Thanatos Insurance

He’s just a commodity anyway!

I find it grimly amusing that so many people were stunned by the Republican debate crowd who happily cheered on the demise of the 30 year old who wouldn’t pay his insurance tolls. By my way of thinking, at least the sociopathy is clearly in the open now. It’s obvious what creatures are out there, lurking in our midst, and what they truly want. For those innocents who were startled by the behavior…..where did they think those who would burn witches at the stake went? They didn’t disappear over the ages. We haven’t evolved past that. Those types just lie in wait, hoping for a chance to spread sanctimonious death. They hold a bible in one hand and their dick in the other, as they grimly masturbate to the death spectacle of the day.

Thanatos, or the death drive, seems to infect these types — certain people are certainly drawn to darkness and death, and not in a fun Halloween, short-story manner. It appears to be an effort to avoid gazing at their own mortality as they seek to impose a demise on others well before their time. They can’t just come out and say they enjoy causing death so it gets wrapped in a shroud of “personal responsibility” and rough justice. Have you ever noticed those who proclaim the loudest that life is “nasty, brutish and short” put the most effort into ensuring that it is just that? It’s a way to assume god-like power in a delicious, low calorie manner.

I am sure these types have been with us through the ages. I also suspect that many a jackass with these traits was taken on a ruse mastodon hunting trip to never come back. “Sorry, had an accident in the wilds…. Bryce met with an untimely demise while we were out.” (I don’t know why, I just think Bryce is a good hunter-gatherer name.) And those in the tribe would shrug. “Oh well, he was kind of an asshole, anyway. But where’s the mastodon meat? You didn’t bring anything back!” Perhaps the evidence of egalitarianism in archeological sites stem from these mastodon hunts, sociopath cullings. Well, that’s my theory, anyway. We’ve had a lot of years for these types to reproduce and flourish. We ran out of mastodons before we ran out of sociopaths.

But short of fake mastodon hunting trips, I’m at a loss how to control the death dealers and seekers of our time. Sadly they have used their superpower of non-empathy to achieve great heights of power. And our society has sleepwalked into allowing just that.

The idiots at the debate probably aren’t individuals with any true power, unless you count lording over grass length regulations at homeowner’s associations. But they are more than willing to carry the water for the corporate powers, even going so far as helping to allow the pollution of the water they are carrying.

These free market dunderheads do the heavy lifting as far as convincing those near them that humans only have value as a market cog. It’s not a far reach to decide that the “non-productive” are simply not needed in society, and it’s no mystery where that line of thinking ends up. Usually with a whole lot of innocent dead people and a societal hangover with accompanying crisis of identity. Can’t we simply skip that middle part? It’s like we are becoming Sparta, but without the nicely sculpted bodies.

Libertarianism is a word that has been so magnificently co-opted that it holds little meaning. If you are someone who just wants legal pot and no seat belts….well, I’d pick up a new term because the company you are keeping is vile.

Who are these people who cheer for the death of 30 year olds?

I had a conversation with an acquaintance after she went on a trip through British Columbia. I had hoped to hear about the scenery, maybe get told something new about the wildlife there. Sadly, I only got to hear about how the hamburgers at McDonalds were something like eight bucks (to pay for the socialized health care, she said). I happily suggested that she should have had some kind of a procedure done while there, if nothing else, to defray the cost of the burgers.

She shook her head at me, informing that there is something like a 5 year waiting list for everyone who wants a procedure.

I said that she should have stayed for 5 years, all the while eating those burgers….. then she would surely need a bypass or something. You gotta make it work for you.

“You’re exasperating.” she said.

“I know this, but even with insurance in the states, I can’t afford an Exasperectomy, even if they do it laparoscopically.”

“I’d sneak into Canada to have it done, but I hear there’s a 5 year wait.”

If only we could arrange some mastodon hunts!

Kathleen Wallace Peine welcomes reader response. She can be reached at: Read other articles by Kathleen.