Tits, Sticks, and Ass: TSA is Rebranded from NAMBLA

Remember when you were taught in school never to let strangers touch you, especially in your “private” areas? That’s all changed under Chertoff’s Jerkoffs and Napolitano’s FeelerUp-aRamas. In a lawless nation, anything goes, right? Check out this faux TSA training video:


The video could be psyops, btw — you know, laugh about losing your civil rights, as Laudyms said. Shooting suspicious characters is funny, right?

While mass media keeps trying to convince TV land that you have no rights in the Land of the Free, Paul Craig Roberts reminds us that President Obama thinks he can assassinate anyone he wants without due process. Both Bush and Obama are war criminals who engage in torture and genocide. And, oh, Roberts laments:

“[Burma’s] military regime did not throw [Aung San Suu Kyi] into a dungeon and rape and torture her under cover of false allegations and indefinite detention without charges….

“But, alas, in America macho tough guys approve the virtual strip search of their wives and daughters by full body scanners and the groping by TSA thugs of three-year old children screaming in terror.”

No one has the right to molest you or to irradiate you. Do not allow it. Hundreds of millions of people have more power than any army. All we have to do is say no, en masse.

Americans need to stop drinking the fluoridated water, stop taking pharmaceutical drugs and turn off their goddam television. We are under siege here, today. Opt out of the body scan, and opt of being molested for the right to travel.

Rady Ananda began blogging in 2004. Her work has appeared in several online and print publications, including three books on election fraud. Most of her career was spent working for lawyers in research, investigations and as a paralegal. She graduated from The Ohio State University’s School of Agriculture with a B.S. in Natural Resources. Read other articles by Rady.

29 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. Don Hawkins said on November 16th, 2010 at 8:16am #

    Rady I have been trying to think of the words now for awhile you did it. They all do it but Fox New’s is the best at it; While mass media keeps trying to convince TV land that you have no rights in the Land of the Free,

  2. j30 said on November 16th, 2010 at 9:51am #

    Ha! Good for DV for posting this!

    thx, Don.

    ~ Rady

  3. hayate said on November 16th, 2010 at 12:41pm #

    Great video. Thanks for posting that.

  4. hayate said on November 16th, 2010 at 9:56pm #

    Checking out me old haunts, I came across this very well written article on the latest zionist oogle and grope scheme:

    TSA promises $10,000 fine for refusing airport body search

    by Rady Ananda


    First rate article

  5. hayate said on November 16th, 2010 at 10:07pm #

    Another good article, don’t let the title throw you:

    TSA to investigate Oceanside man ejected from airport, may prosecute

    By Robert J. Hawkins

    Originally published November 14, 2010 at 12:07 a.m., updated November 15, 2010 at 7:58 p.m.


  6. hayate said on November 16th, 2010 at 10:11pm #

    BTW, forgot to mention earlier:

    “Chertoff’s Jerkoffs and Napolitano’s FeelerUp-aRamas”

    That is what they are. Exactly.

  7. hayate said on November 16th, 2010 at 10:23pm #

    In fact, in the zionist’s UK colony, where they have also deployed their perverts, the British equivalent of the tsa got caught spreading around their xrays of an Indian actress. Are the airport scammers in the UK israeli run like chertoff’s jerkoffs in the usa?


    This reminds me of a passage in Ostrovsky’s “By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer” where he described how one of the mossad agents in training got caught using surveillance equipment to catch guys with street hookers and blackmail them for money. The equipment was issued freely by the mossad trainers to trainees so they could practice. The trainee was not prosecuted for his crime, he wasn’t even booted from the training course or mossad. Ostrovsky speculated this was because his trainers admired his initiative and figured, with a bit of better control, he’d make an excellent agent.

    This is the sort of valueless mindset the zionists are now inflicting now on everyone else.

  8. hayate said on November 16th, 2010 at 10:30pm #

    The Russians are on top of this, as well:

    Naked truth behind ‘naked body scanners’

    Published: 16 November, 2010, 22:51

    John Tyner, a California man, became a national sensation when he recorded his encounter during an airport security pat-down. After the exchange, Tyner uploaded the video to the web and shortly after – it went viral.

    “We can do that out here, but if you touch my junk I am going to have you arrested,” Tyner told the airport security official.

    The US media has had a field day, reporting the pros and cons of body scanning machines and pat-downs in the name of security. But one question they failed to ask is: who is behind the push for the body scanners?

    As it turns out, former Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, now runs a security and risk management firm and one of his clients is Rapiscan, one of the biggest manufacturers of body scanning machines in the country. While the media continues to interview Chertoff about the value of body scanning machines, they fail to point out that he will benefit financially from the implementation of the machines.

    “He’s abusing his relationship with the public by pretending to be a public servant and talking about how these body scanners are going to make us safer… He stands to benefit because he’s getting paid by the manufacturing companies to go all over the television networks saying that these scanners are the solution to security,” said Kate Hanni, the director of Flyersrights.org, a non-profit dedicated to passengers rights.

    Talk about body scanners became increasingly popular after the failed Christmas Day bombing last year. After that incident, two major contractors with powerful lobbying groups in Washington, DC recieved contracts for about $160 million dollars each to build body scanners for airports across the country. One of those contractors was Rapiscan.

    “Americans should be angry because the $25 million in stimulus funds that were used to order the first 150 of these body scanners could have been used to create jobs. The taxpayers could have avoided what’s akin to martial law being implemented in the airport,” Hanni said.


    Info that needs to be passed around….

  9. hayate said on November 17th, 2010 at 9:53pm #

    Exerpts from TSA – Sexual Assault:

    “She felt along my waistline, moved behind me, then proceeded to feel both of my buttocks. She reached from behind in the middle of my buttocks towards my vagina area.

    She did not tell me that she was going to touch my buttocks, or reach forward to my vagina area.

    She then moved in front of my and touched the top and underneath portions of both of my breasts.

    She did not tell me that she was going to touch my breasts.

    She then felt around my waist. She then moved to the bottoms of my legs.

    She then felt my inner thighs and my vagina area, touching both of my labia.

    She did not tell me that she was going to touch my vagina area or my labia.

    She then told me that I could put my shoes on and I asked if I could pick up the baby, she replied Yes.”

    She says a lot more about this crime here:


  10. hayate said on November 17th, 2010 at 10:03pm #

    The TSA is out of control


    It’s a series of news reports of tsa crimes.

    The top comments after this video are:

    “TSA is the new? SS.”

    “In a few more years, TSA agents will be guarding the concentration camps they put the rest of us? in.”

  11. hayate said on November 17th, 2010 at 10:07pm #

    Rep. John J. Duncan Jr., former Chairman of the House Aviation Subcommittee and the current top Republican on the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit, blasts TSA’s invasive “pat downs” during a speech on the floor of the House of Representatives on November 17, 2010. Duncan also questions the role of lucrative government contracts in TSA’s new naked body scanning machines. The text of the speech is copied below:

    “Mr. Speaker:

    A nationwide revolt is developing over the body scanners at the airports, and it should.

    Hundreds of thousands of frequent fliers who fly each week are upset about getting these frequent doses of radiation.

    Parents are upset about being forced to have their children radiated or being touched inappropriately by an unrelated adult.

    There is already plenty of security at the airport, but now we are going to spend up to $300 million to install 1,000 scanners.

    This is much more about money than it is about security.

    The former secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, represents Rapiscan, the company which is selling these scanners to his former department.

    Far too many federal contracts are sweetheart, insider deals.

    Companies hire former high ranking federal officials, and then magically, those companies get hugely profitable federal contracts.

    The American people should not have to choose between having full-body radiation or a very embarrassing, intrusive pat-down every time they fly, as if they were criminals.

    We need a little more balance and common sense on this.”

    Watch the speech here:


  12. hayate said on November 17th, 2010 at 10:11pm #

    Thought I take a look at the zionist [cough] left and see what was their take on these tsa crimes. Took a look a znet. Nothing in the last few days. Absolutely nothing. They are always covering each others arses.

    Big surprise, eh.

  13. hayate said on November 17th, 2010 at 10:18pm #

    Now the zionist owned nazis are fighting back:

    “Anyway, here’s the latest on the the “junk” story:

    The Transportation Security Administration has opened an investigation targeting John Tyner, the Oceanside man who left Lindbergh Field under duress on Saturday morning after refusing to undertake a full body scan.

    Tyner recorded the half-hour long encounter on his cell phone and later posted it to his personal blog, along with an extensive account of the incident. The blog went viral, attracting hundreds of thousands of readers and thousands of comments.

    Michael J. Aguilar, chief of the TSA office in San Diego, called a news conference at the airport Monday afternoon to announce the probe. He said the investigation could lead to prosecution and civil penalties of up to $11,000.

    TSA agents had told Tyner on Saturday that he could be fined up to $10,000.

    “That’s the old fine,” Aguilar said. “It has been increased.”


    That whole lot needs to be rotting in prison, getting daily attention from “lifer bubba”.

  14. j30 said on November 17th, 2010 at 11:40pm #

    hey, thx for the conner speech – I happened to turn on C-SPAN today to see if they were televising the TSA shakedown, but instead watched the vote come in on S 510 (which I wrote about: http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2010/11/17/breaking-senate-votes-cloture-on-s-510-must-now-be-voted-on-in-60-days/

    these fascists must not want us to fly; they’re destroying the travel business in the process.

    I sure hope flyers OPT OUT on Nov. 24 http://www.wewontfly.com/

    lemme say, hayate, this Leftie has been covering it, as has Progressive Mind website, Activist Post….

    you can’t look at top tier websites professing to be left – the left in the US has been co-opted as much as the Tea Party has.

  15. hayate said on November 18th, 2010 at 1:16am #


    “lemme say, hayate, this Leftie has been covering it, as has Progressive Mind website, Activist Post….”

    I know, and very well, I will add.

    “you can’t look at top tier websites professing to be left – the left in the US has been co-opted as much as the Tea Party has.”

    Actually, of the sites I checked that feature a wide variety of commentary and news coverage, znet was the only where I saw no mention of the recent public outrage against the tsa at all. Seems everybody else is covering it from internet sites to the major corporate media.

    Correction: I had not checked democacy now, they don’t seem to have any programmes on the tsa mentioned on their front page, they may have mentioned the uproar as a short segment of another programme, but they don’t seem interested. This is the sort of thing democracy now usually jumps on, though, so its absence is suspicious, to say the least.

    The lack of coverage is fairly typical of zionist znet, the tsa is zionist run. And I’m not really surprised about democracy now, either, given their zionist leanings. I should look around some more and see who else is covering the story and who is ignoring it. I have some suspicions…

  16. hayate said on November 18th, 2010 at 1:22am #

    Meanwhile, some interesting developments. The zionists at znet may have no interest covering the public outrage against the tsa, but apparently the outrage is having some positive affect on the u.s. guv. They’re starting to sweat now.

    TSA Chief: Submit or Don’t Fly
    Appointed Head of TSA Shrugs Off Senate Calls to Relax Screening
    by Jason Ditz, November 17, 2010

    “As an appointed official, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) chief John Pistole doesn’t necessarily have to care about public opinion. One might have hoped, however, that faced with calls to back down by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, he might pause for at least a moment. Not so, however.”



  17. hayate said on November 18th, 2010 at 1:34am #

    Perhaps the reason the znet zionists have no interest in this public rebellion is it seems to be working. It’s got the guv running skerred enough, they are attacking each other over it. A protest movement that actually accomplishes its goals? After all those protest movements the zionists sabotaged, I can see why znet would rather ignore these protests. They seem to be working and and could very well set a bad example of success. Cant have that, if one is a loyal zionist. Sorry for the cynicism and sarcasm, but the duplicity of these people, who claim they stand for human rights, sickens me. The guv does appear worried now. Take a look at this:

    GOP lawmaker: Full-body scanners violate Fourth Amendment
    By Elise Viebeck – 11/17/10 10:29 AM ET

    “A GOP lawmaker said Tuesday the full-body scanners now employed by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) violate the Fourth Amendment to the constitution, which protects against “unreasonable searches and seizures.”

    During a one-minute speech on the House floor, Rep. Ted Poe (Texas) also blasted former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff as a “political hack” and accused him of profiting from the proliferation of the devices.

    “There is no evidence these new body scanners make us more secure. But there is evidence that former Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff made money hawking these full body scanners,” Poe said. ”



  18. hayate said on November 18th, 2010 at 1:37am #


    Introducing the American Traveler Dignity Act
    by Rep. Ron Paul, November 18, 2010

    “Mr. Speaker, today I introduce legislation to protect Americans from physical and emotional abuse by federal Transportation Security Administration employees conducting screenings at the nation’s airports. We have seen the videos of terrified children being grabbed and probed by airport screeners. We have read the stories of Americans being subjected to humiliating body imaging machines and/or forced to have the most intimate parts of their bodies poked and fondled. We do not know the potentially harmful effects of the radiation emitted by the new millimeter wave machines.”



  19. hayate said on November 18th, 2010 at 1:57am #

    A couple of decent video reports from the cbc:

    Body scan refusal creates uproar The refusal of an air traveller to go through a body scanner gives rise to an internet sensation, and has the U.S. government defending the controversial machines


    Scanner refusal Software engineer John Tyner talks about his refusal to go through a body scanner in a San Diego airport and his encounter with airport security


  20. hayate said on November 18th, 2010 at 2:01am #

    Another politico blinks:

    Mica: ‘TSA has it wrong’ and should be replaced
    Marva Hinton
    @ November 17, 2010 6:16 AM

    Reporter: Ken Tyndall

    A Central Florida congressman wants to get rid of the TSA.

    Congressman John Mica is expected to lead the powerful Transportation Committee when the new Republican House takes over next year, and he doesn’t like those full-body scanners and pat-downs.

    There’s a growing backlash over those new security measures, and now Mica says airports around the country shouldn’t have to use the TSA for security.

    “Right now TSA has it wrong,” said Mica.”I think TSA is overstepping its bounds.”


  21. hayate said on November 18th, 2010 at 2:06am #

    More on Mica:

    Rep. John Mica urges airports to opt out of TSA screening

    Last Updated: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 3:03 PM
    More Info


    As complaints grow over full body scanners, one local congressman said he wants airports, including Orlando International Airport, to use private security to screen passengers.

    U.S. Rep. John Mica, R-Winter Park, has sent a letter to the heads of more than 150 airports across the country, suggesting that they opt out of Transportation Security Administration screening.

    Mica is in line to become chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

    His letter did not address the controversy surrounding the scanners specifically, but rather the size of the agency.


    Though his interest may involve promoting an unmentioned rival to chertoff’s jerkoffs, given u.s. politics.

  22. hayate said on November 18th, 2010 at 2:13am #

    Some airports are already opting out of using tsa:

    Southeast airports debate dropping TSA scanners


  23. hayate said on November 18th, 2010 at 2:15am #

    For Survivors of Sexual Assault, New TSA Screenings Represent a Threat

    “For women and men who have already been sexually assaulted, the new screening rules—or just the threat of these rules—present a very real danger. They can be triggering events, setting off a posttraumatic-stress reaction. “I started crying. It was so intimate, so horrible. I feel like I was being raped,” an anonymous rape survivor recounted on a Minnesota blog. Melissa Gibbs, a spokeswoman for We Won’t Fly, a group protesting the new regulations, says that a rape survivor she spoke to had a panic attack as an agent began touching her leg.”


  24. j30 said on November 18th, 2010 at 7:43pm #

    hayate ~ that first CBC article you mention reports that the founder of National Opt Out Day thinks it’s okay to let TSA molest you physically.

    Too bad Brian Sodergren doesn’t get the full picture.

    Re: the Newsweek article – that hits the nail on the head – 3 out of 4 women will be sexually molested or raped in their lives in the U.S. What TSA is doing not only adds to those statistics, but triggers PTSD in survivors.

  25. j30 said on November 18th, 2010 at 7:48pm #

    btw, the Miami Herald is about to do a huge piece on this — they contacted me after reading my article, https://dissidentvoice.org/2010/11/tsa-targets-%E2%80%9Csmoking-hot%E2%80%9D-woman-for-naked-scan-fondles-children/

    ~ Rady

  26. hayate said on November 18th, 2010 at 8:13pm #


    “hayate ~ that first CBC article you mention reports that the founder of National Opt Out Day thinks it’s okay to let TSA molest you physically.

    Too bad Brian Sodergren doesn’t get the full picture.”

    Thanks for spotting that. Both about Sodergren and that I posted the wrong links. I mean’t to post links for the videos, only, which I think are pretty good, given the source. I didn’t pay that much attention to the article since I thought I had posted links to the videos. I’d seen the 2nd video as a link on another site, antiwar I think, wanted to post it from the original source. Neither video itself mentions Sodergren in it.

    These should be the correct links to the videos:



  27. hayate said on November 18th, 2010 at 8:21pm #

    As for Sodergren, if he actually said that, perhaps he’s a another co-opter, around to weaken the opposition. Recommending people submit to what is in fact a form of officially sanctioned rape, rather than scanners, is whacked. Neither is legit, but being raped by someone is worse than being oogled by them.

  28. Hue Longer said on November 18th, 2010 at 8:25pm #

    I think most “co-optors” are self policing status quo junkies…It’s a lose lose microcosm of everything else

  29. Hue Longer said on November 18th, 2010 at 8:27pm #

    should have added that there doesn’t need to be plants aware of what they are actually are doing