The “Stuttgart Declaration” Represents a Paradigm Shift

Recently the organizers of the Stuttgart conference and especially those who signed the Stuttgart declaration came under sever criticism from various writers and politicians in Germany and were exposed at time even to typical German center left abrasive language.

Setting aside the insignificant aspects of the dialogue – the style and the bizarre focus on one particular person who signed the declaration – it is important to stress the main issues and the principal points that made this conference such a significant contribution to the struggle for Palestine.

The scene of activism in the struggle of Palestine has an orthodoxy on the one hand, and a new challenging movement, on the other. The Orthodoxy based its vision of peace on a two states solution and on a deep conviction that a change from with the Israeli society, through the ’peace camp’ there, will bring about an equitable solution. Two fully sovereign states would live next to each other and would also agree on how to solve the Palestine refugee problem and will decide jointly what kind of a Jerusalem there would be. It also included a wish to see Israel more of a state of all its citizens and less as a Jewish state – but nonetheless retaining its Jewish character.

This vision was clearly based on the wish to help the Palestinians on the one hand and on realpolitik considerations on the other. It was and is driven by over sensitivity for the wishes and ambitions of the powerful Israeli party and by exaggerated consideration for the international balance of power and in particular it is calculated in a way that would fit the basic American position and stances on the issue. It is however a sincere position and in this respect it is different from the position of the political elites of the West which were much more cynical when they pushed forward a softer version of this Orthodox view – these politicians knew and still know that this discourse and plan allows Israel to continue uninterrupted the dispossession of Palestine and the Palestinians and is not in any way a credible formula for ending the colonization of Palestine.

This orthodox view has slowly vanished from the scene of activism. The official peace camp in Israel, and the Liberal Zionist organizations world wide still subscribe to it – as do the more leftist politicians in Germany and Europe. In some ways, dear friends such as Norman Finkelstein and Noam Chomsky still endorse it in the name of realpolitik and efficiency.

But the vast majority of activists had enough. The emergence of the BDS movement, through the call for such action by the Palestinian civil society inside and outside of Palestine, the growing interests and support for the one state solution and the emergence of a clearer, be it as small, anti Zionist peace camp in Israel, have provided an alternative thinking.

The new movement which is supported by activists all around the world, inside Israel and Palestine, is modeled on the anti-Apartheid solidarity movement. The whole of Palestine is an area that was and is colonized, and occupied in one way or form by Israel and in it Palestinians are subject to various legal and oppressive regimes and therefore the need is to change fundamentally the reality on the ground before it would be too late.

In other words, we have witnessed a paradigm shift represented in this new activism (which of course has many elements of old ideas drawn from the PLO 1968 charter and activist groups such as Abna al-Balad, Matzpen, the PFLP and PDFLP which are updated to the current reality and which were deserted in 1993 in the name of realpolitik). The new paradigm insists on analyzing Israel as a settler colonialist state of the 21st century whose ideology is the main and principal obstacle for peace and seeks peaceful means of changing this regime for the sake of everyone living there and those who were expelled from there.

Activism for the sake of activism is useless. It has to be based on an analysis and suggest a prognosis. For this work activism for the sake of activism is useless it has to be connected to a clear analysis and prognosis. Zionism was and is a settler colonialist movement and Israel is a settler colonialist state and as long as this stay like this, even withdrawal from part of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and the creation of a Bantustan there would not end the dispossession and the ethnic cleansing that began in 1948. Bantustans did not end Apartheid in South Africa.

The new movement, in which the meeting in Stuttgart, was an important landmark, is galvanizing OUTSIDE support for Palestine and the Palestinians. It is not, and can not, be concerned with the question of Palestinian representation – this can only be resolved by the Palestinians themselves, or how best is for the Israeli Jews to accept the responsibility for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and how to move on to a different future where both Arabs and Jews can live together. But in Stuttgart, especially on the podium there was a sizable representation for both Palestinians and Israelis and therefore the declaration wisely describe both their aspirations, supported morally by others, and an outline for action in Europe for bringing an end for the dispossession of Palestine – not just in small parts of it.

It is not ridiculous to aspire for a regime change in Israel; it is not naïve to envision a state where everyone is equal and it is not unrealistic to work for the unconditional return of the Palestinian refugees to their homes. Moreover, such wishes do not obstruct the struggle against the current daily Israeli abuses in the land of Palestine; on the contrary, it gives the only possible rational explanation why we should oppose with the same commitment and moral force the demolition of houses in Jerusalem, in the Negev and in the Gaza Strip.

Stuttgart was a station, and the train continues now elsewhere to campuses in America, Churches in England and union halls in Europe. Hopefully it will get to synagogues as well and there is no need to confuse the struggle against Zionism, with anything else. This is as it is a formidable ideology, with a state and an army that harmed not only Palestinians but also Jews wherever they are, including in Israel.

We should thank the organizers, sign the declaration, and move on. Palestine can not wait for the internal German misgivings and inhibitions. We should boycott, sanction and divest as this is the only way forward for us from the outside so that both peoples in the inside would have fair chance to build a better future.

Ilan Pappé, Israeli historian, Professor of History at the University of Exeter (UK), has written many books and works with local and international journals. He is the author of : The Making of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (London and New York 1992), The Israel/Palestine Question (London and New York 1999), La storia della Palestina moderna (Einaudi 2004), The Modern Middle East (London and New York 2005) and The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (2006). Read other articles by Ilan.

29 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. Ismail Zayid said on January 18th, 2011 at 8:41am #

    The notion of the two-state solution has become farcical, as a result of the continuing activities of the colonialist expansionist and racist Zionist programme, fulfilling its planned theft of Palestinian land. On the other hand, the proposal to create a secular democratic state for all the citizens of this state, Christians,Muslims and Jews, is the only realistic option to ensure peace and security for all in the historic land of Palestine.

    Compliance with international law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights must be assured to allow the Palestinian refugees, who were systematically cleansed from their land, to return to their homes, as specified in UNGA resolution # 194.

    Thus, peace can be secured, in this tortured land, and restoration of the peace and tolerance, for all citizens of this land, of all faiths, that existed before for centuries until the introduction of the Zionist programme at the end of the 19th. century.

  2. bozh said on January 18th, 2011 at 10:13am #

    “In some ways, dear friends such as Norman Finkelstein and Noam Chomsky still endorse it in the name of realpolitik and efficiency.”

    “in some ways” ? both of them against ROR and wholeness of palestina? both of them approbating initial ‘jewish’ crimes and for rewarding the war criminals with a state of own, of all things?
    this is excellent real politics for criminal minds! tnx

  3. bozh said on January 18th, 2011 at 10:21am #

    “Activism for the sake of activism is useless. It has to be based on an analysis and suggest a prognosis.”

    yes, the only activism worth working for is electing to parliaments people who stand for wholeness of palestina! tnx

  4. 3bancan said on January 18th, 2011 at 11:39am #

    Ilan Pappe’s views are better expressed here:

    He still forgets
    1) that Palestine belongs to its owners, the indigenous Palestinian population, and not to the genocidal colonialist invaders from abroad, and
    2) justice means return of the land to its owner AND prosecution of all those Jews who have committed crimes against humanity…

  5. mary said on January 18th, 2011 at 12:40pm #

    3bancan Exactly and why is this here?

  6. 3bancan said on January 18th, 2011 at 1:00pm #

    No comment needed:


  7. mary said on January 18th, 2011 at 1:49pm #

    I just read this on Uruknet. It is just one manifestation of the evil being perpetrated on the Palestinians.

    Palestinian prisoner paralysed after Shabak administered unknown substance

    Palestinian prisoners say Shabak drugged a prisoner causing paralysis, a common practice according to rights group Waed

    Saleh Naami
    Ahram Online , January 18, 2011

    Palestinian detainees revealed that the Israeli Shabak had drugged a Palestinian prisoner which might have directly resulted in the onset of paralysis.

    The Palestinian prisoners said that a Shabak officer asked a collaborator in the desert prison of Eichel to put a pill in a coffee cup then hand it to a Palestinian prisoner who then became paralysed.

    Other serious symptoms manifested such as loss of focus and, among other things, involuntary urination.

    The collaborator confessed, after being interrogated by fellow prisoner, that the Shabak had given him a red squared pill and asked him to put it in the prisoner’s drink.

    The prisoner in question was serving a long sentenced after being charged of targeting an Israeli.

    Human-rights organisation Waed, which defends prisoners’ rights, said that Shabak’s approach is one of many used in the execution of prisoners and “yet another crime in the list of Israel’s [unlawful] conduct in prisons.”

    “This is not the first time prisoners have been given unknown medication,” a statement released by the organisation said, adding that Ahmed Abdel-Salam Abdin died after being given an unknown substance by prison security.

    Waed pointed out that the number of detainees killed at the hands of the occupying forces since the 1967 war is roughly 200.


  8. mary said on January 18th, 2011 at 2:53pm #

    and this in Gaza today

    Israeli tanks take part in deadly Gaza Strip raid…
    18 January 2011 Last updated at 16:12

    Israeli tanks have entered the northern Gaza Strip, sparking fighting that killed one Palestinian and injured two.

    AFP news agency reported that seven tanks had made a limited incursion 200m into Palestinian territory on Tuesday, sparking a shootout with militants.

    Other reports suggested armoured vehicles and bulldozers were involved.

    Hamas emergency services spokesman Adham Abu Salmiya said Amjad al-Zaanein, 23, had been killed by Israeli tank fire east of Beit Hanoun.

    Local Palestinians said the casualties had been collecting stones to recycle into bricks when they came under fire.

    Israel’s military said it was responding to an attack by Palestinian militants who had detonated an explosive device targeting an army patrol along the border.

    “A short while after the incident, soldiers identified two militants handling the device trigger system and consequently opened fire on them,” a military spokeswoman was quoted as telling AFP. “A hit was confirmed.”

    Cross-border violence has escalated in recent weeks. Hamas, the Islamic militant group that rules the enclave, has appealed for calm, urging other militant factions to stop their attacks on Israel.

    It is two years since a war in Gaza which left 1,300 Palestinians and 13 Israelis dead.


  9. hayate said on January 18th, 2011 at 3:04pm #

    mary said on January 18th, 2011 at 1:49pm

    The israelis have a long history of using Palestinians as guinea pigs for their weapons, bio-warfare, chem warfare and for their pharm industry. They also use these people as a human organ bank. This is country run by mengeles.

  10. 3bancan said on January 18th, 2011 at 4:09pm #

    hayate said on January 18th, 2011 at 3:04pm #
    “This is country run by mengeles”

    That is the state s u p p o r t e d by Chomsky…

  11. hayate said on January 18th, 2011 at 6:55pm #

    The Israeli Right’s Move to Repress

    By Lawrence Davidson
    January 16, 2011


    “There is a certain logic to this process and it is hard to see how such a project as Zionism could have played itself out differently. The truth is that the process toward an Israeli style Fascism did not begin (as Sternhell believes) with1967 and the taking of the Occupied Territories.

    It did not even begin in 1917 and the Balfour Declaration. It began with the very inception of Zionism. You just cannot conceive a state for one religiously or racially defined group, and implement it amidst a population of “others,” and not end up with an authoritarian discriminatory society.

    You can, of course, kill or chase away all the others and then, in your homogeneous solitude, act like you are a democracy. However, in the post-World War II, post-Holocaust world, this strategy is totally anachronistic and it will fool almost no one on the outside.

    And, it can only be carried forward by a band of fanatics who don’t care what the rest of the world thinks of them. If you are one of the few on the inside who decides to criticize the process, the fanatics will turn on you with a vengeance.

    After all, there is nothing worse than a traitor to the sacred cause. This is exactly the present situation in today’s Israel.”


  12. Luis Cayetano said on January 20th, 2011 at 6:38am #

    So cute to see 3bancan and hiyate literally losing their minds over Palestine, while they smooch up to the fascist, racist North Sudanese dictatorship. And all this while forgetting to acknowledge that if they live in the United States, Canada, Australia, South Africa, or any other colonial settler state, they must immediately vacate so as to give back the land to its original inhabitants.

  13. 3bancan said on January 20th, 2011 at 7:05am #

    Luis Cayetano said on January 20th, 2011 at 6:38am #

    “So cute to see 3bancan and hiyate literally losing their minds over Palestine, while they smooch up to the fascist, racist North Sudanese dictatorship”

    Another beautiful proof that LC is not only a zionazi hubristic blatherer but also a zionazi hubristic liar…

  14. Luis Cayetano said on January 20th, 2011 at 7:40am #

    ”Another beautiful proof that LC is not only a zionazi hubristic blatherer but also a zionazi hubristic liar… ”

    Not an argument.

  15. Luis Cayetano said on January 20th, 2011 at 7:45am #

    Oh, and you still haven’t had the honesty expected of Leftists to owe up to this: ”And all this while forgetting to acknowledge that if they live in the United States, Canada, Australia, South Africa, or any other colonial settler state, they must immediately vacate so as to give back the land to its original inhabitants. ”

    Or are you a racist who hates Aborigines, Native Americans and black Africans? You’ve already exposed yourself as a vicious Jew hater (quote: ”The Jewish thieves, robbers, vandalizers, torturers, murderers, genociders and consummate liars know to appreciate their living as world parasites No. 1.”. No mention of Zionists there), so it wouldn’t be inconceivable that you’ve also got it in for these other folk.

  16. 3bancan said on January 20th, 2011 at 7:57am #

    Luis Cayetano said on January 20th, 2011 at 7:45am #

    I don’t know if JC is a ‘Leftist’ or a ‘Rightist’, but he surely is a zionazi murderer of truth and humanity…

  17. 3bancan said on January 20th, 2011 at 8:02am #

    Pardon: JC->LC..

  18. Luis Cayetano said on January 20th, 2011 at 8:05am #

    ”I don’t know if JC is a ‘Leftist’ or a ‘Rightist’, but he surely is a zionazi murderer of truth and humanity… ”

    Ummmm…yeah. I’ve murdered people (even though I haven’t). Vile slanderer.

  19. mary said on January 20th, 2011 at 8:13am #

    3bancan. Please don’t feed the troll(s). He (LC) already has a full house in the comments column and achieves double exposure to his smears by repeating them back.

  20. jayn0t said on January 20th, 2011 at 8:17am #

    Luis Cayetano raises two well-worn questions for advocates of Palestinian rights. The first is, if you live in Australia or North America, and criticise Jews for ethnic cleansing in Palestine, well, why don’t you move back to Europe? I can’t speak for others, but my answer is 1. I don’t advocate Jews being forced out of Palestine, I advocate equal rights for all who live there, and the right of return for those whose great great grandparents lived there. I also advocate equal rights for aborigines – there’s no point in ‘going back’.

    The other question is – why don’t we try to change Sudan and other dictatorships? This one is easy. Israel is closely interconnected with our lives in the West. The genocide of the Palestinians is being carried out inside a Western country with the enthusiastic support of all the other Western countries. Jewish power is immoral, against our interests, and in the future, may be a danger. We have to oppose it, and we can hardly make things worse by doing so – I don’t think we should be the slightest bit concerned about anti-semitism. Complaining about third-world dictators is unnecessary, and when our rulers do something about them, it usually ends in disaster anyway – like in Iraq.

  21. Luis Cayetano said on January 20th, 2011 at 8:43am #

    ”I don’t advocate Jews being forced out of Palestine, I advocate equal rights for all who live there”

    Me too.

    ”and the right of return for those whose great great grandparents lived there.”

    Me too. I’m just trying to realise how this can actually be accomplished, other than through vacuous and moralistic and slanderous shrieks of ”Hasbarat!” at the merest suggestion of a difference in opinion. I’m on your side. In other words, I’m trying to work out, in the real world, how this could be achieved. All ideas are welcome.

    ”The other question is – why don’t we try to change Sudan and other dictatorships?”

    That wasn’t my question. Rather, I was denouncing 3bancan (mary’s) and others’ snotty laments that Southern Sudanese have voted for their independence. But I fully agree that the West owes a huge debt to the Palestinians and that we should be focused on them rather than on what regimes outside of Israel do (of course, that doesn’t entail SUPPORTING Sudan’s disgusting government).

    ”The genocide of the Palestinians is being carried out inside a Western country with the enthusiastic support of all the other Western countries.”


    ”Jewish power is immoral, against our interests, and in the future, may be a danger.”

    True, as is all religious power. In the context of Palestine, we should oppose Jewish power. I do. I think that the place SHOULD be turned into a secular, democratic republic for Muslims, Christians, Jews, and whoever. I just don’t know how to GET THERE from here. It seems to me that a first step is to give the Palestinians full control of the West Bank and Gaza, rather than tugging on the ”destroy Israel” mantra that is guaranteed to lead to another outcome (and which no one in the Middle East takes seriously anyway, including Hamas. Apologies go out from Palestine to some of the bloggers posting here).

    ”Complaining about third-world dictators is unnecessary”

    This is consistent with what I’ve always advocated: let the locals deal with these thugs. The problem is that when the locals DO deal with them, as in Tunisia, self-righteous fake-leftists like mary and others will denounce it as a Zionist plot. So the Arabs are screwed either way: they resist, and they will be accused of being ”Zionist agents”. They allow themselves to be oppressed, and they will be accused of being infiltrated by Zionist agents. In the vacuous minds of certain bloggers, everything is tethered to Zionism, and they seem to think that the first responsibility of the Arab masses is to satisfy the wishes of mary and others, rather than their own needs and wants.

    I support a One State solution. But saying so isn’t a solution. I support lots of things that aren’t going to fall from the sky.

  22. 3bancan said on January 20th, 2011 at 8:44am #

    Luis Cayetano said on January 20th, 2011 at 8:24am #

    “we all know that you and 3bancan are the same person”

    Another lie by the zionazi hubristic mendacity sack called LC…

  23. Luis Cayetano said on January 20th, 2011 at 8:45am #

    ”Another lie by the zionazi hubristic mendacity sack called LC… ”

    ”Another” entails that I’ve lied before. So far, you’ve only produced claims of lies, not any evidence. Do better, or you will be reported for trolling.


  24. 3bancan said on January 20th, 2011 at 9:01am #

    Luis Cayetano said on January 20th, 2011 at 8:45am #

    “”Another” entails that I’ve lied before”

    It’s obvious that lying is the zionazi blatherer LC’s strongest side…

  25. hayate said on January 20th, 2011 at 9:34am #


    “3bancan. Please don’t feed the troll(s). He (LC) already has a full house in the comments column and achieves double exposure to his smears by repeating them back.”

    Super hasbarat is having a tantrum all over site. Apparently something upset the boi. 😀

  26. Luis Cayetano said on January 20th, 2011 at 9:49am #

    ”It’s obvious that lying is the zionazi blatherer LC’s strongest side… ”

    This is the best you can do 🙂

    ”Super hasbarat is having a tantrum all over site. Apparently something upset the boi. 😀

    Not an argument.

  27. mary said on January 20th, 2011 at 10:26am #

    Yes Hayate but doesn’t he usually run hot on Castro and Cuba? The Z stuff is new I think.

    Anyway the ludicrous nature of his false assumptions on my identity and on my political viewpoint puts his ‘comments’ into their proper context, ie the trash bin.

    Jaynot – do your previous comments imply that you condone the Zionist Occupation which is now at a most cruel stage?

  28. hayate said on January 20th, 2011 at 11:11am #


    “Yes Hayate but doesn’t he usually run hot on Castro and Cuba? The Z stuff is new I think.”

    I don’t recall the subjects of the boi’s earlier trolling here. Over the years I’ve encountered so many of these sorts of site disruption sayanim that they all sort of blend in together after awhile.

  29. Luis Cayetano said on January 21st, 2011 at 8:16am #

    ”Anyway the ludicrous nature of his false assumptions on my identity and on my political viewpoint puts his ‘comments’ into their proper context, ie the trash bin.”

    Don’t see how that follows. Explain.

    By your rationale, 3bancan’s argument should be thrown in the trash heap by virtue of his putrid slanders against my political views, as he engages in Nazi-style demonisation of anyone who voices even minor differences with him. On top of that, he has a demented fixation on Zionism, as though that were the cause of all evil in the world.