“No Drama Obama” Needs a Strong Second Act

The Obama administration is a welcome change from the Bush–Cheney years. Against severe Republican opposition, President Obama has kept campaign promises to reform health care, curb Wall Street excesses, create a federally-funded stimulus program to help bring the nation out of the recession, and to remove American troops from the needless Iraq war, which has already cost Americans more than $740 billion and 4,400 lives. He has also pledged to eliminate the Bush–Cheney tax cuts for the rich, while not raising taxes on the middle- and lower-classes.

However, much of what the President is doing appears to be little more than an extension of Bush–Cheney values. And that is not what the Americans voted for when they elected him to office.

Candidate Obama ran, and won office as an anti-war politician. President Obama has increased American presence in Afghanistan. In July, 66 American soldiers were killed, the highest number for any month during the war.

Candidate Obama pledged to end the PATRIOT Act, which has done little to protect American safety and much to destroy American Constitutional rights, including freedom of expression, due process, and protection against unreasonable governmental invasion of privacy. However President Obama signed legislation to extend the Act for yet another year.

During the 2008 campaign, both candidates Barack Obama and John McCain promised to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay. However, President Obama, apparently scared by the right wing paranoids, hasn’t transferred any prisoners to maximum federal security prisons in the U.S., any one of which would should have little difficulty dealing with suspected enemy combatants among the general population of killers and rapists.

President Obama had failed to clean up the corrupt Minerals Management Service of the Department of Interior, which under the Bush–Cheney administration had become little more than feckless advocates for Big Oil. About a year into the Obama administration, the MMS exempted BP from filing a full environmental impact statement. Against the advice of environmentalists, and his own statements while a candidate, President Obama allowed continued deep water drilling in the Gulf, claiming that safety concerns were met. About a month later, the BP oil rig ruptured, killing 11 workers and leading to the worst oil spill in U.S. history. It took five weeks before President Obama finally placed a six month moratorium on deep well drilling, only to have that moratorium overturned by a Louisiana judge with financial ties to the oil industry. The Obama administration appealed that order and issued a broader moratorium. By then, more about 200 million gallons of oil had spilled into the gulf, killing wildlife, the fishing industries, and tourism.

Although Candidate Obama promised better transparency in government—and to a certain extent has succeeded—as President he allowed BP and his own government to place severe restrictions upon the media that were trying to give full coverage to the spill.

The transparency credibility issue surfaced again this month when the Defense Department rejected the application for Rolling Stone reporter Michael Hastings to accompany troops in Afghanistan. Hastings had accurately reported the political statements by Gen. Stanley McChrystal that led the President to fire him for the nature of his comments that “undermines the civilian control of the military that is at the core of the democratic system.”

Illinois State Sen. Barack Obama had said he believed in gay marriages. However, President Obama, although extending the rights of gay couples, has yielded to the fears of irrational conservatives and says he opposes same-sex marriages, but believes in civil unions. Unlike President Obama, supporters of same-sex marriage include Bill Clinton, Laura Bush, and Cindy McCain.

The Republican leadership tried to block extending unemployment benefits during the Recession; it was weeks until President Obama spoke forcefully against the Republicans, which has earned its label as the “Party of ‘No.'” Hopefully, President Obama will be quicker to denounce the prattle of Republican leaders who are mounting a campaign to reduce Social Security benefits.

Solely for political reasons, the Bush–Cheney administration took gray wolves off the endangered species list one week before Barack Obama became president. Slightly more than a year after taking office, President Obama officially continued the Bush–Cheney policy. The action by both administrations allowed the killing large numbers of the 1,600 wolves in the Rocky Mountains of Idaho and Montana, often by state officials from helicopters and often into the dens that housed pups. No matter what the federal government said about wolves not being endangered, there were two realities. First, the Cattle Industry lobby wanted wolves removed, although federal subsidies reimburse ranchers for any livestock killed by wolves. The second issue is that wolves are competition for hunters, a majority of whom tend to be conservatives or supporters of Republican philosophies. While wolves kill for food or to protect their pack, human hunters may claim they hunt for food, but go to extraordinary lengths and expense to stuff and display their “trophy kills,” and often will kill animals, such as bears, prairie dogs, and coyotes that have no food value. Unlike their human competitors, wolves usually don’t use guns with telescopic sights, buy all kinds of whistles and electronic calls that mimic the cries of other animals, use elevated shooting stands, send out decoys, or even create elaborate steel-jaw traps. They never take their prey back to a cabin, consume 6-packs, and tell stories with other wolves. A federal court this week ruled that gray wolves in the Rockies were not only an endangered species, but stopped state-supported wolf hunts in Idaho and Montana.

Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson, against severe opposition, pushed through some of the most critical social legislation in the nation’s history. Harry Truman stood up for his principles and for the benefit of the people when he lashed out at a “do-nothing Congress.” Candidate Obama was elected on a forceful campaign mantra of “Change you can believe in,” and not “A slight variation of present policies that you can maybe live with.”

President Obama is known as “No Drama Obama” because of his quiet intellectualism. He needs to be more forceful, both in fully supporting social legislation he and his base believe in as well as attacking the vicious smears, lies, and distortions from the extreme Right Wing. If President Obama continues to pandering to the conservatives, and continues a slide into compromise that dilutes necessary social justice legislation instead of trusting the millions who voted for that change he promised, especially when he has both the power of the presidency and the votes in Congress, he will be a one-term president, hated by both the right and the left.

  • Assisting on this column was Rosemary Brasch.
  • Walter Brasch, during a 40-year work career in mass communications, has been a member of several unions, in both the private and public sectors. He is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the author of 16 books, including With Just Cause: Unionization of the American Journalist, Before the First Snow: Stories from the Revolution, and his latest Fracking Pennsylvania. He can be contacted at: walterbrasch@gmail.com. Read other articles by Walter, or visit Walter's website.

    9 comments on this article so far ...

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    1. Rehmat said on August 9th, 2010 at 8:44am #

      The “Can Do” dude has proved to be “Can’t Do” dude. His is acting worse than Dubya Bush when it come to submission to Israel and Wall Street. He is avoiding to fulfil his promise to bring back US soldiers from Iraq – and sending 30,000 more US soldiers to Afghanistan where Taliban has already recovered 80% of the country.

      No Obama is opening a new war front in Iran for the pleasure of Israel.


    2. hayate said on August 9th, 2010 at 10:45am #

      While this article enumerates some important things that need to be addressed, it also continues with that useless optimacy that obama is anything but sleazeball. He has done none of the things the author praised him for in the opening paragraph. I didn’t see anything about obama’s push for war (under zionist Jewish tutelage, of course) on Iran and his support for terrorism against that country. His support of the coup against Honduras and continued support for terrorism and the drug mafia in the rest of Latin America. Obama is not better than bush, he is actually worse. He is carrying out the same ziofascist/fascist policies as bush & co., while the image of a “liberal” obama has put the opposition to sleep that had been objecting to these policies when bush promoted them (this latter, also partly the result of zionist co-opters in the opposition running their usual neutralisation shenanigans). That was the intention all along of the ziofascist/fascist oligarchs backing this “tel avivian” candidate and the main reason why they chose this particular politician.

      If any progress is to be made against these ziofascists/fascists and their endless, genocidal wars, people are going to need to wake up and realise that the zionists manipulate their politics a lot more deeper than they imagine and start treating these bigoted fascists the way nazis are treated now. One will never be able to “talk” these critters into changing their ways, we need to get rid of them altogether.

    3. Michael Collins said on August 9th, 2010 at 12:19pm #

      Obama’s Wall Street reforms came late and were $23 Trillion dollars short (the amount of U.S. credit backing the banking system). The reforms were also missing an important piece – something for the 300 million who didn’t rip off the system.

      Health care reform simply preserved the system for the useless insurance companies. It did provide some public health benefits, which will mature slowly. But it left the self-employed hanging with huge rate increases and did nothing to cap costs. Simply dumping third party payers (insurance) would have added about 25% of freed funds.

      Thus , on the two points of “change,” Obama failed.

      As you correctly point out, he blew it on issues dear to the “constitutionalists” and became a war president.

      There is a difference between Republicans and Democrats. The Republicans are rabid at times and thoroughly embrace the total insincerity required to argue their positions.

    4. teafoe2 said on August 9th, 2010 at 3:00pm #

      I wonder which DV editor thought this article was “dissident” enough to be published here? We can read this kind of **** in the MSM.

    5. teafoe2 said on August 9th, 2010 at 3:09pm #

      Thank you Hayate, you nailed it. Collins seems to be lost in the same old same old dreamland. Please, no more reinforcing tired Liberal illusions.

      Obama is the most vicious rat I can remember seeing on the US political stage. He makes Dubya look like a boy scout. Not even Cheney assumed he had a legal right to assassinate American citizens anytime the whim struck him.

    6. beverly said on August 9th, 2010 at 6:38pm #

      “The Obama administration is a welcome change from the Bush–Cheney years. Against severe Republican opposition, President Obama has kept campaign promises to reform health care, curb Wall Street excesses, create a federally-funded stimulus program to help bring the nation out of the recession, and to remove American troops from the needless Iraq war, which has already cost Americans more than $740 billion and 4,400 lives.”

      Didn’t Mr. Brasch write a similar ode to Obama a few months back? His name sounds familiar. If yes, it appears the kool-aid hangover ain’t over for this poor soul.

      Welcome change from Bush/Cheney? Not really. We got a kinder, gentler face for the empire. This soft sell approach, along with the p.c. kryptonite of being biracial black, has lulled any opposition into a deep sleep so Obama gets away with far more evildoing than Bush/Cheney ever could.

      Promises, promises. Health care reform? It’s a joke. The only winners are the insurance and drug industries who practically wrote the bill. President Sneaky’s shamcare won’t even take effect until after the 2012 elections. Coincidence or planned tactic to insure the shit hitting fan effects of this crap legislation won’t hinder Obama’s re-election chances???

      Curb Wall Street excesses? Just how did he do that with a financial reform bill so watered down it could irrigate crops nationwide. Oh yeah, giving Wall Street trillions in no strings attached bailout funds isn’t exactly a recipe for clamping down on excesses either. BTW, could the Justice Dept please stop its fascist prosecutions of folks like Lynne Stewart, anti-war protesters, and animal rights activists for a moment and bring charges against bankster executives for their role in the financial scam of the century? Just asking.

      Stimulus plan? A classic Obama fence straddling move. Do enough to keep up appearance of giving a damn to appease supporters and not piss off too much the corporate masters. Instead of launching a massive jobs program to employ millions who would in turn use money to spend and boost economy as well as pay taxes to blacken red ink on state and federal balance sheets, Obama gives us a timid stimulus package that has done little to improve economic fortunes of the non-rich.

      Iraq troop withdrawal? The key word in Obama’s latest grand pronouncement is “combat.” There are far more non-combat troops in Iraq than combat so there will still be a crapload and a half of occupying forces – including Blackwater-type contractors – in Iraq indefinitely. And where will the combat troops go? Home to US or to Vietnam II aka Afghanistan?

      “He needs to be more forceful, both in fully supporting social legislation he and his base believe in as well as attacking the vicious smears, lies, and distortions from the extreme Right Wing.”

      Wake up and smell reality Professor Brasch. His “base” may believe in social legislation (and ending wars, and not starting wars based on lies like we’re about to do with Iran, and regulation to protect against bankster gangsters/polluters/poisons in food, water, products) but Obama never believed in this shit. If he had ANY plans to do more than execute his corporate masters’ agenda, his campaign rhetoric would have been less empty and more specific and his campaign team and later, his cabinet, would look a hell of a lot different. As for attacking the smears of the extreme right wing, these attacks serve Obama’s needs perfectly. He looks like a victim to his stupid supporters who spend all their time defending him instead of putting a foot up his ass. While the extreme right rants and the dumb fuck left fights to the death defending their “leader,” said leader is getting over on everyone’s ass big time.

    7. hayate said on August 9th, 2010 at 7:22pm #




      “As for attacking the smears of the extreme right wing, these attacks serve Obama’s needs perfectly. He looks like a victim to his stupid supporters who spend all their time defending him instead of putting a foot up his ass. While the extreme right rants and the dumb fuck left fights to the death defending their “leader,” said leader is getting over on everyone’s ass big time.”


    8. Deadbeat said on August 9th, 2010 at 7:34pm #

      Didn’t Mr. Brasch write a similar ode to Obama a few months back?

      That last article that Mr. Brasch wrote was about LeBron James signing with the Miami Heat as an example of the moral decline of America. No remarks from Mr. Brasch of the “Liberal/Left” celebrities who make large sums deceiving the American people.

    9. Rehmat said on August 9th, 2010 at 8:00pm #

      VIPS’s Memorandum to Ben Obama: “Please don’t get sucked Americans into a suicidal war with Iran to save Israel being wiped off the map”.
