Since Obama Is Not Going to Save Us, What Shall We Do?

There is a new documentary movie inspired by Thomas Frank’s book What’s the Matter with Kansas: How Conservatives Won the Heart of America. It is a liberal film maker’s attempt to understand how nice rural people who are being badly hurt by neocon economic policies can nevertheless vote for neocons because of their profound opposition to abortion, gay marriage, and gun control. The tone of the movie, like the title to the book and the movie, suggest a subtheme: “Why can’t they be smart like us?”

But what is so smart and energetic about us? We too are being badly hurt by neocon policies, and yet we can not organize or mobilize ourselves to stop them. We are trapped by our own addiction to material comforts, and by our firm dedication to our liberal principles of supporting women’s choice on abortion, the right of gay’s to a same sex marriage, and of the removal of guns from our midst. Like the people of Kansas, we have not been willing to forgo or to compromise our cherished principles in order to join with, organize, and mobilize together with the millions of Americans who are also being badly hurt. All of us, Republican and Democrat, left and right, women, men, gays, straight, born-again religious, and agnostic, hunters and pacifists, are being driven into poverty and the dark ages by the 5000 or so extremely wealthy persons with their banks and insurance companies who maintain neocon policies, and control our government and our lives.

The most graphic current example is our own health care: We cannot have the security of decent health care because we will not give up our principled stand on abortion, and neither will the people of Kansas. (Meanwhile, we are manipulated by the media of the rich to prevent us from “following the money” to see who benefits, and from full recognition of the fact that we will be forced to give 27% of our health dollar to CEO salaries and bonuses, and fined by the IRS if we do not)

Health care is but the tip of the ice berg. These ruthless, cruel neocon forces, determined to extract every last penny of profit from us, have the tools to use against us here at home, that they use against people in the Middle East: Torture, Guantanamo type “detention centers,” remote controlled drones, a West Point plan to use the Army for domestic “riot control,” and authoritarian police worse than those of Copenhagen who recently arbitrarily arrested 2000 climate control advocates.

So far, we have allowed these few ruthless cruel neocon persons to use their mainstream media to divert our attention from what they are doing to us, while they provide us only with unimportant news of fires, rapes and murders, and lies about the “terrorists” abroad who “have weapons of mass destruction.”

We, millions and millions of us, have an interest in the common good, in preserving civilized life, a sustainable planet home, self government, a stable monetary system, and a humane economy. We have a common interest in preserving civilization itself, and in our common protection from the cruel arbitrary Law of the Jungle.

With all of this at stake, let’s reconsider our strategy and our own mind-sets.

First off, an observation: There are some issues that democracy cannot handle when proponents and opponents are equally divided. Every person who has ever served as a city councilman knows that one must avoid considering dog leash ordinances like the plague. Keep that issue off the agenda! It is a divisive and emotion laden issue. One half of the voters will storm city hall in support, and the other half will storm city hall in opposition. One’s city will not be able to consider fire and police problems, planning, zoning, and other issues of concern to all. With this in mind let’s consider the national hot button issues.

Compared to the millions and millions now hurt by neocon policies, how many women need an abortion? A few thousand per year? Are there no other options, such as the “morning after pill?” Women for thousands of years have had wisdom to control conception by their own means. If civilization falls and we are ruled by the law of the jungle, where will women then get their abortions? Is it wise to allow ourselves to be driven into poverty and the dark ages because we cannot make common ground with those who oppose abortion?

Compared to the millions and millions now hurt by neocon policies, how many gay persons need a marriage ceremony? A few thousand? If civilization falls, where will gays then get the sanction of a civil society for a same sex marriage? Considering what is at stake, are there not other options such as a simple private partnership contract that could suffice?

Do we really want gun control? Or should we too want an AK 47, or the most powerful gun we can manage, and a bazooka type rocket? If we are all armed to the teeth, the authoritarian police and the Army captains implementing the West Point plan for controlling our domestic resistance will think twice before they rush in to arrest us. If remote CIA controlled drones are threatening to bomb our houses because we are not going along with the program, we would very much like to have a bazooka.

As Frank’s book and the movie depict, there were and are populists in Kansas who resent the power, wealth, corruption; and arrogance of Wall Street bankers and insurance companies, perhaps as much or more than we do. Our only hope for avoiding the precipitous fall of our civilization is to make common cause with the people of Kansas, motivate, mobilize and fight our common neocon enemies together.

So it is with the abortion issue, same sex marriage, and gun control. We must keep them off the agenda! These are divisive issues of less importance than the gigantic common survival problems that we all face.

The very rich use their media to stoke these emotion-laden, divisive issues, to keep us fighting and divided, and to keep us from realizing that they are ruthlessly victimizing us for their own profit. They also dominate and control our elected Republicans and Democratic officials and use their media to create and exaggerate differences in social programs and philosophy, to examine endlessly the “strategy” of candidates, in order to divert our attention from the reality of their domination and oppression of us.

To deal with our overwhelming common problems of our fragile terminally ill capitalism, global warming, peak oil, wars abroad, torture, and our economic victimization, we must put aside those issues affecting relatively few persons, so that we can deal with the common good.

We can:

  • Talk to “the people in Kansas” with humility and the realization that we are as victimized as they are. Join with them. Organize and Mobilize together with them.
  • Stop work, have sick outs, sit down strikes, work stoppages for a day or for a week, or for whatever it takes.
  • Stop buying, stage strategic boycotts of companies and buyer’s strikes of products.
  • We can march with pots and pans and ridicule our elected officials who give us “excuses” for their betrayal of us. We can run against them ourselves.

We face as much or more oppressive authoritarian power as our Founding Fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence. They then pledged and gave their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to implement its principles. We can do no less. We must. The Enlightenment itself is at stake. Our material well-being, our security, our freedom, and our self-governing democracy are at stake.

Doug Page is a retired lawyer for unions, a former Democratic politician, and a life long observer of government, unions and business. He can be reached at: Read other articles by Doug, or visit Doug's website.

37 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. Don Hawkins said on December 22nd, 2009 at 9:29am #

    The time has come to abandon the Kyoto-style folly that reached its apotheosis in Copenhagen last week, and move to plan B.
    And the outlines of a credible plan B are clear. First and foremost, we must do what mankind has always done, and adapt to whatever changes in temperature may in the future arise.
    This enables us to pocket the benefits of any warming (and there are many) while reducing the costs. None of the projected costs are new phenomena, but the possible exacerbation of problems our climate already throws at us. Addressing these problems directly is many times more cost-effective than anything discussed at Copenhagen. And adaptation does not require a global agreement, although we may well need to help the very poorest countries (not China) to adapt.
    Beyond adaptation, plan B should involve a relatively modest, increased government investment in technological research and development—in energy, in adaptation and in geoengineering. Lord Lawson
    Just read this in the Wall Street Journal plan B is it now. Pocket the benefits & adapt. Oh dear.

    What do you think Doug Plan B. Just wait more will start to say this.

  2. Jo said on December 22nd, 2009 at 9:42am #

    “How many gay persons need a marriage ceremony? Considering what is at stake, are there not other options such as a simple private partnership contract that could suffice?”

    What a specious line of reasoning. First of all, the fight for marriage equality is not a fight for a marriage ceremony. It is a fight for all the rights that go with a marriage license. I won’t list them here; you should research them (and preferably BEFORE you write such a piece as this) but since many of them involve health care, inheritance, citizenship, hospital visitation, etc they are often matters that involve life and death, sickness and health, the ability to be with and care for the one you love. If it were heterosexuals facing such difficulties, I doubt you would be so cavalier and dismissive.

    Second of all, gay people do not somehow exist outside of the current American recession. We are facing ALL of the economic and political hardships that you are, and on top of it our civil equality is being denied on the most basic level. The denial of these rights creates very real hardship for gay couples; if you would open your eyes to such, you would see it.

    In the end, fight for what you believe is important, but if this article was designed to convince ME to drop out of the struggle for my basic civil equality, forget it. Not convincing, sorry. And hardly worthy of a newsletter purporting to promote peace and social justice.

  3. Joe Winston said on December 22nd, 2009 at 10:32am #

    Hi Doug,

    Very interesting and thoughtful post. I’m curious where you get your impression of what the “What’s the Matter with Kansas?” movie has to say about Kansans. Have you seen the movie? It doesn’t sound like it from your brief comments.

    Although I think you’d be pretty horrified at the politics of many of the characters in the film, you might be pleasantly surprised at how it undermines the condescention and hectoring that liberals sometimes direct at conservatives.

    The primary message of the film is: here is what the conservatives are really like, what they believe and why. If you want to persuade them differently, Kansans have favored left-wing causes in the past and could again — but liberals need to do a much better job of stating their case.

  4. Ignatzh said on December 22nd, 2009 at 12:21pm #

    So, what you’re saying here is that in order for us work with people in Kansas, we have to abandon certain core principles. Should we all also join megachurches and give up our religious beliefs, or lack thereof? A legitimate dialogue or discourse between groups in opposition to each other in the context of a democratic society is predicated on common interest, not in capitulating on basic principles. In this case we’re talking about giving in to the forces of ignorant on things like the basic human rights of certain segments of the population, which is totally unacceptable.

    A little like saying we’ll give up Czechoslovakia and Poland just as long as we can get a deal on the rest Europe…sound familar?

  5. Leslie Jones said on December 22nd, 2009 at 12:29pm #

    I liked your article Doug, and I think you make some strong valid points.
    The issues of homosexuality/gay marriage and abortion are such powder kegs in debate format. Too many times I have seen it descend into scathing personal judgements on both sides. Sometimes it seems some Gay Activists not only want more rights such as gay marriage, but to “convert” others to change their points of view.
    There definitely is a liberal perspective that if one is against gay marriage they must be “stupid” or less evolved. Along with accusations of homosexuality being an abomination both sides are guilty of “extremes”
    If only a “drier” approach could be taken

    I agree with what you said about a Plan B, Don.

  6. DavidG. said on December 22nd, 2009 at 1:57pm #

    Probably, if most American started seriously questioning the indoctrination they have received from birth: indoctrination about themselves, their religion, their so-called superiority, their right to consume more of the world’s resources than other nations, etc, it would be a good start.

    Then they could move onto questioning their country with its so-called exceptionalism, its born-to-rule status, its love of war and killing, and its belief that a few wealthy people should have it all, etc.

    If Americans started thinking, they could solve their deeply entrenched problems.

  7. Don Hawkins said on December 22nd, 2009 at 4:46pm #

    Do so called leaders policy makers care about health care or gay marriage or abortion I mean do they really care or is it just the game they play everyday helps them get up in the morning am special and the day starts off with probably lot’s of yes men yes people and then people lobbyists follow them around then lunch with more yes people it’s got to be a very strange game. I guess ever now and then they see a real person and how many of them look at that person as equal or worth listening to not many. This last bit of insanity the health care bill we saw the game and what really happened not much just more money to the few. The climate bill is next and it is going to be ugly not for them but us all 6.8 billion of us so far. The game and the people who play it are clever Cap and trade does little to nothing to slow anything hell even if they could pass it it doesn’t start until when 2012 or is it 2014. I am still trying to understand if these people know what’s coming and making plans for themselves a few or just not to bright and believe there own stuff. The odds they believe there own stuff is probably 99 to 1 that they don’t. Cap and trade just makes the few more money at least for a few years more. I guess they understand war and in a game of chess seem to be able to think a few moves ahead but with climate change no winners strange game nice game of checkers. To try would even the playing field. Well we the average people and some not so average couldn’t possibly understand all this we need them. Who does all the work who built the space station who work’s in hospitals and grows the crops and on and on and on. Like Doug wrote all these few do is keep us divided and now strangeness is spreading though out the land and the few have lunch. Yes anything can be cared to far but what we see now who is caring it far far away so far once you see it the stupidity is amazing to see. Don’t be afraid to fight back calm at peace the truth the knowledge the few don’t have a lot of that to not think of this as kind of a war calm at peace it will not be. The stupidity with what we now know really is the amazing part to me. What shall we do?

  8. Hope2012 said on December 22nd, 2009 at 7:46pm #

    Entertaining post. I agree that we need to focus on the underlying issues we agree on in order to build from there. It’s a time-tested tactic to divide your enemy, and that’s exactly what hot-button issues like abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research etc, play into.

    My only critique (coming from one who doesn’t write of course), is that you ended (the last 3 paragraphs) precisely where I would have liked you to begin.

  9. lichen said on December 22nd, 2009 at 8:11pm #

    This article exemplifies typical marxist scumbaggery; throw out the most vulnerable members of society, throw out the left itself in order to quench your insane thirst to have movement be made up of the far-right. Well, no, we do need gun control, abortion rights, and full equality under the law for GLBT people. I’m sure many right wing self-absorbed straight people don’t think it’s necessary for us to have marriage rights, but they aren’t willing to give up their own.

    Furthermore, for thousands of years people did NOT follow some natural birth control; their lives were held hostage by a nature that wanted as many children as possible all the time; thus abusing both the parents and children by too high a number. And the millions of humans needlessly murder by guns per year will inevitably disagree with you. Ultimately, no, there are not “populists” in Kansas that share my political values on the far-right, and I will not join with them.

  10. Tool said on December 22nd, 2009 at 9:11pm #




    US government is an oligarchic fascist, nazi government, only a bloody revolution Bolshevik-French style could solve this.

    Those in control of America also use conditioning and teaching to keep the lower classes in their place. The ruling elite send their children to exclusive private schools, grooming them for Harvard, Yale and Stanford. This guarantees they will be given the high level positions in business and government

    After decades of pumping billions of tax dollars into public schools while instituting politically correct diversity programs to dumb down the curriculum, the ruling elite have conditioned a vast swath of Americans to care more about Tiger Woods’ driving and night putting skills than about the National Debt or the insidiousness of Federal Reserve induced inflation.

    The US troops are fascist buttlickers who gladly serve the capitalist wealthy corporations to exploit and murder vulnerable civilian populations overseas. The Iraqi and Afghani Freedom Fighters are doing the world a HUGE FAVOR by killing them.

    You will never change the corporate-fascist US government with peaceful demonstrations or the electoral process. The harder you try, the more violent the government response will be. Remember Kent State. The peaceniks who didn’t experience the sixties need to learn some hard lessons in the form of their own personal Kent State-type events.

    Then perhaps the current generation of peaceniks will wake up to the fact that the only way to overcome US fascism and weed it out of the US government and US society is with an all-out, Bolshevik-style, violent and bloody Revolution, complete with many thousands of public executions on the Washington Mall.

    You cannot use democracy to restore democracy in a nation that is no longer a democracy

    The USA has killed 20 million people throughout the world during the past 60 years. The USA armed and supported the murderous Khmer Rouge.

    US foreign policy is profoundly fascist, and as the likes of Panmearbig, Deep Red, and Kcuck have repeatedly pointed out to us, our US taxes go directly to fund genocide and fascism throughout the world.

    It’s way past time for us to put a stop to it.

    The real heroes are the Iraqi, Afghani, and Palestinian Freedom Fighters. The US, British, and Israeli troops are fascist butt-kissers.

    The only US military vets I respect are the ones who have thoroughly renounced the uniform, the service, and the government of the USA.

    We do not need or want help from loyalist veterans during the next American Revolution. Since they gladly served the cause of fascism, they cannot be trusted.

  11. Tool said on December 22nd, 2009 at 9:20pm #


    the philosopher Fredrich Nietzsche said that the most important things for a nation are the body, the diet and the physiology. And every thing else comes as consequence. And that’s why the greeks knew what they had to do and they did it.

    In this modern, industrial society of the spetacle, in this modern Matrix of a computerized world that the elites have given us, the body, the diet and muscle strength means shit, and taken for granted. But as we can read in his great book On The Genealogy of Morals that only those with superior muscular strength will be able to lead this world toward revolutionary change:

    “The knightly-aristocratic judgments of value have as their basic trait a powerful muscular body, a blooming, rich, even overflowing health, together with those things required to maintain these qualities: war, adventure, hunting, dancing, war games, and, in general, everything which involves strong, free, happy action.” -F. Nietzsche, On The Genealogy of Morals

    Lift weights for the revolution. Arnold Shwarzenegger was correct when he claimed that this modern society of lap tops, playstations, nintendos, xbox, computers, blackberries, ipods, cell phones is turning american males into girly, soft afeminate, muscular weak men unable to have the necessary muscle strength, will power, testosterone, drive and determination that the society demands for any real revolution, popular uprising, rebellion and change of social order toward a better world.

  12. Tool said on December 22nd, 2009 at 9:33pm #


    How can we ask and demand american regular people to revolt and protest against the US capitalist system and against the US government.

    My personal view and thesis about USA politics, is that the leaders of the left in this country are the ones who have to unite into a single pole, into a United Front and advertise and market a socialist political program, an alternative political program to the masses, for the 2012 elections, or for the 2016 elections.

    So “Socialism from bellow” doesn’t work in countries like USA. What we need is a “Socialism from Above” using the Josef Stalin, and Mao Tse Tung theory of doing the revolution by stages with the help of the national-bourgeoise and from above, led by a class of intellectual burocrat leftists. Like Rafael Correa, Evo Morales and Hugo Chavez are doing, which is a Stalinist Socialistm from above, not from bellow. Because you can’t do “Socialism from bellow” its just too utopian. I am more into realism and right-away stuff, solutions for right here right now (I’m impatient) why wait for anarchism which is about 400 years from today, when we can have protectionist, economic-nationalist system, welfare-state-regulated capitalism Venezuela style which is more realist solution for America.

    So what America needs is to organize a United Socialist Front for the 2012 elections, but it should begin now, because 2012 is just around the corner. The United Front could be composed of people like this:

    The green party, Ralph Nader, Socialist Party of USA, Socialist equality party, workers party, The Labor Party, Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, green party, Ralph Nader, Cindy Sheehan, Howard Zinn, Ray Mcgovern, David Ray Griffin, Noam Chomsky bob barr, Ron Paul, Cynthia Mckinney, James Petras, Michael Hudson, Bill Van Auken (President of the Socialist Equality Party), Amy Goodman, Juan Gonzalez, Juan Cole, Seymor Hersh, Chalmers Johnson, Alan Maass, Michael Parenti, Alexander Cockburn, Paul Craig Roberts, Tariq Ali, Jimmy Carter, Chris Hedges, and many other americans who are moralists, humanists, altruists, and rational human beings.




  13. Deadbeat said on December 22nd, 2009 at 9:48pm #

    lichen writes …

    This article exemplifies typical marxist scumbaggery; throw out the most vulnerable members of society, throw out the left itself in order to quench your insane thirst to have movement be made up of the far-right

    It has been revealing engaging these so-called “environmentalists” to see how they harbor such deep rooted anti-Marxist prejudices. Doug Page is a former union lawyer and Democratic Party politician. He is a LIBERAL not a Marxist.

  14. Tool said on December 22nd, 2009 at 9:55pm #

    Don’t blame Obama, my theory about Obama is that the shadow-government (The people behind the curtains) in Washington, D.C. might have told Obama to change his original political script when he became president on January, 2009, which was a JFK progressive script to a war-fascist script and if he doesnt comply with the orders of the Zionist Power Configuration (The Shadow Government and the people the behind the curtains in Washington, DC) the whole Obama family and him will die. Just like the whole Kennedy family was killed by Israelis Jews


  15. Deadbeat said on December 22nd, 2009 at 10:02pm #

    David G writes …

    Probably, if most American started seriously questioning the indoctrination they have received from birth: indoctrination about themselves, their religion, their so-called superiority, their right to consume more of the world’s resources than other nations, etc, it would be a good start.

    That was my argument to you in another thread. You still harbor the indoctrination that Socialism is “State Capitalism”. Apparently people on all side of the aisle are indoctrinated and why LANGUAGE and DEFINITIONS are extremely important in order to understand how the ruling elites control the population.

    Also I think you are engaging in a similar type of ad hominem against the citizenry as James Keye — blaming them for “consumption” (to be read as buying binge) when in fact for most Americans it has been the raising cost of just maintaining oneself in this society: Housing, health care, child care, transportation, and increasingly regressive taxes.

    The culprit is Capitalism especially the huge resource demand to maintain a bloated military which seems to have less to do with traditional imperialism and more to do with helping Zionism expand.

  16. Deadbeat said on December 22nd, 2009 at 10:05pm #

    Doug Page seems to be misreading the poltical discription of the neo-cons and seems to be letting Liberals off the hook. I don’t have time to elaborate but will later.

  17. DavidG. said on December 22nd, 2009 at 10:55pm #

    Deadbeat, you say in the COP15 article: ‘It is you David who is misrepresenting and distorting Socialism as ‘State Capitalism’ .

    In your comment above you again make the same allegation.

    Deadbeat, I had never heard of ‘State Capitalism’ until you made mention of it and I don’t have the faintest idea of what it means. It is a contradiction in terms.

    You then made a further allegation that it was you who made mention of the term ‘indoctrination’ in an earlier comment and implied that I had used your suggestion for my own comment.

    It seems that you think you possess all knowledge. I have run a successful blog for years and I have written thousands of posts without your input and will continue to do so (those who want to can click on my name and verify that this is true).

    Deadbeat, I have no wish to engage with you any further. I have more important things to do!

  18. Deadbeat said on December 23rd, 2009 at 12:49am #

    Deadbeat, I had never heard of ‘State Capitalism’ until you made mention of it and I don’t have the faintest idea of what it means. It is a contradiction in terms.

    Here is the Wikipedia entry for “State Capitalism”. Thus this not a term that you claim I made up.

    I don’t care if you choose to engage me or not. I am not looking for your approval. I am challenging the fallacies of your rhetoric which are merely words on a computer screen intended to misrepresent readers.

  19. Deadbeat said on December 23rd, 2009 at 12:51am #

    that should read intended to misinform readers.

  20. DavidG. said on December 23rd, 2009 at 1:37am #

    “Argue not with fools, frauds or fanatics. Seek instead better companions.”

  21. Deadbeat said on December 23rd, 2009 at 1:37am #

    Other than for lichen outrageous attack on Marxist I agree with his sentiment. It seems like Mr. Page is willing to throw segments of the population under the bus. Why doesn’t Mr. Page consider engaging communities of color who as a voting bloc never supported neo-cons.

    Also Mr. Page who is a Democrat, ignores the neo-cons in his own party. There are plenty of neo-cons who support a women’s right to choose and other socially liberal position. What marks a neo-con is there support for the use of the military to advance Zionism. Thus Mr. Page ignore paleo-conservatives (like Pat Buchanan) and libertarians (like Ron Paul) who are critical of neo-cons.

    The major problem that I see especially in the last several threads is that participants and even authors are totally ignorant of accurate definitions of the various political ideologies and have NO desire whatsoever to educate themselves. And ironically get indignant when you point out their error. Or they are deliberately misrepresenting these ideologies in order to sow confusion.

    In fact I’ve seen DV’ers ridiculously argue against ideology when in fact it is EXTREMELY vital and at this epoch extremely important to effective communication, understanding and education.

  22. Deadbeat said on December 23rd, 2009 at 1:39am #

    “Argue not with fools, frauds or fanatics. Seek instead better companions.”

    This is a political discussion board. If you are looking for companionship you need to go to

  23. Deadbeat said on December 23rd, 2009 at 1:57am #

    Wikipedia has a whole section on the various types of Conservative ideologies. I think this would be a good place for Mr. Page to start.

  24. Don Hawkins said on December 23rd, 2009 at 4:40am #

    Ohhh! Great warrior!

    Wars not make one great!

    “You must unlearn what you have learned.” “Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will…”

    “You will know (the good from the bad) when you are calm, at peace. Passive. Use the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack. ” Yoda

    “You must unlearn what you have learned,” Oh that’s foolishness look around everything is just fine granted a few minor problems but have you seen our so called leaders lately it’s all under control. We will be back to normal before you can say qualitative easing. The last few wars we were great and think of the side benefits all that oil. We used the force for knowledge and defense never for attack. Yoda he was just a character in a movie about the empire or something like that.

    What do you think of that deadbeat? The stupidity we see this day in the twenty first century and let me add with the knowledge we have is amazing to see. It appears what has happened is the money and power has again been put into a few people’s hands. It also appears that many are still falling for the stupidity it’s just better that way. Oh no it isn’t. This time it’s about the whole ball game and do the few know this, oh yes they sure do sort of. I have to admit the few are somewhat destroying themselves nature of the game and that is why I keep saying calm at peace the truth the knowledge. It looks like the only way if we wish to try. For some reason the few seem to think limiting there thinking is the answer the old way of thinking wrong a new way of thinking is needed and needed soon. Again to say limiting there thinking is being nice as so far the thinking is stupidity on a grand scale with the knowledge we now have as strangeness spreads through out the land. Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler. So far it’s everything is as complex as possible and stupidity on a grand scale to hold onto an out of control system and to make it simpler scares the hell out of them and us. To live on a planet that can’t support life let alone this out of control system doesn’t seem to enter into there thinking for some strange reason maybe because in twenty years they the few will be in a rest home or a gated community in front of a fireplace well maybe not the fireplace but having a cool glass of lemonade. I almost forgot I don’t think they know how to sing.

    Every day they are stalling and they are saying the same old things again
    But one bright country stands apart
    They’re saying things close to my heart
    They’ve got a plan with hope in hand
    They’re saying c’mon let’s just start…
    Bolivia, I wish I was Bolivian…
    Just one degree temperature rise
    300 ppm in the skies
    100 percent emissions down by two thousand forty
    Does anyone know the price of waiting
    Fighting, hating, procrastinating
    My future stands in front of me
    While people here make history
    I hope and pray that it will be
    What the world’s children wish to see
    We’ve got to take the boldest steps
    There’s work to do; clean up the mess

  25. Don Hawkins said on December 23rd, 2009 at 10:13am #

    The new Article today on DV about the health care bill was good. Next is the climate bill and almost the same thing is going to happen not much. There is a little difference knowing full well how much this means to all people on this planet and yet to do nothing to try and slow it down I wonder are they making any plans for themselves and a few close friends? Pot’s and pan’s and soon.

  26. Don Hawkins said on December 23rd, 2009 at 10:59am #

    This was well done and we don’t have until 2014 a number these policy makers seem to like we need to start now.

  27. Don Hawkins said on December 23rd, 2009 at 1:08pm #

    One more time and what James Hansen wrote is it true of course it is. It is what it is illusion. All this will do is give a few people time to make more money for there retirement in that gated community. Don’t laugh as that is exactly what they are doing. Trust me on this one.

  28. Don Hawkins said on December 24th, 2009 at 3:44am #

    Sent this to CNBC this morning.

    Have you been naughty or nice,

    What do you think naughty a good word for the first part of the twenty first century. Last nite on the Larry Show you had Don L and Jerry B and Larry talk about Atlas Shrugged and what a talk it was.

    Let us read.

    “What if I went on strike? What if all the creative minds of the world went on strike? Ayn Rand

    when the “men of the mind” go on strike, refusing to allow their inventions, art, business leadership, scientific research, or new ideas to be taken from them by the government or by the rest of the world.

    the truth about John Galt, who is leading an organized “strike” against those who use the force of law and moral guilt to confiscate the accomplishments of society’s productive members. With the collapse of the nation and its rapacious government all but certain, Galt emerges to reconstruct a society that will celebrate individual achievement and enlightened self-interest,

    Rand’s view of the ideal government is expressed by John Galt, who says, “The political system we will build is contained in a single moral premise: no man may obtain any values from others by resorting to physical force,” and claims that “no rights can exist without the right to translate one’s rights into reality—to think, to work and to keep the results—which means: the right of property.” Galt himself lives a life of laissez-faire capitalism as the only way to live consistently with his beliefs

    John Galt becomes an engineer at the Twentieth Century Motor Company, where he designs a revolutionary new motor powered by ambient static electricity. When the company owners decide to run the factory by the collectivist maxim, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need,” Galt refuses to work there any longer and abandons his motor.

    Taggart discovers that Galt and the other strikers have created their own secret enclave known as “Galt’s Gulch,” a town secluded in a Colorado mountain valley.

    Galt takes over the airwaves to deliver a lengthy speech explaining the irrationality of collectivism and offering his own philosophy (actually a summary of Rand’s Objectivist philosophy) as an alternative. Galt spoke against what he saw as the “evil” of collectivism and Christian ideas of collective sin and guilt, and said they should be replaced by enlightened selfishness and individualism. Seeking Galt after the speech, Taggart accidentally leads the authorities to him, and he is arrested. Taggart and the strikers rescue Galt as he is being tortured by the government. They return to Galt’s Gulch and prepare to take over the country as the collectivist government is collapsing.

    “Who is John Galt?” signs were seen at Tea Party protests held in the United States and at banking protests in London in April 2009. Wiki

    Tea Party protests and banking protests, Hummm

    A town secluded in a Colorado mountain valley and with what we now know Hawaii if you want to be real naughty could be a better choice. When the “men of the mind” go on strike, refusing to allow their inventions, art, business leadership, scientific research, or new ideas to be taken from them by the government or by the rest of the world. So that’s what we just saw with our own eye’s “men of the mind.”
    Galt emerges to reconstruct a society that will celebrate individual achievement and enlightened self-interest. Hello John can I call you John can you tell me about enlightened and financial engineering, inventions, art, business leadership, scientific research, or new ideas and am really interested in the new ideas part. John why didn’t you finish your motor? “The political system we will build is contained in a single moral premise: no man may obtain any values from others by resorting to physical force,” and claims that “no rights can exist without the right to translate one’s rights into reality. So that is how it work’s does it. So no man may obtain any values from others by resorting to physical force and in the first part of the twenty fist century just how do people obtain values from others? Here’s where you want to put on the thinking cap. The men of the mind the rebels and icons we see on TV to keep those electrons moving are they reconstruct a society that will celebrate individual achievement and enlightened self-interest? Let’s watch the next few months on this whole celebrate individual achievement and enlightened self-interest. A secret we have not yet seen new ideas a new way of thinking not yet flat screen TV’s or cell phones and on and on enlightened not really now the computer could be helpful with focus.

    We’ve got to take the boldest steps
    There’s work to do; clean up the mess

    That’s clean up the mess not to be naughty and make more of a mess to say the least. Like the Rev Billy said last night on CNN stop shopping think locally. Enlightened self-interest, John here’s a nice cup of coffee do you know how to play checkers?

    Don/citizen of the Universe. I can’t be a citizen of the Universe why not?

  29. Don Hawkins said on December 24th, 2009 at 4:36am #

    Let us sing,

    Oh! You better watch out,
    You better not cry,
    You better not pout,
    I’m telling you why:
    The people are coming to town!
    There making a list,
    There checking it twice,
    There gonna find out
    who’s naughty or nice.
    The people are coming to town!
    So…You better watch out,
    You better not cry
    You better not pout,
    I’m telling you why.
    The people are coming to town.
    Little tin horns,
    Little toy drums.
    and rummy tum tums.
    The people are coming to town.

  30. Don Hawkins said on December 24th, 2009 at 5:43am #

    “As for snowfall that could actually increase in the short term because of global warming. We have all heard the expression ‘too cold to snow’ and we have always expected precipitation to increase.

    “All the indicators still suggest that we are warming up in line with predictions.”

    As for the suggestion that the recent cold weather is due to a reversal of the warming Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Drift – otherwise known as the Thermohaline Circulation – this has been mostly ruled out by recent research.

    “It has a very low chance of happening and if it does occur it will be in centuries time,” added Mr Ward.

    That’s a low chance as long as we don’t see one of those surprises James Lovelock talked about. Let’s see how the rest of this winter goes and then summer will show us more. In twenty years good question.

    Little tin horns,
    Little toy drums.
    and rummy tum tums.

  31. Don Hawkins said on December 24th, 2009 at 8:28am #

    Take a look at these pictures and after the last picture number 13 look up to your right and check out the sinking Earth. Cap and trade no a little more than that is needed and needed now.

  32. Kim Petersen said on December 25th, 2009 at 9:32am #

    Doug Page is having trouble posting, so I post this clarification on his behalf:

    “I am simply saying that the few who do survive will live as feudal peasants on the estates of the very rich, unless we all, gays straight, pro choice and anti-choice, put our non-survival issues aside, and join together to oppose the neocon forces in control of both parties that are taking us into inevitable disaster.
    “I am asking not that we compromise our principles, but that we compromise the timing and priority of their implementation.”

  33. Don Hawkins said on December 25th, 2009 at 10:43am #

    The neocon forces has a real ring to it like at the end of the day on Wall Street. The share holder value and all that. the timing and priority of their implementation well said. There are a few who are trying to compromise the timing and priority of any implementation of knowledge and reason alright. Let’s just look at the most resent bit of illusion the health care bill. The Senate kicked our you know what again and kept the money and power right where it is it’s just better that way. No it isn’t. I wonder today will there be any drones that don’t drop bombs but today they shot them at people, human’s The neocon forces are they war lords sort of kind of like Wall Street nothing more than legalized extortion. In just a few months talk about kicking our you know what on the climate bill and that’s all of us 6.8 billion. It looks like all they have to do is think two moves ahead in the little game of illusion. Talk about simple made to seem complex. Then like Doug wrote in a few years and twenty could be pushing it the real you know what starts. On ABC a year ago or so Earth 2100 was a little look into what can happen on this path and done by some of the best minds we have. At one point during that program they said and it was thought that some were ok in compounds not exact words but you get the idea. They also said when the you know what hit the fan public and private funds were used to try and slow the problem. Better to start now oh not a problem refer to above comment and pictures we can see with our own eye’s that I never see on the Nightly new’s and Fox forget about it. I am asking not that we compromise our principles, but that we compromise the timing and priority of their implementation. Well said Doug and calm at peace the truth the knowledge let’s watch the truth and knowledge on the climate bill soon and good place to watch it would be in DC. Probably can’t happen that soon but the truth about a few will become more clear sure of that.

  34. Don Hawkins said on December 25th, 2009 at 11:49am #

    The fourth most dangerous religion in the world is anthropogenic global warming and who got that thinking started could it be a few people who like control of bank’s, policy, business media our thought’s? Of course the few have there own religion and has nothing to do with a higher power they are the higher power and I think they even are starting to understand they don’t have a clue what there doing that translates into the strangeness they think is ok for us to believe in something called BS and pitting one side against another, hate. Again refer to above comment pictures of not a religion but Earth and how does that go God help’s those that help’s themselves and not being carried away with themselves that we see a few do. Goldman Saks you need what how many billion’s sort of ok heck let’s do it the people will be a little mad but as we know it will go away. We will not have to compromise our principles, and continue the implementation of our big plan timing is everything. Please, try and sing this and stay in tune “Great Ones”.

    Every day they are stalling and they are saying the same old things again
    But one bright country stands apart
    They’re saying things close to my heart
    They’ve got a plan with hope in hand
    They’re saying c’mon let’s just start…
    Bolivia, I wish I was Bolivian…
    Just one degree temperature rise
    300 ppm in the skies
    100 percent emissions down by two thousand forty
    Does anyone know the price of waiting
    Fighting, hating, procrastinating
    My future stands in front of me
    While people here make history
    I hope and pray that it will be
    What the world’s children wish to see
    We’ve got to take the boldest steps
    There’s work to do; clean up the mess

    100 percent emissions down by two thousand forty still time “Oh Great Ones”

  35. Deadbeat said on December 25th, 2009 at 12:52pm #

    I am asking not that we compromise our principles, but that we compromise the timing and priority of their implementation.

    Mr. Page recognizes the problem with identity politics — that various faction are organized around an identity rather than class. These divisions were encouraged by the foundations and their intent was to shift the political focus away from class and water down the struggle against racism. The “Feminist” movement was highly effective in this regard.

    The problem however with Mr. Page’s strategy is that history has shown that when minority groups set aside their demands in the name of solidarity in the end the majority betrayed the minority. I would suggest reading the book When Affirmative Action Was White by Ira Katznelson to understand the level of betrayal from a historical perspective.

    Rather than asking the minority to set aside their issues it would be better for the majority — which Mr. Page represents — to formulate a strategy that would embraces these concerns. I would suggest starting with the wholesale rejection of Capitalism and convincing people why this must be so and winning people over by the strength of arguments rather than by desperate appeals.

  36. Don Hawkins said on December 26th, 2009 at 5:18am #

    I just saw a program on MSNBC called Earth 2025. Let me do the math. One, fifteen ok that’s, wait it’s December so about 15 years give or take a few years trouble in river city. It was done fairly well but the ending showed some of the answers like seeding clouds to make rain, oh dear. I got up early as usual and I see a terrorist who tried to blow-up a plane is big new’s. Can hardly wait to see how Fox New’s handles this. CNN they seem to be very serious and well adult like on this story. Yes can hardly wait to see the line up of talking heads on Fox. On CNN I see Homeland Security want’s people to report any strange behavior oh boy. I’ll watch Fox New’s and a few more and maybe I can see some. Heck what do you think bomb, bomb Iran could tactile nuclear weapons be used safely? Remember report any strange behavior we have to work together on this as strangeness spreads through out the land. Anyway let’s watch the Congress our leaders work together with those cool smart minds and knowledge and wisdom in the coming months should be one heck of a show and go shopping.

  37. Don Hawkins said on December 26th, 2009 at 6:21am #

    James Hansen’s web site and at the top of the page he has put new stuff. You will see it what path is the real World following. The real World an interesting concept I think I remember something about that many years ago.