, Devry, and the other Zack Favorites — New Oriental Education & Technology Group (EDU), ATA, Inc. (ATAI) and K12, Inc. (LRN), all carrying a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy).
Again, getting that news (sic) from Yahoo? Give us a break — “Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle” = Yahoo
Wikipedia = On April 4, 2012, Yahoo! announced a cut of 2,000 jobs or about 14 percent of its 14,100 workers. The cut is expected to save around $375 million annually after the layoffs are completed at end of 2012. In an email sent to employees in April 2012, Thompson reiterated his view that customers should come first at Yahoo! He also completely reorganized the company.
On May 13, 2012, Yahoo! issued a press release stating that Thompson was no longer with the company, and would immediately be replaced on an interim basis by Ross Levinsohn, recently appointed head of Yahoo!’s new Media group. Thompson’s total compensation for his 130-day tenure with Yahoo! was at least $7.3 million.
SEIU 925 in Seattle, a place I worked for, for six months, but they didn’t like a former adjunct working on organizing adjuncts, well, I went round and round about my paycheck being cut by Bank of America, a joint I had just recently been arrested through-by-because of our Working Washington campaigns against Wells Fargo, Alaska Air, Amazon and BoA. The mortgage holding the SEIU 925 headquarters is BoA.
The unions, of course, are not the answer because they are being run by thugs, people who demand 60 to 80 work weeks, and who prey on low wage workers to make their little slice of retirement heaven happen. So many dirty stories around SEIU I’ve heard after they sacked me.
Look at the typical out-of-sync nature of SEIU — they go through a head hunter? (see job announcement below) What a load of BS. You think all those dues-paying folk would love to hear how much that costs them? A headhunter? For a union? Job? Sick.
And the salary and duties? Again, these union people are pure capitalists, motivated by the old school padding their cabal at the top. A job like this I am qualified for, but look at the BS, and, the fact that this job should be TWO jobs, or more than TWO.
Jane McAlevey, author of Raising Expectations (And Raising Hell): My Decade Fighting For the Labor Movement (Verso Books, 2012) even became a member of the SEIU national executive before she too was cast aside. Her resulting fury, or political frustration, is reflected in many parts of her new memoir about being undermined and driven out of a 10,000-member SEIU affiliate in Nevada that she labels “one of the most successful in the nation.” Written with the assistance of Bob Ostertag, Raising Expectations settles old scores with numerous members of what McAlevey calls “the [Andy] Stern gang in D.C.,” who helped shorten her career as a local union leader to less than five years.
The book is highly recommended reading for anyone hoping to last longer at that union–“before the rug is pulled out from under them” by the same “people at the top” who so disdained McAlevey because she wouldn’t adapt to their “paranoid institutional culture.”
Lest anyone think that the author’s own employment was a little short-term for such a blistering critique, I should note (as the book’s subtitle does) that McAlevey actually spent an entire decade trying to straighten out organized labor, as a whole, before concluding it was pretty hopeless. As she writes in the book’s final chapter:
“I operated on the assumption that, if you just kept winning in a principled way, the work you were doing would create the conditions for its own continued existence. The people at the top might not like you, they might not understand what you were trying to do, they might consider you a big pain in the ass, but if you consistently succeeded at the assignments they gave you, ultimately they would give you more assignments and the work would go forward. I was wrong….Past a certain point, winning actually becomes a liability, because the people at the top will feel threatened by the power you’re accumulating unless they can control it; they cannot imagine that your ambition would not be to use that power in the same way they use theirs. It took ten years of banging my head on a wall to finally knock that into it.”
Here is the absurdity of SEIU and the inside job(s) market
SEIU Healthcare NW Training Partnership | |
position summary: |
Organization The SEIU Healthcare NW Training Partnership was formed to improve training standards and thereby quality of care for home care consumers. A collaborative effort with SEIU Healthcare 775NW, home care employers and the state of Washington, the Training Partnership is the largest, nonprofit school of its kind in the nation. The Training Partnership provides innovative training and workforce development services to more than 40,000 long-term care workers annually by developing a comprehensive portfolio of basic and continuing education curriculum that is evidence-based and delivers competency-based learning experiences for a variety of learning modalities.Position Reporting to the Senior Director of Operations, the Director of Curriculum Development leads activities to analyze the training needs of students and employers with respect to curriculum content in three core areas: Basic Training, Continuing Education and Advanced Training. The Director produces a product development strategy to address student needs for quality training and employer needs to comply with Federal and State laws and regulations. The Director is expected to find innovative ways to deliver training to students with very diverse profiles, some living in remote rural areas, some with language needs, and some who may have limited literacy abilities.The Director manages a departmental budget of $4.1 million and a small staff including a Program Lead and another position that is yet to be defined. The Director has primary responsibility for managing multiple contractors who design the training products and for managing the Product Advisory Group. Specifically, the Director guides the development of training curriculum from production through final approval by the Department of Social and Health Services. It would be an added benefit if the Director has experience in a public policy development environment. Understanding the State’s regulatory role and public accountability that comes with spending public dollars is important in this position.To Apply: SEIU Healthcare Training Partnership is a progressive, equal opportunity employer and all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. For immediate consideration, please send your resume and cover letter expressing how your interest and accomplishments align with our needs and mission to Heather Gantz at moc.rhnordlawnull@hcraes as soon as possible, no later than August 16, 2013.See full position profile at: |
Salary / Pay Rate: |
$100,000 – $110,000 |
I am, of course, qualified, but, they would never look at me with grace, fairness or seriousness because they are looking for a type-cast.
Okay, finally, a little window into my next diatribe — ageism and the job market. Read this fine piece in Truth-Dig —
The ‘B’ Word: Republicans Fan the Flames of Ageism
As scholar Martin Jones defined it, paraphrasing post-colonialist intellectual Edward Said, “othering” consists of “emphasizing the perceived weaknesses of marginalized groups as a way of stressing the alleged strength of those in positions of power.” If millennials buy into Luntz’s talking points, they won’t be rebelling—they’ll be toadying to power.
What’s surprising, given their history of political activism, is how few baby boomers are willing to speak out publicly about the discrimination they’re facing. There are several reasons. Boomers who have managed to hang onto their jobs are only starting to become aware of the situation, as, one by one, they or their friends face the terrifying prospect of permanent unemployment, or piecing together part-time work without security or benefits.
For the others, it’s simply fear. Millennial gripes that boomers have sucked up all the good jobs aren’t wrong. But many of us became artists or mountain climbers or ran music stores. We’re facing the same middle-of-the-night terrors as millennials, only we may not get another chance. We could have saved ourselves if only we had bowed down.
Certainly, I feel like the other’s other, far removed from the academic circle, from the pain game, from the hope is eternal magicians, from all those people who are waiting for, what, death? retirement? cruise to the unknown? lottery? love from us, USA? another war? a new pill?