They want me to go and vote again,
To sanction their rigamarole;
For all their rot and all their snot—
To trade my immortal soul!
They want me to tell ’em: Thanks for the choice
Twixt Tweedle Dum and Dee;
Or that that vixen with the whiny voice
Is kinda my cuppa Tea.
They tell me it’s my Constitutional right;
They tell me not voting is rude.
Twixt moron and liar I don’t see much light—
Either way the People get screwed!
They took my money and bailed out the banks;
“Too big to fail,” they proclaimed.
But, weren’t the People much bigger than they?
So, why were the People blamed?
They talk about peace, but it’s war that they crave—
Hate and destruction galore.
50% of our taxes we gave
To predator drones and more.
It’s all an illusion—and they’re in on the take,
But they must keep it going, make it seem real
Or the whole House of Money will rock in the quake
When the Sheeple awaken and squeal.
Go cast your ballot, put in your stints!
Believe what you’re told, don’t question:
How did those Towers collapse in their footprints?
Where were those Weapons of Mass Destruction?
Believe! Get herded! Eat what they sell you!
Smoke this, not that! Take pills for whatever!
Just don’t let on you know it’s a fiction:
“Life,” “Liberty,” and “Sacred Honor.”